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This article or section contains information on Grand Theft Auto: Vice City beta content. It may feature speculation and/or unintentional misinformation.
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The Silenced Colt was a beta weapon that was meant to appear in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City[]

The weapon was a suppressed pistol that was cut from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, although the concept was resurrected as the Silenced 9mm in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Its model (coltsil.dff) and its texture (coltsil.txd) still remain in the game files of the original PlayStation 2 release.

Despite its model name referring to Colt Firearms, the pistol was actually based on the Wildey Magnum, a large-calibre semi-automatic magnum handgun. The weapon being suppressed in the game is also erroneous; the long extension seemingly assumed to be a suppressor on the weapon's model is simply the handgun's barrel.

See Also[]


[ v • e ]Weapons
By gameGTA VI | GTA Online | GTA V | GTA Chinatown Wars | GTA IV (TBOGT | TLAD) | GTA Vice City Stories | GTA Liberty City Stories | GTA Advance | GTA San Andreas | GTA Vice City | GTA III | GTA 2 | GTA London 1961 and London 1969 | GTA
By game (categories)GTA VI | GTA Online | GTA V | GTA Chinatown Wars | GTA IV (TBOGT | TLAD) | GTA Vice City Stories | GTA Liberty City Stories | GTA Advance | GTA San Andreas | GTA Vice City | GTA III | GTA 2 | GTA London 1961 and London 1969 | GTA
By typeAssault Rifles | Handguns | Heavy Weapons | Melee Weapons | Mounted Weapons | Light Machine Guns | Rocket Launchers | Shotguns | Sniper Rifles | Submachine Guns | Thrown Weapons
By type (categories)Assault rifles | Handguns | Light machine guns | Melee weapons | Rocket launchers | Shotguns | Sniper rifles | Submachine guns | Thrown weapons
By characteristics (categories)Automatic weapons | Bladed weapons | Bullpup weapons | Explosive weapons | Gifts | Machine pistols
By manufacturer (categories)Coil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
RelatedWeapons | Ammu-Nation | Shooting Ranges | Cover System | Drive-By Shooting
Related (categories)Weapons | Weapon businesses | Weapon stores | Weapon classes | Gun clubs | Weapon dealers | Armed vehicles
[ v • e ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeScrewdriver | Hammer | Knife | Meat Cleaver | Golf Club | Nightstick | Baseball Bat | Machete | Katana | Chainsaw
ThrownTear Gas (PS2 only) | Molotov | Grenade | Detonator Grenade
HandgunColt 45/Pistol | Colt Python/.357
ShotgunShotgun/Chrome Shotgun | Stubby Shotgun | Spaz 12 Shotgun/S.P.A.S. 12
SMGTec-9 | Ingram Mac 10/Mac | Uzi 9mm/Uz-1 | MP5/MP
AssaultRuger/Kruger | M4
HeavyM60 | Flame Thrower | Rocket Launcher | Minigun
SniperSniper Rifle | PSG1/.308 Sniper
SpecialCamera | Detonator | Car Bomb
BetaAK-47 | Desert Eagle | Grenade Launcher | Land Mine | MP5K | Nail Gun | Silenced Colt | Snub Nose Python | Staple Gun | Steyr AUG | Stun Gun