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Complete your look with a Prohibition gun. Looks great sticking out the window of a Roosevelt or paired with a pinstripe suit.
Ammu-Nation and Social Club description.

The Gusenberg Sweeper is a submachine gun (categorized as a light machine gun) that is available in Grand Theft Auto V, and was initially available in Grand Theft Auto Online as a time-restricted weapon from February 13 to March 3, 2014 in the The Valentine's Day Massacre Special pack, and later re-released indefinitely on all platforms as part of the Be My Valentine update.


Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

Bring that old-school bullet spread with the gangster’s choice of violent payback. Trilby, sneers and Liberty City accent not included.
Career Builder description, GTA Online.

The Gusenberg Sweeper is based on the .45 ACP M1928A1 Thompson Submachine Gun (popularly known as the "Tommy Gun"), which is famous for its role in 1920s gangster culture and in the Second World War. The name of the weapon is a parody to The Trench Broom and the Chicago Typewriter, two informal names of the Thompson Submachine Gun.[1] The stock is derived from the later M1 & M1A1 Thompson, used during World War II. The Gusenberg Sweeper in-game is fitted with a drum magazine (that holds 30 rounds by default), which is also a common trope in mobster culture. The wooden handguard and stock are noticeably discolored due to wear and tear.

Even though it is a submachine gun, it is classified as a light machine gun and such, it is placed with the MG and the Combat MG, possibly due to its sheer size (much even larger than the SMG).

In the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC versions, the Sweeper's firing and reload sound effects sound lower in pitch when using the first person camera mode.


Grand Theft Auto V[]

The Gusenberg Sweeper's biggest advantages are its fire rate and damage per shot. It fires at 555 RPM, which is close to the fire rate of the AP Pistol and the Combat MG, and deals 34 damage per shot, being on par with assault rifles. It outclasses all other SMGs in damage per shot and fire rate. This puts the weapon in terms of damage-per-second among the best submachine guns to use.

Accuracy is exceptional in short bursts, and the range is shorter, comparable to that of other SMGs. It has a larger spread than other submachine guns. This makes the Gusenberg Sweeper ineffective at long range, however, single shots or short bursts cut down on recoil and make it a very accurate weapon.

A bizarre trait for the weapon is the ammo capacity. A stock magazine only holds 30 rounds, and it can be upgraded to 50 rounds. This capacity is mediocre for an LMG, and due to the high fire rate, it is not uncommon to be caught in reloads during a firefight.

Another downside of the weapon is the attachment selection. It can only mount the Extended Clip, unlike other SMGs/MGs. This means the player cannot upgrade its stats, limiting its effectiveness.

Compared to other MGs, besides the ammo capacity, it has a better fire rate but lower damage than the standard MG. The Combat MG completely outclasses it, having higher damage per shot, accuracy and ammo capacity.

In conclusion, the Gusenberg Sweeper should be treated as a submachine gun more than a light machine gun. It is ineffective at long range, and its low ammo capacity makes it impractical to use, but this can be disregarded if not fired fully automatic. However, at medium and close ranges, it is a very effective weapon, having a high damage per shot, akin to assault rifles, and a high fire rate.

Despite being chambered in .45 ACP, it ejects bottlenecked rifle casings, most likely due to reused assets with other LMGs.

GTA V and Online Overview[]

Weapon Statistics - Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online
(per shot) [?]
Fire Rate [?] Range
(m / ft) [?]
Ammo Specifications/
Reload Mechanism Reload Speed [?]
17 (27.2)


(556 RPM)
120 / 394 30 N/A N/A
In-game Statements / Markings
N/A 555 RPM N/A 30-round drum magazine
50-round drum magazine (Extended clip)
Charging handle 2.40 seconds
Rockstar Games Social Club [?]


Fire Rate/Speed






Clip Size



Grand Theft Auto V[]

Rounds & magazine GTA V GTA Online Image
Rounds (60) $108 $83
Default clip (30 rounds) Default Default
Extended clip (50 rounds) $9,960 $9,960
Black Default Default
Army $5,000 $5,000
Green (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $5,250F $5,250
Orange (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $5,500F $5,500
LSPD $5,750 $5,750
Pink (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $7,500F $7,500
Gold (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $10,000F $10,000
Platinum (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $12,500F $12,500
F Free for players that have the Special/Collector's edition of the game.



HUD icon[]

First-Person View[]


Grand Theft Auto V[]

Original version
  • Upon downloading the 1.10 patch, when story mode is loaded, the gun is available for purchase at Ammu-Nation for free. It will be also automatically located in the player's weapon inventory.
  • The Gusenberg Sweeper returns again as part of the 2016 version of the update, the Be My Valentine update.
  • At the beginning of March 2014, it was removed from Ammu-Nation stores. Those who purchased the weapon still have access to it and can continue to buy attachments and ammo.
Enhanced version
  • Available indefinitely in Ammu-Nation after completing the last storyline mission, for $14,600.

Grand Theft Auto Online[]

  • Available for purchase in Ammu-Nation, for $14,600.



  • The Gusenberg Sweeper is named after contract killer Frank Gusenberg, who was a victim of the Saint Valentine's Day massacre. Gusenberg, along with six other people, was killed by several criminals using M1928A1 Thompsons.
  • The Sweeper element of the gun's name makes direct reference to a popular name for the Thompson submachine gun; "Trench Sweeper".
  • Whether the Extended Clip is equipped or not, the Gusenberg Sweeper always has a drum magazine (modelled after the real Thompson's 50-round drum), but with a different detail on the exterior.
  • In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, a Thompson submachine gun can be seen among weapons on the shelves/racks inside Ammu-Nation.
  • A Thompson-based weapon appeared in a poster located inside the Underground Gun Shops, in Grand Theft Auto IV.

Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

  • According to the stat window, it has a superior range than all the assault rifles in the game. However, the range of automatic aiming is much shorter than that of assault rifles.
  • Though the Ammu-Nation description says that "it looks great sticking out the window of a Roosevelt", it cannot be used from inside a vehicle. It can, however, be used while hanging off the side of a Roosevelt.
  • In Grand Theft Auto V, if the Gusenberg Sweeper hasn't been unlocked yet, the magazine on its model has a very low opacity when viewing on the Ammu-Nation shelf.


Grand Theft Auto Online[]

  • After downloading patch 1.11 a bug would remove the gun from the inventory of online players as well as the store. Rockstar later patched the bug.
  • Subsequent patches have prevented GTA Online players from dropping the weapon.



[ ve ]Weapons
By gameGTA VI | GTA Online | GTA V | GTA Chinatown Wars | GTA IV (TBOGT | TLAD) | GTA Vice City Stories | GTA Liberty City Stories | GTA Advance | GTA San Andreas | GTA Vice City | GTA III | GTA 2 | GTA London 1961 and London 1969 | GTA
By game (categories)GTA VI | GTA Online | GTA V | GTA Chinatown Wars | GTA IV (TBOGT | TLAD) | GTA Vice City Stories | GTA Liberty City Stories | GTA Advance | GTA San Andreas | GTA Vice City | GTA III | GTA 2 | GTA London 1961 and London 1969 | GTA
By typeAssault Rifles | Handguns | Heavy Weapons | Melee Weapons | Mounted Weapons | Light Machine Guns | Rocket Launchers | Shotguns | Sniper Rifles | Submachine Guns | Thrown Weapons
By type (categories)Assault rifles | Handguns | Light machine guns | Melee weapons | Rocket launchers | Shotguns | Sniper rifles | Submachine guns | Thrown weapons
By characteristics (categories)Automatic weapons | Bladed weapons | Bullpup weapons | Explosive weapons | Gifts | Machine pistols
By manufacturer (categories)Coil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
RelatedWeapons | Ammu-Nation | Shooting Ranges | Cover System | Drive-By Shooting
Related (categories)Weapons | Weapon businesses | Weapon stores | Weapon classes | Gun clubs | Weapon dealers | Armed vehicles
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto V
MeleeAntique Cavalry Dagger | Baseball Bat | Bottle | Crowbar | Fist | Golf Club | Hammer | Hatchet | Knife | Knuckle Dusters | Machete | Nightstick
HandgunsAP Pistol | Combat Pistol | Heavy Pistol | Marksman Pistol | Pistol | Pistol .50 | SNS Pistol | Stun Gun | Vintage Pistol
ShotgunsAssault Shotgun | Bullpup Shotgun | Heavy Shotgun | Musket | Pump Shotgun | Sawed-Off Shotgun
Machine GunsAssault SMG | Combat MG | Combat PDW | Gusenberg Sweeper | Machine Pistol | MG | Micro SMG | SMG
AssaultAdvanced Rifle | Assault Rifle | Bullpup Rifle | Carbine Rifle | Special Carbine
Sniper RiflesHeavy Sniper | Marksman Rifle | Sniper Rifle
HeavyFirework Launcher | Grenade Launcher | Homing Launcher | Minigun | Railgun | RPG
ThrownBall | Grenade | Jerry Can | Molotov | Proximity Mines | Sticky Bomb | Tear Gas (BZ Gas)
SpecialCamera | Digiscanner | Parachute | Remote Sniper
Beta/UnknownAssault MG | Assault Sniper | Crossbow | Fire Axe | Fire Extinguisher | Harpoon Gun | Heavy Rifle | Laser | Laser Sight | Lasso | Lighter | Loudhailer | Programmable AR | Rubber Gun | Shovel | Tear Gas Launcher
ManufacturersCoil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
Related PagesWeapon Wheel | Attachments | Ammu-Nation
DLC Content Weapons
Added as part of the following GTA Online content updates:
Lowriders | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Beach Bum Update
Other Weapons
Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Rockstar Games Social Club
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto Online
MeleeAntique Cavalry Dagger | Baseball Bat | Battle Axe | Bottle | Candy Cane | Crowbar | Fist | Flashlight | Golf Club | Hammer | Hatchet | Knife | Knuckle Dusters | Machete | Nightstick | Pipe Wrench | Pool Cue | Switchblade | Stone Hatchet | The Shocker
HandgunsAP Pistol | Ceramic Pistol | Combat Pistol | Double-Action Revolver | Flare Gun | Heavy Pistol | Heavy Revolver (Mk II) | Marksman Pistol | Navy Revolver | Pistol (Mk II) | Pistol .50 | Perico Pistol | SNS Pistol (Mk II) | Stun Gun | Up-n-Atomizer | Vintage Pistol | WM 29 Pistol
ShotgunsAssault Shotgun | Bullpup Shotgun | Combat Shotgun | Double Barrel Shotgun | Heavy Shotgun | Musket | Pump Shotgun (Mk II) | Sawed-Off Shotgun | Sweeper Shotgun
Machine GunsAssault SMG | Combat MG (Mk II) | Combat PDW | Gusenberg Sweeper | Machine Pistol | MG | Micro SMG | Mini SMG | SMG (Mk II) | Tactical SMG | Unholy Hellbringer
AssaultAdvanced Rifle | Assault Rifle (Mk II) | Battle Rifle | Bullpup Rifle (Mk II) | Carbine Rifle (Mk II) | Compact Rifle | Heavy Rifle | Military Rifle (El Strickler) | Service Carbine | Special Carbine (Mk II)
Sniper RiflesHeavy Sniper (Mk II) | Marksman Rifle (Mk II) | Precision Rifle | Sniper Rifle
HeavyCompact Grenade Launcher (EMP | Snowball) | Firework Launcher | Grenade Launcher | Homing Launcher | Minigun | Railgun | RPG | Widowmaker
ThrownAcid Package | Flare | Grenade | Jerry Can (Hazardous | Fertilizer) | Molotov | Proximity Mines | Pipe Bomb | Snowballs | Sticky Bomb | Tear Gas (BZ)
SpecialCar Bomb | Fireworks | Hacking Device | Metal Detector | Orbital Cannon | Parachute
Beta/UnknownAssault MG | Assault Sniper | Dippo | Fire Axe | Fire Extinguisher | Laser | Laser Sight | Lasso | Loudhailer | Programmable AR | Rubber Gun | Shovel | Tear Gas Launcher
ManufacturersCoil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
Related PagesWeapon Wheel | Attachments | Ammu-Nation | Gun Van | Weapon Workshop | Weaponized Vehicles (Workshop)
DLC Content Weapons
Agents of Sabotage | Bottom Dollar Bounties | The Chop Shop | San Andreas Mercenaries | Los Santos Drug Wars | The Criminal Enterprises | The Contract | Los Santos Tuners | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Diamond Casino Heist | The Diamond Casino & Resort | Arena War | After Hours | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | The Doomsday Heist | Smuggler's Run | Gunrunning | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Import/Export | Bikers | Cunning Stunts | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Be My Valentine | January 2016 Update | Festive Surprise 2015 | Executives and Other Criminals | Halloween Surprise | Lowriders | Freemode Events Update | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Holiday Gifts | Beach Bum Update

Other Weapons
Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Rockstar Games Social Club