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Hidden Packages are collectibles in Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto Advance, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Grand Theft Auto V.


The collection of hidden packages in the series is considered a side quest of sorts as the player is given the opportunity to amass rewards by collecting as many of these pickups as possible. However, hidden packages are typically placed in concealed locations or hard-to-reach places, making the task of collecting them fairly difficult.

In each game they appear in, there tends to be a total of 100 hidden packages scattered (only 15 in GTA V). The packages are also cosmetically different in each appearance:


In GTA III, collecting each hidden package awards the player $1,000, while following games only award $100. Special rewards are also offered for finding each tenth hidden package, and a large monetary reward is provided upon collecting all packages.

Due to the benefits of collecting hidden packages, it is considered advantageous to the player as they will have immediate access to crucial weapons and pickups, as opposed to having to go to individual pickup locations or spend money at a weapons shop to obtain often costly weaponry and equipment.

Collecting all hidden packages is also a requirement for 100% completion of each game.

Grand Theft Auto III[]

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City[]

Grand Theft Auto Advance[]

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories[]

Grand Theft Auto V[]

Hidden Packages appear in Grand Theft Auto V, however, they are a bit different.

  • There are 11 hidden packages located in the ocean, mostly around shipwrecks. They appear to be briefcases, containing a specific amount of money, ranging from $7,000 to $25,000 each. Most are deep enough to require a Scuba Suit to obtain safely.
  • There are also 4 hidden package briefcases located in the Altruist Camp, after completing the Altruist Cult Shootout with Trevor. These contain $25,000 each.



GTAVC HiddenPack 0 Ocean View Apt

GTA: Vice City Rub Out result.

  • Upon completing Rub Out in GTA Vice City, a Tiki statue broken in half with white powder (supposedly cocaine) spilling out of it can be found on the bar counter in the Ocean View Hotel suite. This is a reference to the Miami Vice episode "Milk Run", where cocaine was smuggled using similar Tiki statues.
  • In GTA San Andreas, a large "tiki statue", exactly the same as a hidden package in GTA Vice City, appears on the Tiki Theater in East Los Santos.

See Also[]

[ ve ]Collectibles
Grand Theft AutoKill Frenzies | Power-ups
Grand Theft Auto: London 1969Kill Frenzies | Power-ups (1969) | Power-ups (1961)
Grand Theft Auto 2Special Tokens | Kill Frenzies | GT-A1 (Wang Cars List) | Power-ups
Grand Theft Auto IIIHidden Packages | Rampages | Unique Jumps
Grand Theft Auto: Vice CityHidden Packages | Rampages | Unique Jumps
Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasTags | Snapshots | Horseshoes | Oysters | Rampages | Unique Stunt Jumps
Grand Theft Auto AdvanceHidden Packages | Rampages
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City StoriesHidden Packages | Rampages | Unique Stunt Jumps
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City StoriesRed Balloons | Rampages | Unique Stunt Jumps
Grand Theft Auto IVFlying Rats | Stunt Jumps
Episodes from Liberty CitySeagulls
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown WarsSecurity Cameras | Riding Shotgun | Stunt Jumps | Lions of Fo
Grand Theft Auto VHidden Packages | Knife Flights | Letter Scraps | Monkey Mosaics | Nuclear Waste | Peyote Plants | Spaceship Parts | Stunt Jumps | Submarine Pieces | Under the Bridge | Epsilon Tracts
Grand Theft Auto OnlineAction Figures | Playing Cards | Peyote Plants | Signal Jammers | Stunt Jumps | Movie Props | Hidden Caches | Treasure Chests | Media Sticks | Shipwrecks | Buried Stashes | Weapon Components | LD Organics Product | Jack O’ Lanterns | Snowmen | G's Caches | Ghosts Exposed | Junk Energy Skydives | Shoot Animals Photography | LS Tags | Yuanbao