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GTA Wiki
Export all three car lists.
— In-game description

A Legitimate Business is an achievement/trophy in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


The three car lists can be completed one after the other at the dockside crane in Easter Basin, San Fierro. See Exports and Imports for more info on completing them.


The achievement is twofold, as it is both an achievement/trophy on supported consoles, as well as unlocked in the Social Club.

Video Walkthrough[]


[ ve ]Achievements and Trophies in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - The Definitive Edition
Story MissionsAchievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-GettingStarted Getting Started | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-AssertYourselfNextTime Assert Yourself Next Time | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-Assassin Assassin | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-AllDressedUpforSanFierro All Dressed Up for San Fierro | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-WhoNeedsDirections Who Needs Directions? | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-WhathappensinLasVenturas What happens in Las Venturas... | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-TheyCantStopAllofUs They Can't Stop All of Us | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-LibertyCityStateofMind Liberty City State of Mind | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-LotsofGuns Lots of Guns | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-TheEndoftheLine The End of the Line | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-TimetoKill Time to Kill
Side MissionsAchievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-NotaPlayer Not a Player | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-ALegitimateBusiness A Legitimate Business | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-BikeorBiker Bike or Biker | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-SwissArmyStrife Swiss Army Strife | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-SchoolsOut School's Out | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-WhattheCityNeeds What the City Needs | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-Saviour Saviour | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-RescueaKittenToo Rescue a Kitten Too? | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-YesISpeakEnglish Yes I Speak English | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-BeattheCock Beat the Cock
FreeroamAchievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-IAintNoBuster I Ain't No Buster | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-Remastered Remastered | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-Herewegoagain ...Here we go again | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-IllHaveTwoNumber9s I'll Have Two Number 9s | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-WithExtraDip With Extra Dip | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-HoopinitUp Hoopin' it Up | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-TheAmericanDream The American Dream | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-PaynSpray Pay 'n' Spray | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-HorroroftheSantaMaria Horror of the Santa Maria | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-LuckySpinner Lucky Spinner | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-SmoothMoves Smooth Moves | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-WhataretheOdds What are the Odds | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-DoubleorNothin Double or Nothin' | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-OriginalGangster Original Gangster | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-TodayWasaGoodDay Today Was a Good Day | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-PublicEnemyNo1 Public Enemy No. 1 | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-ChickMagnet Chick Magnet | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-AintNothingButaGThing Ain't Nothing But a G Thing | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-StickyFingers Sticky Fingers | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-81YearsTooLate 81 Years Too Late | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-GetaPump Get a Pump | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-Metrosexual Metrosexual | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-WheredHeGo Where'd He Go? | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-HighAsaKite High As a Kite | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-Represent Represent | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-SerialOffender Serial Offender | Achievements-GTASA-DefinitiveEdition-FreightDate Freight Date