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For general information on garages, see garages.

A garage is generally an area in the game where the player's car can interact with. It can be a save garage, a spray garage, a bomb shop garage, or simply a generic garage. In Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, garages can only be created and controlled through the main.scm. In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, garages can only be created through the GRGE section of the IPL file and controlled through the main.scm. You can duplicate most types of garages but you should not duplicate save garages. Each save garage saves specific vehicle(s) for that specific garage. Duplicating save garages can delete your saved vehicle(s).


The following opcodes are related to the garage. Not all opcodes work for all games.

0219 - Creates a garage
021B - Sets the garage to accept only a specific vehicle's ID
021C - Checks if a vehicle is in the garage
0299 - Activates a garage
02B9 - Deactivates a garage
02FA - Changes the type of garage
0360 - Opens a garage door, if there is one
0361 - Closes a garage door, if there is one
03B0 - Checks if a garage's door is opened
03B1 - Checks if a garage's door is closed
03BB - Sets the garage door to swing open instead of sliding open
03DA - Disables remote camera control of the player when in a garage
057A - Sets the maximum amount of cars it can store
0A14 - Sets a paint shop type of garage to disable


Main article: GRGE

San Andreas introduced the GRGE section in the IPL file. It replaces the previously used opcodes 0219, 03BB and 057A. It creates an invisible cube which interacts as a garage.

Types of Garages[]

There are many types of garages that are used in the game. The following lists are based on an unmodified game.


ID Description
1 Placeholder garage (inactive garage)
2 Bomb shop with 5 second detonator
3 Bomb shop with engine ignition detonation
4 Bomb shop with remote-control detonator
5 Spray garage
8 Portland Import Export garage
9 Shoreside Import Export garage
11 McAffrey's hideout garage
14 Hoods defusal garage
16 Save garage (Portland hideout)
17 Save garage (Staunton hideout)
18 Save garage (Shoreside hideout)
19 Securicar garage (Portland Docks)
20 D-Ice's platinum drop-off garage
21 Salvatore's garage

Vice City[]

ID Description
1 Placeholder garage (inactive garage)
2 Bomb shop with 5 second detonator
3 Bomb shop with engine ignition detonation
4 Bomb shop with remote-control detonator
5 Spray garage
6 invalid garage
7 Car eater, functions similar to export garages but accepts any cars and gives no reward
8 Sunshine Autos export garage 1
9 Sunshine Autos export garage 2
10 Sunshine Autos export garage 3
11 unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will stay opened if anything is in the garage and will close itself if there's nothing in the garage
12 invalid garage
13 invalid garage
14 unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will always close itself
15 unused garage, normally closed but if opened it can't close
16 Save garage (El Swanko Casa)
17 Save garage (Hyman Condo 1)
18 Save garage (Hyman Condo 2)
19 garage used in "Copland", normally closed and can be controlled normally
20 unused garage, normally closed and can be controlled normally
21 unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will always close itself
22 Sunshine Autos export garage 4
23 Army garage used in "Sir, Yes Sir!"
24 Save garage (Hyman Condo 3)
25 Save garage (Ocean Heights Apartment)
26 Save garage (Links View Apartment)
27 Save garage (Sunshine Autos 1)
28 Save garage (Sunshine Autos 2)
29 Save garage (Sunshine Autos 3)
30 Save garage (Sunshine Autos 4)
31 Save garage (Vercetti Estate)
32 Save garage (unused)

San Andreas[]

ID Description
1 Placeholder garage (inactive garage)
2 Bomb shop with 5 second detonator
3 Bomb shop with engine ignition detonation
4 Bomb shop with remote-control detonator
5 Spray garage
15 ?
16 Save garage (Ganton)
17 Save garage (Santa Maria Beach)
18 Save garage (Rockshore West)
19 ?
24 Save garage (Fort Carson)
25 Save garage (Verdant Meadows)
26 Save garage (Dillimore)
27 Save garage (Prickle Pine)
28 Save garage (Whitewood Estates)
29 Save garage (Palomino Creek)
30 Save garage (Redsands West)
31 Save garage (El Corona)
32 Save garage (Muholland)
33 Los Santos impound lot
34 San Fierro impound lot
35 Las Venturas impound lot
36 Loco Low Co (opens only for lowriders)
37 Wheel Arch Angels (opens only for street racers)
38 Transfender (opens for anything else)
39 Save garage (Calton Heights)
40 Save garage (Paradiso)
41 Save garage (Doherty)
42 Save garage (Hashbury)
43 Burglary
44 AT 400 hangar (garage door opens very slow)
45 Verdant Meadows hangar

Vice City Stories[]

ID Description
1 Placeholder garage (inactive garage)
2 Bomb shop with 5 second detonator
3 Bomb shop with engine ignition detonation
4 Bomb shop with remote-control detonator
5 Spray garage
14 Save garage (101 Bayshore Avenue)
15 Save garage (Compound)
16 Save garage (Clymenus Suite)
17 Closed garage?

List of Garages[]

The following will list the garages used from GTA III and above. All except San Andreas uses global variables as the name of the garages. San Andreas names its garages. The following lists are based on an unmodified game.


Name Location Description
$60 891.25, -311.0625, 7.6875 Portland hideout garage
$61 1284.563, -100.5, 13.5625 Portland bomb shop garage
$62 921.0, -367.5, 9.75 Portland Pay n Spray
$63 1496.75, -686.1875, 11.0 Portland Import Export garage
$67 1428.75, -187.0, 49.6875 Salvatore's garage
$68 1440.688, -805.5625, 10.875 Securicar garage
$69 1074.0, -578.0, 13.0 Luigi's lockup garage
$70 115.0625, -475.25, 15.0 Staunton Island hideout garage
$71 386.0, -573.0 25.1875, 376.5625 Staunton Island bomb shop garage
$72 386.0, -490.0 25.1875, 376.5625 Staunton Island Pay n Spray
$73 257.0, -803.0, 26.75 King Courtney's lockup garage
$74 63.75, -307.875, 15.1875 Columbian garage 1
$75 53.0, -308.0, 15.1875 Columbian garage 2
$76 24.875, -344.0, 15.1875 Columbian garage 3
$77 24.5, -355.0, 15.1875 Columbian garage 4
$78 52.5, -388.0, 15.1875 Columbian garage 5
$79 377.25, -511.375, 25.0625 Kenji's lockup garage
$80 245.375, -992.1875, 20.0 Ray's lockup garage
$81 375.0, -441.5, 20.0625 McAffrey's hideout garage
$87 -662.5, -47.375, 17.0 Shoreside Vale hideout garage
$88 -1078.875, 58.0, 56.0 Shoreside Vale bomb shop garage
$89 1346.875, -315.5, 49.0 D-Ice's defusal garage
$90 -824.6875, -165.5, 32.75 D-Ice's platinum drop-off garage
$91 -1049.125, -77.4375, 37.75 Donald's Securicar garage
$92 -1117.5, 150.875, 55.0 Shoreside Vale Import Export garage
$93 -1139.0, 37.75, 55.0 Shoreside Vale Pay n Spray

Vice City[]

Name Location Description
$655 303.998, 400.718, 12.025 Links View Apartment garage
$659 27.143, -1483.954, 9.423 Ocean Heights Apartment garage
$663 450.136, 641.029, 10.112 El Swanko Casa garage
$667 -848.225, 1303.119, 10.421 Hyman Condo garage 1
$668 -825.466, 1311.499, 10.537 Hyman Condo garage 2
$669 -816.37, 1314.6899, 10.582 Hyman Condo garage 3
$681 -914.129, -1263.54, 10.706 Vice Port Pay n Spray
$682 -1014.341, -857.732, 6.325 Spray n Go
$683 -886.157, -115.158, 9.992 Little Haiti Pay n Spray
$684 323.9, 427.4, 10.0 Vice Point Pay n Spray
$685 -7.55, -1253.77, 9.322 Washington Beach Pay n Spray
$686 -362.12, -550.214, 11.722 Vercetti Estate garage
$687 -966.016, -861.529, 5.761 Sunshine Autos export garage
$688 -1056.05, -469.668, 10.053 Cortez's garage used in "Sir, Yes Sir!"
$689 -823.448, -1488.083, 10.852 Army garage used in "Sir, Yes Sir!"
$690 449.137, 340.002, 10.794 Lockup garage used in "Cop Land"
$691 -1163.248, -1407.282, 10.157 8-Ball's bomb shop
$692 -981.654, -802.265, 6.325 Sunshine Autos garage 1
$693 -992.416, -802.265, 6.325 Sunshine Autos garage 2
$694 -1003.771, -802.265, 6.325 Sunshine Autos garage 3
$695 -1015.436, -802.265, 6.325 Sunshine Autos garage 4

San Andreas[]

Name Location Description
-1794.15, 1429.69, 4.37321 Esplanade North garage used in "Ran Fa Li"
-1694.78, 1033.15, 44.1937 Downtown garage used in "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom"
amumis -2114.42, -2462.27, 29.4809 Angel Pine garage used in "Puncture Wounds"
beacsv 319.326, -1768.93, 3.35686 Santa Maria Beach garage
blob1 1968.23, 2157.88, 9.59696 Redsands East Pay n Spray
blob2 2002.96, 2303.72, 9.61706 Welding and Wedding bomb shop
blob6 1408.65, 1899.52, 10.115 Redsands West garage
blob69 1269.2, 2525.14, 9.80013 Prickle Pine garage
blob7 929.554, 2008.59, 10.115 Whitewood Estates garage
bodLAwN 1038.24, -1025.67, 31.1027 Los Santos Transfender
brgSFSE -2112.48, -21.214, 34.303 San Fierro burglary garage
burbdo2 783.155, -492.75, 16.3361 Dillimore garage
burbdoo 2227.6, 168.649, 26.4635 Palomino Creek garage
burg_lk 2738.4, -2012.55, 12.5759 Los Santos burglary garage
carlas1 1694.8, -2088.7, 12.3636 El Corona garage
CEsafe1 1352.58, -636.657, 108.135 Muholland garage
CEspray 715.806, -462.403, 14.9635 Dillimore Pay n Spray
cjsafe 2502.31, -1699.36, 12.4323 Ganton garage
cn2gar1 -364.439, 1194.37, 18.597 Fort Carson garage
cn2gar2 430.059, 2542.31, 15.166 Verdant Meadows garage
CN2spry -103.636, 1112.42, 18.7017 Fort Carson Pay n Spray
CNspray -1424.11, 2576.61, 54.8156 El Quebrados Pay n Spray
dhangar 383.843, 2433.28, 15.166 Verdant Meadows hangar
duf_LAS 1873.97, -2096.55, 12.487 El Corona garage used in "Los Desperados"
fdorsfe -2171.43, 649.416, 49.8742 Wu Zi's garage
ghostdr -397.297, 2223.17, 41.3824 El Castillo del Diablo garage used in "Interdiction"
hbgdSFS -2043.1, 118.609, 27.821 main Doherty garage
imp_la 1523.92, -1653.23, 4.72837 Los Santos impound lot
imp_sf -1652.78, 647.502, -6.04924 San Fierro impound lot
imp_lv 2218.06, 2448.06, -8.43807 Las Venturas impound lot
lasbomb 1843.91, -1858.8, 12.3645 Los Santos bomb shop
LCKSfse -2057.35, 150.803, 27.8286 Doherty garage
mds1SFS -2728.53, 212.295, 3.45112 Wheels Arch Angel
mdsSFSe -1941.04, 251.714, 33.4274 San Fierro Transfender
michdr -1790.97, 1209.71, 23.763 Michelle's garage
modgLAS 1809.46, -2150.67, 12.4283 Cesar's garage
mul_lan 1640.37, -1520.07, 12.5118 Downtown Los Santos garage used in "Life's a Beach"
modlast 2640.78, -2049.99, 12.543 Loco Low Co
sav1sfe -2108.92, 886.553, 75.566 Calton Heights garage
sav1sfw -2699.12, 821.489, 49.0042 Paradiso garage
sprLAe 2056.6, -1835.9, 12.5443 Idlewood Pay n Spray
sprLAe 1021.81 -1018.71 30.9081 Temple Pay n Spray
spLAw2 491.103, -1747.55, 9.45516 Verona Beach Pay n Spray
sprsfse -1908.93, 292.353, 40.0413 Downtown San Fierro Pay n Spray
sprsfw -2430.13, 1013.71, 49.3413 Juniper Hollow Pay n Spray
svgsfs1 -2454.02, -131.556, 25.0886 Hashbury garage
tbon -2735.46, 60.7331, 3.07005 Ocean Flat garage used in "T-Bone Mendez"
timy1 2389.6, 1483.26, 9.81843 Las Venturas unused Pay n Spray
vEcmod 2382.28, 1044, 9.8337 Las Venturas Transfender
vEsvgrg 2449.5, 695.018, 10.4742 Rockshore West garage
vgElock 2602.6, 1438.84, 9.8337 Las Venturas burglary garage
vgshngr 1550.98, 1155.36, 8.97329 AT 400 hangar

Liberty City Stories[]

Name Location Description
$1265 928.93 -354.13 9.8 Portland Pay n Spray
$1266 1308.5 -306.83 41.22 St. Mark's garage used in "Contra-Banned"
$1267 1435.5 -183.5 49.5 Salvatore's garage
$1268 1213.54 -241.1 23.94 Unused St. Mark's garage
$1272 1148.8 64.3 0.5 Portland car crusher
$1273 1285.44 -102.5 13.6
$1274 1160.7 -267.5 16.25 Portland hideout garage
$1275 293.5 -429.7 25.0 Portland bomb shop garage
$1276 -783.9 293.07 47.69 Shoreside Vale hideout garage
$1284 386.0 -490.0 25.05 Staunton Pay n Spray
$1285 386.0 -573.0 25.2 Staunton hideout garage
$1286 93.084 -1581.044 20.0 Donald Love's garage
$1287 335.058 -418.987 20.0 used in "Search And Rescue"
$1288 369.0 -124.5 20.0 Forelli's Fort Staunton garage
$1289 -92.5 -1427.95 25.14 Ned Burner's garage
$1290 73.63 -1514.44 21.0 Donald's import garage
$1295 -1139.0 37.8 57.76 Shoreside Vale Pay n Spray
$1296 -1078.9 58.0 56.0

Vice City Stories[]

Name Location Description
$1169 -838.687, -1201.066, 10.515 101 Bayshore Avenue garage
$1170 -1100.551, 358.494, 10.237 Compound garage
$1171 268.883, -140.02, 10.0 Clymenus Suite garage
$1172 -914.129, -1263.54, 10.706 Vice Port Pay n Spray
$1173 -886.157, -115.158, 9.992 Little Haiti Pay n Spray
$1174 323.9, 427.4, 10.0 Vice Point Pay n Spray
$1175 -7.55, -1253.77, 9.322 Washington Beach Pay n Spray
$1176 -904.886, 1125.84, 10.0913 Bomb shop
$1178 168.9468, -949.7315, 9.3865 Washington Beach garage used in "Purple Haze"
$1179 -353.7, -539.484, 11.72 Starfish Island garage used in "The Exchange"

See Also[]

[ v • e ]Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
LocationsState of San Andreas (Los Santos | San Fierro | Las Venturas | Red County | Flint County | Whetstone | Tierra Robada | Bone County)
CharactersCarl "CJ" Johnson | Sean "Sweet" Johnson | Kendl Johnson | Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris | Lance "Ryder" Wilson | Cesar Vialpando | Frank Tenpenny | Wu Zi Mu | Mike Toreno | Ken Rosenberg
ContentMissions | Vehicles | Weapons | Assets | Characters | Clothing | Tattoo Parlors | Radio Stations | Gang Warfare
Information100% Completion | Achievements/Trophies | Weapon Stats | Player's Stats | Cheats | Trailers | Artworks

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[ v • e ]Modding in Grand Theft Auto
Important!See our Policy on modded content.
Official modificationsFiveM
Unofficial modificationsGTA Garage Mod Manager | Hot Coffee | Multi Theft Auto | San Andreas Multiplayer | Vice City Multiplayer
Third-party file toolsCodeWalker (CodeX) | OpenIV | Spark IV


[ v • e ]Game files and formats in Grand Theft Auto
Important!See our Policy on modded content.
File formatsIMG Archive | DFF | TXD | IDE | GXT | Handling.cfg | Carcols Dynamic Object
Game filesAnimviewer.dat/GTAVC | Bink | Default.dat/GTAVC | Chassis Vlo | Fistfite.dat/GTAVC | Flight.dat | Gta vc.dat | Object.dat/GTAVC | OpenGTA2 | Particle.cfg/GTAVC | Particle (SA) | Paths | Ped.dat/GTAVC | Pedgrp.dat/GTAVC | Pedstats.dat/GTAVC | Scenarios.dat | Scripted Path | Surface.dat/GTAVC | Surfaud.dat | TimeCyc Definition | Timecyc.dat/GTAVC | Train.dat/GTAVC | Train.dat/GTAVC | Train.dat/GTAVC | Train2.dat/GTAVC | WAD | WBD-WBN | WPFL | Water.dat | Water.dat/GTAVC | Weapon.dat/GTAVC | Weaponinfo.xml
File toolsCodeWalker | OpenIV | Spark IV