The Star Junction Police Station is a sub-station of the Liberty City Police Department in Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars located in The Triangle, Algonquin, Liberty City.
The Star Junction Police Station is located on a square bounded to the north by Jade Street, to the east by Burlesque, and to the west by Denver-Exeter Avenue. It can be assumed that just like its real life counterpart, most of the station is located underground.
Occassionally, a police car may spawn here, as well as a cop guarding the building.
The player will not be held in custody in this station lest he should be arrested; instead, he will be sent to the Lower Easton Police Station in Lower Easton.
The building is a rendition of the New York Police Dept[1] located on 1479 Broadway, New York, United States.