Gravity Falls Wiki
Gravity Falls Wiki

The following is a list of goofs, errors, and mistakes in the series Gravity Falls.

Due to the nature of this show, a majority of these goofs can be justified as instances of the "weirdness" that plagues Gravity Falls.

Note: There is a difference between a goof (a mistake made by the directors/writers) and intentional gag shots (a mistake made by a character, or a "mistake" made on purpose as a joke or reference).

Season 1[]


Tourist TrappedThe Legend of the GobblewonkerHeadhuntersThe Hand That Rocks the MabelThe InconveniencingDipper vs. ManlinessDouble DipperIrrational TreasureThe Time Traveler's PigFight FightersLittle DipperSummerweenBoss MabelBottomless Pit!The Deep EndCarpet DiemBoyz CrazyLand Before SwineDreamscaperersGideon Rises

Tourist Trapped[]

  • In this episode, Gravity Falls is shown to be in the center of Oregon, but in subsequent episodes, Gravity Falls is shown to be in Eastern Oregon.
  • Corvallis is spelled "Corvalis" on the map of Oregon.
  • One man in Stan's tour group sports a camera bag around his shoulder. After Stan shows the group the Sascrotch, the camera bag disappears.
  • While Dipper is reading from Journal 3, he reads "studying" even though the book says "researching."
  • The triangle stained window is centered with a double ring from the inside, but from the outside it has a single ring.
  • When Dipper is showing Journal 3 to Mabel, the page Dipper wrote at the end of the episode can be seen, even though he hadn't written that page yet.
  • The order of the pages in Journal 3 are different from the first time Dipper opens the Journal and when he shows Mabel the journal when he attempts to convince her that Norman is a zombie. The book's introduction is shown to follow the page that says "TRUST NO ONE," when in actuality the introduction is at the very beginning of the book.
  • When Dipper and Mabel are being chased, a rear shot of the back of the Mystery Cart shows that Dipper's hat is missing despite it being present in the preceding and following shots.
  • After Dipper throws the shovel at the gnomes, the crashed Mystery Cart changes positions.
  • When Dipper and Mabel grab each other in fear after the gnomes had crushed the thrown shovel, a part of Dipper's hair on the left side of his head is missing, giving him the appearance of having a shorter haircut.
  • When Mabel accepts the engagement ring from Jeff, leaves appear in her hair. The leaves disappear in the next shot.
  • When Dipper and Mabel are choosing something from the Mystery Shack's inventory, Mabel is heard cheering from excitement, but her mouth is closed during the sounds.

The Legend of the Gobblewonker[]

  • When Old Man McGucket says "Aw, banjo polish!" when leaving the dock, his mouth doesn't move.
  • In Mabel's fantasy, Xyler initially has blue-framed sunglasses, and Craz has pink-framed sunglasses. After Mabel talks to them, they both have pink frames.
  • When Soos grabs Dipper by the top of his life-jacket when they are running away from the Gobblewonker, one shot shows Dipper's shirt being pulled up by the life jacket, exposing his stomach. However, in the next shot, his shirt is not pulled up.
  • When Soos is throwing the cameras at the Gobblewonker, some cameras randomly appear in his hand.
  • When McGucket shows the first newspaper article, it has the subheading, "Now with less typos." In the next shot, the subheading says "Now with less typo."
  • Soos loses his shirt during his fight with the beavers and is clearly shown with nothing on under his vest when the gang meets up with Stan at the end. However, one group photo of them shows Soos with his shirt back on.
  • On some TV English captions, Soos' name is said as Zeus.


  • Mabel's eyebrows and eyelashes are missing just before she says "Are you saying you could outwit Duck-tective?"
  • When Stan is introducing the wax figures to the twins and Soos, Wax Larry King is shown to be nearly the same height as Wax Sherlock Holmes, but in other shots, he is much shorter.
  • Mabel's drawings of her sculpture ideas have color, but she only uses a regular pencil.
  • Wax Stan is missing in the shot where Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland laugh at Dipper.
  • When Mabel says "Even us!", the button on her disposable camera disappears.
  • When Dipper and Mabel leave the Mystery Shack to find Manly Dan, there is writing in the bottom right of the screen that says "G/F#103 BCT126," likely left over from production.
  • Dipper and Mabel make a scribbled line on Mikey R.'s row on their checklist. However, in a later scene, this mark is instead shown on the Angry lady's row.
  • When the security footage of Toby is shown for the first time, the clock starts at 10:00 with the seconds ticking off. However, the second time it is shown, the clock still says 10:00 and the seconds are reset at 0.
  • When Mabel shows Toby an issue of the Gravity Falls Gossiper there's a photo of Wax Stan's head, but in Wax Sherlock Holmes' flashback, he takes the head away.
  • When Wax Sherlock Holmes decapitates Wax Stan and he looks at the head, the design on the fez is a simple crescent, rather than the actual design.
  • The wax figures say they come alive during a waxing moon, but the moon shown during the fight between Dipper and Wax Sherlock Holmes is waning.
  • During the credits, Wax Larry King is seen speaking to Mabel from the vents through the window next to the sofa; however, the hole never appears other than this episode.

The Hand That Rocks the Mabel[]

  • When Gideon sings to Mabel during his performance, Mabel is missing all but one tooth for a shot.
  • In the exterior shot of the Mystery Shack before Mabel shows Dipper her makeover, the sign on the Mystery Shack's roof says "World Papov" instead of "World Famous."
  • Before Mabel shows her makeover to Dipper, Dipper's book appears to be Journal 2 instead of 3. The book labeled 2 belongs to Gideon Gleeful, so this is impossible. Alex Hirsch acknowledged that this was, in fact, an animation error.[1]
  • When Mabel shows Dipper her makeover, Dipper sets Journal 3 on the chair, but when Soos enters, the book is gone.
  • When Dipper and Mabel are playing video games, Mabel's sweater collar has stripes on it for one shot, but not in any other shots.
  • When Gideon arrives on a horse to escort Mabel, her blush disappears for one shot.
  • The photo of Dipper and Mabel that Gideon burns is not on his door in any of the preceding shots.
  • When Dipper and Mabel are playing with Soos, Mabel is wearing a sea foam green headband, which turns red when the phone rings, then back to green in the following shots.
  • The three journals all have 4 gold corners on the front cover in each corner. When it is revealed at the end of the episode that Gideon has Journal 2, the bottom left corner is red instead of gold when he closes the book.
  • During the end credits, there are a number of errors.
    • When Soos spins to the side with no jewels on it, the wall still has the disco ball effect.
    • The light reflections rotate in the opposite direction Soos is spinning.
    • The lights on the wall travel much slower than Soos is rotating.

The Inconveniencing[]

  • Dipper high-fives Wendy with his right hand, but in the following shot, he is using his left hand.
  • When Dipper is pretending to write something down, the pen switches from his left to right hand with each shot.
  • Tambry is not present in the minivan when Thompson drives the gang to Dusk 2 Dawn, even though she is seen getting into the car.
  • When Mabel says "This is going to blow someone's mind," the pine tree on Dipper's hat is outlined in black.
  • The fence surrounding the Dusk 2 Dawn changes height from shot to shot.
  • When Mabel is spinning on the ground, the color of her sock and skin tone are switched in one frame.
  • When Dipper is trying to climb over the fence, Lee is on the same side as everyone else, the same side as Dusk 2 Dawn. However, before he pushes Dipper off the fence, he seems to be climbing from the outermost side of the fence, as if he were going in.
  • When Robbie says "Oh yeah. I can't get in, but I'm sure Junior here is gonna break it down like Hercules," Wendy's pants are almost the same color as her shirt.
  • When Dipper is opening the vent to get inside, Tambry's leggings vanish for a shot.
  • When the newspaper is on the stand, the title reads USA WEEK, but when Dipper rubs off the dust, the title says USA NEWZ.
  • When Nate and Robbie are putting ice in Thompson's pants, Robbie is missing his pimples and piercings, and his nose is the same color as his skin.
  • After Dipper spills the ice, when the screen goes to top view and the other come to see what's wrong, the ice disappears and reappears after.
  • When the three teens' reflections are shown in the window as normal, Tambry's reflection is smiling, but Tambry herself is not.
    • In the same shot, Tambry's leggings are missing.
    • Robbie's reflection is not mirror-imaged.
    • Wendy's mouth is not mirror-imaged.
    • The open/closed sign is missing from the door.
  • Thompson parks the minivan outside the fence when they arrive, but when Pa opens the doors, the minivan is inside the fence. When the teens leave, the minivan is outside the fence again.
  • Ma and Pa Duskerton collapse from heart attacks by the window near the front door, but their bodies are chalked near the end of the store.
  • In the chalk outline, Ma's arms are sprawled out, but when she dies, her arms are on her chest.
  • When Thompson is first seen playing Dancy Pants Revolution, the arrow that points left is white. When he gets trapped in the game, it is pink.
  • When the teens are booing Dipper for not wanting Nate to lie in the chalk outline, Robbie's guitar is on the side of the desk with the cash register. In the next shot, the guitar is in front of it.
  • When the ghosts begin to levitate all objects, Robbie, who has not been captured, strangely vanishes. However, he reappears when the other teenagers are released, suggesting he was captured offscreen.
  • Ma's name tag is missing when Dipper does the Lamby Lamby Dance.
  • When Wendy is telling everyone about how Dipper saved them, the mud on her boots is at the top, but in another shot, the mud is on the bottom of her boots. In the same scene, Dipper's nose is the same color as the rest of his face for a shot.
    • Also, Robbie's nose is the same color as the rest of his face in one shot.
  • The open and closed sign changes from open to closed many times in different scenes.

Dipper vs. Manliness[]

  • When Sheriff Blubs is eating pancakes, he appears to be almost done. However, in a later shot, more pancakes have appeared.
  • In the shot where Stan and Mabel laugh at Dipper, the Manliness tester's sign reads "Manliess."
  • Soos' shirt turns pink for a shot after Wendy says that Stan is unfixable.

Double Dipper[]

  • Stan's bow tie disappears for a shot when he shows Soos the pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey game.
  • When Dipper drags the sheets of the copier, his nose is miscolored and has the same color as the rest of his face for a shot.
  • When Dipper puts his arm on the copier, it was just his arm with nothing on it. When the clone arm comes out, it has a sleeve on it.
  • Dipper's disembodied clone arm has the correct 'faded clone' color when it first reanimates, but the sleeve changes to the deeper 'Dipper Classic' color when Dipper dissolves it.
  • When Mabel sprays her silly string at Dipper in the copier room, the string comes out of the side of the can instead of the nozzle.
  • When Dipper says "I promise", his mouth is not in sync with the word "I".
  • When Dipper takes his deodorant off the box, there is one other can there. In the next shot, there are two other cans on the box.
    • The pine tree on his hat isn't present, but it is on his reflection.
  • When Dipper drops his spray deodorant, the appearance of the can changes to that of the silly string can.
  • Some of the people from inside of the party reappear in the line by the ticket stand.
  • One of kids near the front of the line is missing his arms.
  • When Wendy leaves Dipper to man the table by himself and she starts dancing inside, for a few frames her left shoulder is filled red.
  • When Mabel is dancing, there is a chair next to Candy Chiu, but when she sits down to drink water, the chair disappears.
  • In one shot in the scene wherein Pacifica is introduced, Mabel has two right eyebrows. As she turns to face Pacifica, her upper eyebrow comes down and vanishes into the lower one.
  • In the same shot as mentioned above, Mabel's earring alternates between being in from of and behind her ear.
  • When Paper Jam Dipper emerges from the paper, part of his shoe is missing for a frame.
  • Pacifica is shown to be on the dance floor when Wendy is waiting for the bathroom. Moments later, Pacifica emerges from the bathroom.
  • When Pacifica Northwest comes out of the bathroom, her colors are faded.
  • When the clones are reading the plan to Dipper while Wendy is in the bathroom, the writing on number 5's plan disappears for a frame.
  • Dipper sets off the fire sprinklers with smoke from a party popper. However, fire sprinklers are activated by heat, not smoke.
  • Right after Dipper and Tyrone say, "We blew it, man," Tyrone's hand is a frame early for several frames, causing his hand to be severed.

Irrational Treasure[]

  • Mabel's nacho earrings appear and disappear from shot to shot.
  • When Stan is panicking in the car and tries to put the gear in reverse, the bandage on his fez switches colors from yellow to red.
  • When Stan threatens Toby Determined, the line between his eyes (part of his glasses) disappears.
  • When Gompers is at the wedding ceremony, his right horn is broken instead of his left horn.
  • When Sheriff Blubs is announcing the commencement ceremony, there is no microphone in front of him. A microphone appears in the next shot.
  • When the Northwest family has their picture taken, the Nathaniel Northwest statue changes from facing left to right.
  • When Dipper and Mabel are reading from the Journal in front of the statue, the statue is shown to face the same direction as the name plate on its base. After Dipper and Mabel leave, the name plate has shifted positions on the base.
  • When Dipper removes the document from Journal 3, Mabel's blush marks disappear.
  • When the twins exit the museum, the right hand door is open; however, when the officers leave, the other door is the only one open.
  • While in the vault, Quentin Trembley's mouth is open. However, in the following scene, his mouth is closed.
  • The crate the twins and Trembley are trapped in has a roof, which disappears when the woodpecker disassembles the crate.
  • When the twins and Trembley are inside the train, a window in the back of the train shows them in the rear car. However, when they exit through the roof, there is another car behind them.
  • When Dipper is running towards Pacifica to tell her about Quentin Trembley, Mabel's headband disappears.

The Time Traveler's Pig[]

  • When the Unnamed hillbilly throws balls at the dunk tank, his right hand is shown with no half-finger missing.
  • When Dipper is explaining to Mabel how he asked Wendy to go to the fair with him, he has a question mark corn dog. However, after the flashback to Wendy saying she'll go to the fair, the corn dog is gone.
  • The stuffed animal prizes at the ball toss are sometimes seated on a board and sometimes hanging from a rack.
  • When Waddles is dressed as a doctor, for one frame his nose is the same color as the rest of his face.
  • When Blendin's "position is compromised" after he fails to hide, his watch switches from his left hand to his right hand.
  • When Dipper asks Mabel if Blendin's explanation is making any sense to her, his hat is a noticeably different shade of blue.
  • When Blendin walks to the barrel ride, the flower in Mabel's hair vanishes.
  • When Blendin walks to the barrel ride, the time machine is not on his belt. It reappears in the next shot.
  • When Dipper and Mabel high-five each other in the Mystery Shack, Mabel's braces and dimple marks are missing.
  • When Mabel is riding the Ferris wheel with Waddles, the ticket booth in front of the Ferris wheel is facing to the right. In all the other "do-overs," it is facing toward the front.
  • After the fire from the first do-over creates a mark on Dipper's hat, it remains there for the rest of the episode. In some shots, however, the burn mark disappears. For example, the burn mark is not present while Dipper is doing calculations on the glass.
  • The caramel apple that Mabel feeds Waddles disappears after she drops it.
  • Mabel's eyes are parted in the middle in one frame.
  • When the twins travel to opening day of the fishing season in "The Legend of the Gobblewonker," the sign says "Fishing Season," but in the actual episode it said "Fishing Season. Opening Day."
  • In the flashback of the events of "Headhunters," Pizza Guy is wearing a green shirt, but in the actual episode, his shirt is red.
  • When Robbie talks to Wendy in Dipper's final do-over, there is a frame in which his teeth are skin-colored instead of white.
  • When Dundgren is talking to Blendin, there is a frame in which his pupil is colored light green instead of black.

Fight Fighters[]

  • Robbie has five fingers on his band poster, even though he has four in every other appearance.
  • When Stan complains that Mabel doesn't know what game they are playing, Mabel's mouth closes without any animation.
  • When Mabel wins the crackers in the card game, nobody else had any. However, in the next scene, everyone else has a few crackers.
  • When Robbie pushes Dipper down and then walks away, the trash cans and Dipper's hat disappear. They then reappear when Stan comes out.
  • When Dipper is playing Fight Fighters after Robbie threatens to fight him, he starts the character selection with Dr. Karate of Japan and Beastor of Brazil. When Dipper scrolls away from Beastor, the character's geographic dot vanishes from the world map and does not return. For most of the scene, there are eight characters, but only seven geographical locations.
  • As the character selection scene continues, Dipper moves the selector to Joe Zambique of Mozambique. The geographic dot is much too far north for Mozambique, even by the loose standards of the distorted world map. But the dot moves southeast to the correct geographic location when Joe Zambique is temporarily selected. The dot returns to its previously incorrect location as Dipper continues to scroll through his character choices.
  • When Dipper is following the instructions "to unleash ultimate power," the moves he says to himself are different from what appears in the instructions.
  • When the Fight Fighters game turns off before Rumble comes to life, Dipper's hat turns solid blue.
  • When Stan sees the skydiving show, his mouth animation is shown in two places simultaneously for one frame.
  • When Stan falls backwards away from the TV, he trips over the dinosaur skull onto the floor. However, the wall is usually too close to the dinosaur skull for Stan to be able to lie on the floor behind the skull.
  • While walking to Circle Park, Dipper and Rumble pass a barber shop and walk in front of a beef & poultry shop. When Rumble picks up a pipe, they are suddenly back in front of the barber shop. In the following shot, they are in front of completely different buildings.

Little Dipper[]

  • In the cold open, when Stan runs back into the living room after what he believes to be the tax collector finds him, the top outline on Dipper's hat turns blue instead of the usual black.
  • When Mabel and Dipper are playing chess, Mabel moves a black pawn and Dipper says it is not her color (implying her color is white). He then uses a white pawn to take out the black king.
  • When Stan knocks the jar of termites out of Gideon's hands, it falls on the porch. When Gideon runs away, the jar is in the doorway.
  • When Dipper is reading in Journal 3 and finds the page about the Height-alterning Crystals his nose has a normal skin color instead of the usual redish/pinkish color.
  • When Dipper is in the attic preparing to test the flashlight on a chess piece, there is a pair of knitting needles next to the chess board which are missing from the first shot of the scene.
  • When Dipper enlarges the chess pawn and it goes through the roof, the weather vane has the normal letters N, S, W and E (the cardinal points) instead of W, H, A and T. Furthermore, these cardinal points are incorrectly arranged (either the N points south or the W points east).
  • When Dipper sits on his bed testing the flashlight, he is wearing his shoes. But his shoes also appear and can be seen under his bed.
  • During the flashlight duel, Mabel and Dipper do not flip the crystal, but the beams change from grow to shrink and back again numerous times.
  • When Mabel is in the bag of Gummy Koalas, her headband is missing for a shot.
  • In the mirror, Stan's tie is not reflected.
  • Before Stan places his fez on the dresser, the fez symbol is not reversed in the reflection.
  • Soos' brown hair is gray in the mirror.
  • The photo of Gideon on his ID card shows him with only four fingers per hand.
  • When Dipper and Mabel run across Gideon's neck, Mabel's headband is missing.
  • When Dipper and Mabel tickle Gideon, the pine tree on Dipper's hat is missing.


  • When Soos is pressing the cackling skulls, his ears are missing.
  • After returning from the Summerween Superstore, Dipper and Mabel are on the floor in front of Soos, with many items such as scissors, a pencil, and glue, but when Soos tells them to be careful, these items disappear. They reappear when Soos tells the twins about the Summerween Trickster.
  • After Mabel finishes talking about previous Halloween costumes, Dipper eats a piece of candy, and while he is choking, there is a moment when the back part of his hat is not blue; it blends in with the wall behind him.
  • When Dipper is shocked to see Wendy with Robbie, he drops the bowl of candy. In the next shot, he is holding the bowl again and there is no candy on the floor.
  • Candy's mouth vanishes when Dipper comes downstairs.
  • A shot of the trick-or-treaters before Mabel and Dipper leave has many errors: Gorney, Candy and Grenda are shown trick-or-treating, even though Gorny was eaten and Candy and Grenda are at the Shack, and Waddles is with some random kid even though he should be at the Shack.
  • When the kids are looking up at the roof of the Mystery Shack after the Summerween Trickster is gone, they are standing in a line with Grenda to the left of the rest of them. In the next shot, Grenda is standing behind Dipper and Mabel.
  • Dipper has his hat on when Soos crashes his truck into the Summerween superstore.
  • In one of the end credits images, Waddles' light brown/tan spot is on his right eye rather than his left.
  • In the first shot of the twins after the theme song, their Halloween scrapbook is called "Track or Treating Memories", but in all subsequent shots it's called "Trick or Treating Memories" instead.

Boss Mabel[]

During the scene wherein Mabel and Stan make their bet, part of Stan's bow tie is missing an outline in one shot.

  • When Mabel first enters the gift shop with Soos, Dipper and Wendy, the jar has a red line on it. Later, after Dipper leaves, Mabel draws the red line and claims that they will fill the jar with "one hundred billion dollars."
  • When Mabel is holding the Questiony the Question Mark costume, it is pointed like a normal question mark. When the shot changes to the other side of her, it is facing the same direction, even though it should be reversed.
  • Tambry's highlights change sides of her head from one shot to the next.
  • When Mabel yells at Soos and Wendy for not doing their jobs, Wendy's boots are cut off.
  • When Mabel stands in front of the mirror wearing Stan's hat, the fez symbol is not reversed in the mirror.
  • When Dipper slicks back his hair for the tour, his birthmark is not seen the entire time he has his hair slicked back.
  • Dipper alternates between having neater and messier hair in the scene where Stan returns.

Bottomless Pit![]

  • When the bouncer talks to the people from the bar, his belt is higher than it is in the preceding and succeeding shots.
  • When Sheriff Blubs is telling Stan that there is no Doctor Medicine in Gravity Falls, Stan’s burn mark is replaced with back hair, but it returns moments later.

The Deep End[]

  • When Stan is telling Soos about the perfect chair, another chair is seen behind Soos, which disappears in a later shot.
  • The first time Mermando plays his guitar, he seems to be left-handed. But the second time, during the night, he plays it as if he were right-handed. If he were ambidextrous, he would have had to restring the guitar to play it with either hand.
  • Mr. Poolcheck drills Dipper about someone (Mabel) breaking into the maintenance shed and breaking the pool skimmer; despite the fact that Mabel never actually breaks into the maintenance shed at all, we see her pull the pool skimmer off its hook from the other side of the fence in order to climb over to meet Mermando.
  • When Dipper gives Mermando "reverse CPR," the water bottle he is using fills back up with water every time he drinks from it.
  • In the beginning, Waddles is seen licking chocolate off Grunkle Stan's face. In real life, chocolate is toxic to pigs.

Carpet Diem[]

  • The pillow that Grenda throws at Candy in the first slumber party scene is pink before she picks it up, at which point it turns green.
  • When Grenda asks "Who wants to smear makeup on my face?", her nightshirt changes from magenta to pink as seen on her normal outfit.
  • When Dipper first lies down outside, his pillow is about a meter from the totem pole. In the next shot, Dipper is leaning up against the totem pole without having moved.
  • The glitter on the pizza Mabel offers Dipper disappears in the following shot. In the shot after that, the pizza disappears.
  • The arrows on the Electron Carpet switch from counter-clockwise to clockwise throughout the episode.
  • Between two shots before the first body swap between Mabel and Dipper occurs, the image in the calendar disappears.
  • For a split second, when Dipper (in Mabel's body) is screaming while looking at the mirror, one of his eyebrows disappears.
  • In one of the shots where the twins are discussing the body swap, they are not reflected in the mirror.
  • The cereal box that Dipper (in Mabel's body) pours over himself is not present until he picks it up.
  • When Old Man McGucket chases Soos (in Waddles's body), the puddle of mud in which Soos was playing disappears.
  • When Stan said "What did you say to me?", his mouth disappears for a split second.
  • When Waddles (in Soos' body) is eating the tissues, a tissue seen on the corner of the table disappears when Stan enters the room.
  • The Eiffel Tower model that Candy breaks in the beginning of the episode is seen unbroken in the last few scenes of the episode.

Boyz Crazy[]

  • When Robbie opens the case to his CD, he has five fingers on both hands.
  • The radio on which Robbie plays his CD disappears when Robbie and Wendy walk out of the gift shop together. It then reappears in the next shot.
  • When Wendy leaves the gift shop with Robbie, she zips up her coat, but it is unzipped in the next shot.
  • When Mabel, Candy and Grenda meet Dipper in the gift shop while he is inspecting Robbie's CD, Grenda is not wearing lipstick. In the following shots, she is.
  • When Mabel, Candy, and Grenda are heading towards the dressing room, a crate in the foreground is missing a side.
  • When Candy, Grenda and Mabel find the boys inside the cage, there is a frame in which Candy's skirt disappears.
  • When Dipper starts to play the record of Robbie's song backward, the speed on the record player is around 6.5. In the next shot, the speed has changed to 45.
  • When Mabel apologizes to Grenda and Candy, in one frame her mouth disappears.
  • When Stan is stocking meat in the kitchen, the chair he pulls up for Dipper appears out of nowhere.
  • Ergman Bratsman's license plate has "2013" on it despite the show taking place in the summer of 2012.

Land Before Swine[]

  • When Deputy Derland is solving the maze, one of the shark's teeth is gold. In the next shot, it is white.
  • The children in the tour Stan is guiding are not carrying gift boxes until they see the "Cornicorn," at which point they suddenly have boxes, which they angrily throw at the floor.
  • When running from the pterodactyl, there is a frame in which Stan has two mouths.
  • After Stan folds his cards, he mentions he had four aces. However, one of the cards on the table was the Ace of Hearts.


  • When Stan says "Nonspecific excuse" on his date with Lazy Susan, the one of the latter's pupils disappears for a frame.
  • When Mabel closes the door on the memory of Stan's date with Susan, the latter's food is missing from the table.
  • In the memory of Stan that Dipper enters, when he first enters it Soos' T-shirt is the same color as his skin.
  • When the memory of the combination falls into the Bottomless Pit, initially Stan is not holding a cane. When it cuts back to him, he's holding a cane.
  • While watching the memory of Stan explaining why he is hard on Dipper, Dipper is hanging his hand onto the wall in the memory. In a later shot, Dipper has to push through an invisible wall to get into the memory.
  • During the scene where Bill shows Mabel and Soos their nightmares, Mabel's skin alternates between green and normal-colored after Bill blasts Xyler and Craz away and when Dipper arrives.
  • When the twins and Soos enter Stan's mind, there are candles around him. When they leave, the candles and his fez are gone.

Gideon Rises[]

  • When Gideon jumps through the paper-covered hoop, he is wearing the Mystic Amulet that was destroyed in "The Hand That Rocks the Mabel." In the next shot he is wearing his normal white necktie.
  • In the shot where Gideon unveils his Gideon Land model, his white tie briefly turns green. Later, it turns green again when he commands the gnomes to take Dipper and Mabel away.
  • The tattoos on the bouncer's arms disappear as he grabs Mabel.
  • When Wendy mounts her bike, the outline around Dipper's right eye is briefly miscolored.
  • At the exact moment when Gideon tells the gnomes to subdue the twins, his right foot is split in two.
  • In "Little Dipper," the maze page is the page before the height altering crystals one. In "Gideon Rises," the Gremloblin page is before it.
  • Old Man McGucket doesn't have his cast on while he works on the Gideon-bot.
  • When Gideon asks Old Man McGucket if the Gideon-bot is completed he has 2 and 3. However, when he enters it, the books are gone. Later, when Dipper and Mabel defeat him, 3 is revealed in the robot, as Dipper found it in the rubble, and Gideon held 2 in his clothes.
  • In the photo in the newspaper article about Gideon's incarceration, Gideon has only four fingers on each hand.
  • When Dipper is first shown unpacking, the perspective of his suitcase is wrong and laid over partially on a box of crates in the background. In the next shot, it's correct.
  • When Mabel tells Dipper that he doesn't need the journal, there is a suitcase on her bed. In the next shot, it's gone.
  • After Soos squirts the twins with water guns, there is a pan-down from the attic to the Mystery Shack. However, the rooms are facing opposite directions.
  • At the end credits, the TRUST NO ONE page is on the wrong side of the book, as in "Tourist Trapped" it's on the left, not the right.



Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained
Candy MonsterStan's TattooMailboxLeftyToothThe Hide-Behind

Mabel's Guide to Life
Mabel's Guide to DatingMabel's Guide to StickersMabel's Guide to FashionMabel's Guide to ColorMabel's Guide to Art

Fixin' It with Soos
Fixin' It with Soos: Golf CartFixin' It with Soos: Cuckoo Clock

TV Shorts
TV Shorts 1TV Shorts 2

Mabel's Scrapbook
Mabel's Scrapbook: Heist MovieMabel's Scrapbook: Petting Zoo

Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained[]

Candy Monster[]

  • The number of golf clubs Dipper has changed throughout the short.

Stan's Tattoo[]



  • Soos's hair is shown to be a lighter shade of brown and shown longer than it normally is.


  • When the Lefty robot is standing in front of the escalator, his exposed side should be visible to the people on the escalator, though no one seems to notice.
  • When the robot is turned, it appears to have only one leg and foot, though it has been shown to have 2 of each when facing left.


  • When Dipper is playing the Sousaphone and bends his knees, the button of his hat changes position and the pine tree on his hat grows smaller in size. His right eye-pupil also changes from position which causes him to look squint.

The Hide-Behind[]


Mabel's Guide to Life[]

Mabel's Guide to Dating[]

  • When Mabel is operating the "Zack" cardboard cut-out, her sweater is pink, when for the majority of the segment, it's blue.
  • When Mabel says: "Love is all around us" before the squirrels attack her, one of her fingers is not outlined.

Mabel's Guide to Stickers[]

  • The please sticker on the cash register is not colored.

Mabel's Guide to Fashion[]

  • When Candy and Mabel are drawing on each other's faces, Candy's normally dark purple-gray hair is completely black.
  • When Candy and Grenda come from the corners of the screen, Candy's socks don't appear.

Mabel's Guide to Color[]

  • When Grenda pulls out a jug of expired milk, Candy is drawing a picture, and Grenda finishes the milk before the picture fills the screen, but after it is zoomed out, Grenda is seen finishing off the last few gulps of milk.
  • When Dipper and Candy are setting up the mirror, Dipper's nose is the same color as the rest of his face.
  • The window through which Stan sees the rainbow has never been seen in his office before and doesn't seem possible to be facing outside.

Mabel's Guide to Art[]

Short11 sometimes you have to suffer for your art

Missing braces

  • In the last scene of the short, when Mabel is being attacked by cats, her braces are missing.

Fixin' It with Soos[]

Fixin' It with Soos: Golf Cart[]

  • When the golf cart successfully jumps Stan's car, "STNLYMBL" on the car license plate is mirrored.

Fixin' It with Soos: Cuckoo Clock[]


TV Shorts[]

TV Shorts 1[]

  • The disclaimer at the end of the Mystery Shack commercial reads: "In the even of no tip, you will be escorted from the premises." "Event" is misspelled.

TV Shorts 2[]


Mabel's Scrapbook[]

Mabel's Scrapbook: Heist Movie[]

  • In the first wide shot outside the theater, the poster for Grandpa the Kid Again is on the far left, next to the one for Horse Dad. However, in all the rest of the shots it is on the far right, next to the one for Monkey Business.
  • All of the pictures in Mabels Scrapbook are in 4:3 but the image of Thompson drinking the popcorn butter is in 16:9.
  • In the projection room, Mabel is eating a bag of Nyumalums. But after she gets up to tell her joke and sits back down, the bag is gone.
  • There are two copies of the same character in the audience.
  • When Tambry appears in the audience, her pink highlight is on the wrong side.

Mabel's Scrapbook: Petting Zoo[]


Season 2[]


Scary-okeInto the BunkerThe Golf WarSock OperaSoos and the Real GirlLittle Gift Shop of HorrorsSociety of the Blind EyeBlendin's GameThe Love GodNorthwest Mansion MysteryNot What He SeemsA Tale of Two StansDungeons, Dungeons, and More DungeonsThe Stanchurian CandidateThe Last MabelcornRoadside AttractionDipper and Mabel vs. the FutureWeirdmageddon Part 1Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From RealityWeirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls


  • The numbers reflected on Stan's face while he is turning on the portal are not mirrored.
  • Agents Powers and Trigger switch seats during the scene where they locate the source of the "readings."
  • When Wendy enters the shack at the announcement of the after-party, she is wearing her name tag. However, when she is leaving with the crowd, her name tag is not seen.
  • When Dipper and Mabel are in the attic, the rind on Mabel's sweater disappears, and when Mabel is claiming that there is nothing left to discover about the Journal, there are only watermelon seeds on the neck and sleeves of her sweater; the front of the sweater is completely missing the watermelon seeds.
  • In the shot where Dipper says he doesn't know why he tells Mabel things, his nose isn't properly colored.
  • Grenda smashes the Stañatas and the mess is all over the floor; however, it disappears in the shot where Candy, Grenda and Mabel are dancing.
  • When Lee, Nate, Tambry, and Thompson arrive at the party, Lee is wearing a sleeveless shirt. In the next shot, it has short sleeves. When all four are seen dancing, he is sleeveless again.
  • In the shot of the teens dancing, Tambry is wearing her regular day wear instead of the party outfit shown earlier.
  • Lazy Susan's lipstick is missing when she enters the Mystery Shack during the party. Later, her lipstick reappears during the scene when the zombies emerge from the ground, but disappears again in the next shot.
  • When entering the Mystery Shack with the pie, Lazy Susan also clips out of the scene a frame early.
  • In the journal, the incantation's second line reads "Diablo Dominium," but Dipper reads it as "Diablo Dominus."
  • When Mabel chews Dipper out for raising the dead in the second shot, the loose hairs on her head are the same pink color as the flower on her head.
  • The karaoke machine changes places, and even disappears, many times when the zombies are starting to attack the shack.
  • There are some colored lights hanging around the Mystery Shack in a shot behind Soos when he starts approaching the twins with the zombies. The lights are not present in any of the other shots.
  • In the shot where Dipper and Mabel are backing away from the zombies, the flower in Mabel's hair disappears, then reappears in the next scene.
  • The symbol on Stan Pines' desk in the Underground laboratory is different than it was in "Gideon Rises."
  • When Stan sees himself in the reflection of Journal 1's hand, the reflection is not reversed.
  • During "Taking Over Midnight," when the three are singing "We're queens of the disco!", Dipper steps up, followed by Mabel and then Stan, but when the camera zooms out, the order changes to Dipper, Stan, and then Mabel.
  • After singing "Taking Over Midnight," Stan's fez appears while yelling "Deal with it, zombie idiots!" It then disappears again in the next shot.
  • When Stan says "Uh, Mabel, our lives may not be worth this", Dipper's shorts are black instead of gray.
  • At the end of "Taking Over Midnight", when a zombie tries to attack Dipper, all of the microphones are suddenly gone.
  • Stan activated the Universe portal in "Gideon Rises" by pushing the lever in front of it to the left. But during a full shot of the portal room at the beginning of this episode, the lever is seen facing the right.

Into the Bunker[]

  • Wendy briefly has two left arms when she reaches for some popcorn.
  • In the same scene, in one frame, Dipper's mouth is completely displaced from his face.
  • When Wendy first notices the map of Gravity Falls that covers the tunnel entrance, the map is only about a square foot in area. In the next shot, the map is at least twice that size.
  • In the scene in which Dipper is going to find another way out of the bunker, he grabs Wendy's right hand. In the following shot, he is holding her left hand.
  • When the Shape Shifter drops Journal 3, Dipper walks up to the Journal and picks it up. In one frame, the Journal lifts itself closer into Dipper's hands without Dipper touching it yet.
  • When Wendy tears off one of her shirt's sleeves, she tears off at least a foot of cloth. When she puts her shirt back on at the end of the episode, the torn sleeve is only a few centimeters shorter than the untorn one.
  • At the end of the episode, Dipper and Mabel are sitting in the middle of the log, but when Soos sits down, they are suddenly on the far right of the log.
  • As Dipper is watching Wendy ride away on her bike, he is surrounded by fireflies, despite fireflies not being native to Oregon.

The Golf War[]

  • After Soos draws the w-neck, the marker he used disappears from his hand.
  • When Dipper explains Mabel's talent in mini-golf, Stan is snacking on his Stan-cake while holding the fry pan. The pan disappears in the following shots.
  • As everyone enthusiastically rises to go to the golf course, Waddles is sitting on the floor. But after the shot of Soos joining in, Waddles is sitting on the couch.
  • In one frame, when Dipper is trying to hit the ball, his mouth disappears.
  • When Mabel runs over to the end of the eighteenth hole to see if her ball went in, she does not have her putter with her. In the next shot, she suddenly has her putter, which she angrily throws down. The putter disappears again in the next shot, only to reappear when Pacifica approaches the Pines.
  • When Pacifica insults the Pines family, Dipper does not have a putter, but in the next shot, he is leaning on a putter.
  • When the golf course manager announces that the course is closed, one of the wings on the golf cart he is driving passes through a pole.
  • Dipper does not have a golf club with him during the scene where Mabel is practicing the eighteenth hole, but suddenly has one after he notices a noise inside the windmill.
  • When Dipper first hears noise coming from inside the windmill, the wood covering has a design on it. When he approaches with Mabel to tear it off, the design is gone.
  • When Dipper takes off the panel of the windmill, he's to the left of Mabel. In the next shot, he is to the right of her.
  • The map of the course is not an accurate representation. For example, the windmill and the pirate ship are close together, but in the map they are widely separated.
  • The pirate captain's eye patch covers his left eye when he uses the spyglass, while in other shots it covers his right eye.
  • When Pacifica and Sergei enter the course at night, the part in Mabel's hair is on her left, but changes to the right in the next shot, then changes back the left in the shot after that.
  • When Dipper, Mabel and Pacifica have escaped the Lilliputtians and the golf cart collapses outside of the golf course, one of its wings is undamaged. However, in the next shot, both wings are torn off.
  • When Mabel is apologizing to Pacifica, in one frame, her braces are visible over her mouth when it is closed.
  • During his appearance at the golf course, the color scheme of the Unnamed mustache man in red is a night palette during daytime. Said color scheme corresponds to his appearance when he appears in Mabel's Scrapbook: Heist Movie.

Sock Opera[]

  • When Mabel is playing the keyboard in the scene where Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Wendy are making puppets, the bottom half of her leg is cut off.
  • After Bill tells Dipper he's been keeping an eye on him, Dipper's eyebrows and eyes continuously appear and disappear.
  • Before Bill forms the screaming head, his hand is cut off for one frame.
  • When Gabe visits the Mystery Shack, Mabel's braces disappear when she laughs nervously.
  • In the scene in the attic where Bill offers to unlock the laptop, the password bar on the laptop disappears for a shot, then reappears in the next shot.
  • When Bill drinks a can of Pitt Soda, the cap is already off before he opens it.
  • While Bill is speaking to Soos outside the Mystery Shack, Bill's right pupil disappears in one frame.
  • In the theater, Wendy and Bill are sitting in the same seat at first, with exactly one free seat to their right. In the next shot, they are sitting in two separate seats and there is still a free seat to their right.
  • Wendy, Soos and Stan are sitting in the front row, with Bill's empty seat between Wendy and Soos. When Gabe sits down, they're not seen in the front nor the second row, but when the show is about to begin, they're sitting in the second row, in places previously occupied by other people. Wendy is 2 seats away from the aisle and there's no empty seat beween her and Soos. Later, when Gabe is watching the show, Stan, Soos and Wendy aren't where they were in the previous shot. The location of several people around them varies between all these shots, like the woman with the red handkerchief on her head, or the man with the strapped blue overall.
  • When Gabe meets Mabel in her dressing room, he is carrying some flowers. In the next shot, he has his puppets on both of his hands and the flowers are nowhere to be seen.
  • After the intermission, the guy in the blue overall is sitting in front of Wendy and at least 4 seats away from the aisle, with a woman with glasses sitting at his right. Gabe is not seen. But when "Bipper" is pulling Mabel up, Gabe is in the front row right next to the aisle, with the second seat free, the man in the overall sitting in the third one and the woman with glasses isn't there. Wendy, Soos and Stan aren't behind them, and many other people change places too. These kind of changes continue for the rest of the episode.
  • When "Bipper" points out Gabe to Mabel, his eyes are black instead of blue.
  • When "Bipper" is chasing Mabel around the stage, the front row is empty.
  • Sometimes there's an aisle in the middle of the theatre, dividing the seats, but sometimes there are aisles only in the sides.

Soos and the Real Girl[]

  • When Soos is playing "First Person Puncher," the whole shot is pixelated for a few frames.
  • When dyeing Abuelita's hair, the foil is originally silver, but when she walks away it is bright orange.
  • The unnamed man in red appears in the mall once in one area and then another place in a fraction of a second.
  • When the door to Hoo-Ha Owl's Pizzamatronic Jamboree closes, it is covered in pits before it is hit by any skee-balls.
  • When Soos runs into the gaming store, the box he finds Romance Academy 7 in isn't visible.
  • The note on the back of Romance Academy 7 disappears for a shot, then reappears in the next shot.
  • When Mabel suggests Soos see some real girls, there are cans of Pitt Cola on the floor that weren't there in the previous shots.
  • During the scene where Mabel and Dipper drag Soos away from his room, Mabel's cheeks have outlines on them for two frames that flicker back and fourth.
  • The "HE's GOT ATTI-CUBE!" poster in the door of Soos' room shows a prominent COOLCUBE logo in the upper right corner. When Soos takes the Romance Academy 7 disc and leaves for his date with Melody, the COOLCUBE logo is missing.
  • When Soos is talking to Melody for the first time, despite the fact that she's in the foreground in one shot, Soos's arm moves over her hair.
  • In the scene where Soos and the others are hiding behind the toppled arcade cabinet, the character peeking over the fortress wall on the side of the cabinet changes from a peach color to red in one short scene.
  • In Hoo-Ha Owl's Pizzamatronic Jamboree, the graphics for Star Battle appear on the unit for First-Person Puncher.

Little Gift Shop of Horrors[]

  • While Stan is attempting to get the traveler to come into the Mystery Shack, his mouth overlaps his nose for a frame.
  • When Stan is attempting to get the traveler come inside, his mouth disappears for one frame.
  • When the Pines first approach the Hand Witch's table, the stall in the background says "Lots O Pots." Later, it changes to "Pots Aplenty."
  • When Stan mocks Dipper's concern about a curse, the stalls in the background change. Instead of Lazy Susan and Old Man McGucket's stalls, Pots Aplenty and Cheep Cheep Tires appear. Additionally, they are transposed (Pots Aplenty is on the right of Cheep Cheep Tires next to the witch's stand).
  • When Stan drops his oven mitt and pan to reveal his missing hands, Mabel is missing her braces for a frame.
  • When Waddles shows Dipper and Mabel the What-the-heck-ahedron, the computer and cup of coffee he knocked over a few shots earlier are gone.
  • When Waddles shows Mabel the Smarticle Accelerator, the ladder Dipper was standing on is gone, and Dipper is standing in mid-air. In the next shot, he is suddenly on the ground, and the ladder has reappeared.
  • In the shot where Waddles starts the Smarticle Accelerator, Dipper's pose changes from standing straight to having his hands in his pockets without any animation.

Society of the Blind Eye[]

  • McGucket appears out of nowhere when Susan shooes him out from under the table.
  • Mabel pronounces Mermando's name as "Mer-man-do" when she pronounced it as "Mer-mon-do" in "The Deep End".
  • Lazy Susan's purse strap turns from purple to yellow when she sees the gnomes taking her pie.
  • The picture of McGucket becomes much larger when Dipper places it over the silhouette with the question mark.
  • The stain on Lazy Susan's apron switches from her left to her right in the scene where her memory is erased.
  • When Mabel grabs the memory erasing gun, the bottom of the red glass section vanishes.
  • Robbie's memory tube disappears from the insertion slot in the shot after Dipper puts it in.
  • When McGucket spots the tube with his memories, the label is on the side facing towards him. When he grabs it, the label is on the opposite side of the tube. It is later shown that the tube is only labeled on one side.
  • In the shot where Mabel is entering "SUMMER ROMANCE" into the memory gun, her hand is not turning the dial.
  • All of the members of the Society of the Blind Eye are the same height until they reveal who they are.
  • Blind Ivan has a large section of his forehead labeled "KNOWLEDGE." However, whenever he is seen from from afar, this part of his forehead is divided into smaller sections.
  • When Dipper and Mabel confess to each other while tied to the pillar, they move their arms around despite their arms being tied down.
  • When McGucket walks towards Blind Ivan, his arm goes through his hat multiple times.

Blendin's Game[]

  • The date in this episode is shown to be July 13th, Soos' birthday. However, in Journal 3, this episode is said to take place sometime between July 29th and August 22nd.
  • The candy that Soos takes out of the vending machine is not seen in the machine.
  • In the first shot of Soos' driver's license, his signature has three stars above it and a lightning bolt to the right. In the next shot, there is only one star and the lightning bolt is to the left of the signature.
  • The bandage on Stan's hand is missing in every shot except for when he enters the front yard at Soos' birthday party.
  • In the first wide shot of Mr. Zzz's Mattresses, the man at the far right of the shot has two left arms.
  • When Dipper and Mabel hide under a mattress, the Tape measure time machine is missing. It suddenly appears next to the mattress after Lolph and Dundgren leave.
  • When at the Heart-A-Tap Dance Studio, Toby Determined's reflection in the mirror shows him much closer to the wall than he actually is. In addition, his mouth is misplaced and the railing in front of him is not reflected.
  • Stan's fez in the past has the new symbol on it.
  • When Abuelita has a plate of cookies, they are shaped like dinosaurs. Later, when Soos has the cookies in his room, they are shaped like circles.
  • When the mail carrier reads the recipient name on the postcard, the writing is upside-down relative to the image. When Soos takes it and reads it, the writing is no longer upside-down.
  • When the twins and Blendin are taunting each other just before beginning Globnar, Lolph is at first on Blendin's right and Dundgren is on his left. In the next shot, they have switched places. They switch to their original positions in the following shot.
  • In the images of Blendin chasing the twins on a giant clock and of the wheel barrow race, Mabel is missing her braces.
  • When Time Baby asks Dipper and Mabel to choose Blendin's fate, Blendin suddenly has handcuffs on, which were not present in the previous shot.
  • Dipper and Mabel only tell Soos that they "got caught up in [...] time travel," that there was a time cyclops and a time race, and that they think they know how to fix his birthday. In the same dialogue, Soos knows more than what he should: he says that they battled through time and space in gladiatorial combat just to get him a wish.

The Love God[]

  • The plug jack of the phone Wendy uses to explain Woodstick is see-through.
  • When Dipper, Mabel and the teens find Robbie in the grave, the pine tree on Dipper's hat is missing in the bird's eye shot.
  • When Stan is sewing the rainbow wig onto the taxidermy gorilla, the can of Pitt cola is gray. It turns pink in the next shot.
  • In the shot where Stan is aiming his crossbow, the bandage on his hand is colored black.
  • When Stan grabs his crossbow and aims it at the hot air balloons there are other weapons in his toolbox. But when he talks to Soos, the toolbox is empty.
  • The picture of Robbie as a little kid is different from how he was shown in "Blendin's Game."
  • When the teens are congratulating Dipper for thinking of taping snacks to Thompson, Wendy says "Well done!" without moving her mouth.
  • When the teens are in Thompson's garage, Dipper, Tambry and Wendy are sitting on boxes arranged in a semicircle. When Lee picks up Dipper, the boxes are in a straight line. They then shift back to their previous positions in the next shot.
  • When Tambry sits down in the booth at the diner, she puts her purse on the ground next to her, but in the next shot, it is gone.
  • When the Love God enters the diner, there are a few frames where he has two chins.
  • When Tambry eats the love potion, her hair is pointed to her left instead of the usual right.
  • When Robbie and Tambry leave Greasy's Diner, Robbie's black belt turns blue.
  • When Mabel shows the teens her happiness chart after Robbie and Tambry fall in love, the drawing of Lee is not fully drawn for a frame.
  • Nate's mouth disappears for a frame after he hears about Tambry dating Robbie.
  • When the teens are leaving Thompson's garage after the commercial break, Wendy is back in her normal clothes.
  • When Mabel is looking through Love God's potion belt, the order and color of the potions changes. Mabel then takes the black anti-love potion, but it's still in the belt when Love God starts running.
  • When Stan is looking at the drawing of the Stan balloon, his bandage is missing.
  • When Stan's hot air balloon rises, it has no basket, but in subsequent shots, it does.
  • The blanket Charlie and his mother are sitting on disappears when the shot widens to show the Stan balloon looming towards them.
  • When the Love God is holding the anti-love potion, the bottle it's in is much larger than the rest of his bottles, even though the bottles were all the same size when Mabel took the anti-love potion.
  • The species of badger that is seen fighting with a snake and then turned into a couple with the same snake (The Snadger) is a European Badger. These badgers are common in Europe and in the United Kingdom but are not native in America and so don't live or should appear in the United States.
  • When the teens notice Thompson getting attacked by security, Tambry's leggings disappear.

Northwest Mansion Mystery[]

  • The appearance of the Northwest Manor is different than when it was seen in "The Golf War."
  • When sitting in the recliner watching TV, there is a pizza box next to Dipper, but in the next shot it's gone, replaced by a can of Pitt Cola.
  • When Dipper answers the door when Pacifica arrives, he is wearing his socks. When he agrees to help her, he's wearing his shoes.
  • When Dipper tells Pacifica, "You're the worst!", Pacifica's sunglasses disappear.
  • Grenda has two ponytails for a few frames before she makes the truce with Candy and Mabel.
  • When the ghost laughs and his beard blazes before he tricks Dipper into releasing him from the silver mirror, his mouth overlaps his nose.
  • Candy drips cheese onto the pastries, but later, when she is talking to Mabel, there is no trail of cheese near the fountain or on the pastries. Also, the pastries' appearance has changed.
  • The ghost of Archibald Corduroy tells Dipper that they were asked to build the mansion that same day, 150 years ago, but the curse —which says he will return in 150 years— was cast years later, after the mansion was finished. This means that either the ghost returned before 150 years had passed from his death (when he cast the curse), or the lumberjacks were asked by the Northwests to build the mansion more than 150 years ago.
  • When Grenda tells Marius von Fundshausehe has something on his shirt and he looks down, a yellow stain appears on his shirt, and vanishes again when she flicks his nose.
  • Only a few people are holding glasses of apple cider before Preston Northwest gives a toast, but after Preston's glass breaks, everyone is holding a glass.
  • The wooden people change positions several times.
  • When Dipper is turned into wood, his bow tie isn't tied. Later, when Pacifica looks at him, his bow tie is tied. When he turns back to normal, his bow tie is untied again.
  • Alex Hirsh is credited in the credits for voicing both Stan and Soos even though they didn't appear in the episode.

Not What He Seems[]

  • When Stan insists on being included in the fireworks party, Dipper and Mabel switch places from one shot to the next.
  • When Dipper takes a popsicle out of the cooler on the roof, the cooler lid is closed.
  • When the Pines are admiring the fireworks Mabel set off, the cooler disappears for a few frames.
  • Throughout the scene wherein the Pines are playing with fireworks and water balloons, Stan's jacket is buttoned and unbuttoned from shot to shot.
  • When Agent Powers is telling Dipper and Mabel about the doomsday device, Dipper and Mabel switch places from one shot to the next.
  • The clock in the Police Station shows the time as 8:45 PM during Stan's escape, with the portal activating 15 minutes later at 9:00; however, for the portal to have been 18 hours away from activation at the start of the episode, Stan would have had to start the process at 3:00 AM, which could not have occurred, as Stan did not return to the Mystery Shack with the toxic waste until 5:00 AM.
  • Stan's bandage disappears for a few frames when he hands the taxi driver money, then reappears in the following frames.
  • Journals 1 and 2 switch places when Dipper is theorizing about Stan having stolen the journals from the author.
  • While assembling the Universe portal blueprint with the journals, Dipper opens Journal 1, but the portals pages shown inside are Journal 3's. (Journal 1 has the bottom part of the plans, while Journal 3 has the top left.) After reading the blacklight warnings on the blueprints, Dipper flips through the bottom Journal, which, as the shot wherein Dipper arranges the blueprints would indicate, is Journal 3. However, the pages through which he flips are not present in Journal 3.
  • When Dipper reads the black light messages in the portal's pages in the journals, he says "I was deceived, and now it is too late." This line is not one of the messages seen.
  • During the entire climax sequence in the underground portal room, the door from the lab to the portal changes between open and closed multiple times.

A Tale of Two Stans[]

  • In "Not What He Seems," the left sleeve of Stan's coat is ripped by a tree branch. However, in this episode, the tear isn't seen.
  • Stan's bandage disappears after Ford punches him. It only reappears after Ford questions him about who knows about the portal.
  • When Dipper asks if Ford got into his dream college and he responds "not exactly," his hair points downward as it did when he was younger rather than upward as it should in the present.
  • In Anomalous Phenomena, the book of anomalies that Ford reads in college, the pages with the two-headed ducks and cats call the condition "polycephany," when it is supposed to be spelled "polycephaly."
  • When Stan crosses off states he's been banned from, New Jersey isn't crossed off, despite it being the first state he was banned in.
  • When Dipper screams excitedly when Ford mentions writing the Journals, Stan has a cleft chin like Ford's.
  • After Stan arrives at Ford's house following his postcard, the door he knocks on changes from the front (leading to the future museum) to the back (leading to the hallway with stairs near the kitchen) between shots, and barrels of nuclear waste appear next to the door after the commercial break.
  • When Stan lights his match to burn Journal 1, it is facing Ford. In the next shot, it is facing Stan.
  • There are numerous errors in the short scene where Ford deceives the recently memory-wiped agents, Trigger and Powers, using a few of Mabel's drawings as decoy paperwork.
    • While doing so, the crayon text "What hath science wrought?" on Mabel's self portrait vanishes and reappears.
    • Ford is wearing his regular outfit colored black rather than his portal clothes from the scene immediately beforehand.
    • There is a shot where the back of his coat is left uncolored and cannot be seen between his legs.

Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons[]

  • When Dipper explains the rules of Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons to Mabel, Mabel's sweater collar turns purple for a shot.
  • Many other errors occur during Mabel's letter writing. After Mabel writes, "Just yesterday, gravity reversed itself, almost destroying the universe and totally wrecking the whole town!" it cuts to the TV. When it cuts back to Mabel, that portion of the text has disappeared and Mabel is writing, "But the coolest part of the summer was when Grunkle Stan's twin brother came out of this portal thingy" in the place the text was previously. In addition, Mabel says "Now we have two Grunkles for the price of one!" but doesn't actually write it down, but when in cuts to her picture, it is written next to it. Furthermore, the ink that the pen uses is clearly shown to be purple, until it zooms in on her picture, where the pen writes in blue ink instead.
  • When Stan staples the turkey head onto the beaver's body, his burn mark is on the left side of his back.
  • When Stan is showing Mabel his taxidermy of Duck-tective, he has a cleft chin for a shot.
  • In the scene wherein Dipper and Mabel are in the attic at night and Dipper is designing his dungeon, Mabel is wearing a headband, which disappears for a shot, reappearing in the next shot.
  • When Mabel, Stan, and Grenda find Dipper and Ford playing Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons in the TV room, Ford only has 5 fingers on each hand.
  • When the wizard breaks a hole in the Mystery Shack wall, Grenda and Mabel have their Ducktective hats. But after the pause of the break neither are wearing the hats but are standing in the same spot.

The Stanchurian Candidate[]

  • Tyler and Sprott throw their hats into the ring, but in the next shot, they are both wearing their hats.
  • At the mayoral replacement meeting, Bud Gleeful punches in the picture of the Mystery Shack on the Gravity Falls map, but in the next shots, the map is intact.
  • Robbie is seen sitting with his parents and Tad Strange at the back of the town hall during the meeting, when everyone starts yelling "election!" Robbie is suddenly up at the front row sitting with the Pizza Guy and Lazy Susan.
  • Soos wears a blue suit at the beginning of the radio interview scene, but when the telephone rings, he is wearing his normal attire.
  • When Soos falls to his knees after Mabel uses the mind control ties on him, the word "STAFF" on the back of his shirt is missing.
  • When Dipper reveals to Stan that the ties were made to control him, both ties are exactly the same.
  • Before Mabel gives Stan the "OUR HERO" sash, there is a mug on top of the fish tank. After Stan takes the sash, there is a shrunken head in place of the mug.
  • Stan puts on the sash Mabel knitted for him upside down, but once it's on him he's wearing it right side up.
  • During the whole episode Bats Biker has a bluish color scheme, which corresponds to the scheme when he was inside the Skull Fracture in "Headhunters", this wouln't be a problem when he was listening the radio with his friends at the bar, but when the people boo Stan during his speech, he still keeps that bluish color scheme.
  • Candy doesn't have her leggings when she helps Stan with the election, then they reappear when she showed him the voter status.

The Last Mabelcorn[]

  • When Mabel jumps off her chair after Ford tells her that he needs unicorn hair, a second pair of her legs are still shown on the chair.
  • At the end of the scene where Ford shows Dipper his study, the switch on top of the Project Mentem helmet is silver. In the following scenes, it is black.
  • When Dipper puts on the helmet on Ford's head, the repeat of the thought "I miss Dimension 52" is misspelled as "I miss Dimention 52."
  • Grenda's mole disappears when she is wearing a jacket and sunglasses as she hands the dealer his jar of butterflies.
  • When the girls begin battling the unicorns, Mabel's braces are missing.
  • When Ford and Bill are talking at the end of Ford's flashback, Ford says, "just call me, a friend". When he says, "just call me" he is shown shaking hands with Bill using his left hand, but when he says, "a friend" he is shaking with his right hand.
  • When Dipper and Ford are talking after Dipper tries to erase Bill out of Ford's mind, Ford only has five fingers on his left hand when he tells Dipper that he would have done great were Bill really there.
  • A symbol in the cryptogram is misplaced on the ancient wall Ford finds, making the word decode to "FOOJISH."
  • When Ford grabs Dipper, he drops the Rift and the Memory Gun on the floor, but in the next scene both the Rift and Gun are no longer on the floor.
  • When the girls return to the shack with the unicorn hair, Wendy's left eye is swollen from fighting the unicorns, but when Ford says to Mabel that she's a good person, her right eye is swollen instead. When Stan runs in, her left eye is swollen again.
  • Throughout the episode, Candy's leggings disappear and reappear occasionally.
  • When Mabel approaches Celestabellebethabelle, Wendy's jean shorts disappear, then they reappear when the girls go out to do some good deeds.
  • Ford's flashback depicts him in his attire from the period between starting Journal #1 and when he started drawing the Portal. However, the scenes that depict the test also have him wearing this attire, when its depiction in "A Tale of Two Stans" has him wearing a white shirt and black tie under his coat.

Roadside Attraction[]

  • When Soos says "That was a fun 78 hours" while tying bags to the top of the RV, his mouth disappears for a frame.
  • In one of the pictures in Dipper's box of Wendy pictures, the pine tree on Dipper's hat is missing.
  • When Dipper wonders whether it is bad to flirt with multiple girls at once, he goes up to his neck in the hot tub. In the next shot where Stan tells him not to worry, Dipper is only up to his thoracic cavity in the tub.
  • When Stan and Dipper are in the hot tub, Stan opens a can of Pitt Cola and Dipper's hands are empty. In the next shot, Dipper has a can of Pitt Cola in his hand.
  • When Candy tells Mabel and Grenda that she likes Dipper, the hair below her neck is missing for a shot.
  • In one frame when Mabel eats a handful of marshmallows, another set of teeth appears overlapping her top row of teeth.
  • When Dipper and Candy are sitting on the bench at the Mummy Attraction, in one frame, Candy's socks are missing
  • In the first shot of the Mystery Shack after it has been pranked, Granny Sweetkin pops in a few frames late. Additionally, one of the grafittis of "You Stink" is in neon green, but in a later shot, it is brown.

Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future[]

  • When Wendy grabs Mabel and tells her that TV lied, Mabel's backpack turns blue for a few frames before reverting to its original color.
  • Lee and Nate change the board outside of the school by rearranging the letters in "SAWDUST INHALATION DRILL- 8:00 GO FIGHTING BEAVERS!" to "NO ESCAPE." However there is no "C" or "P" in the former message, so they wouldn't have all the letters needed to write "NO ESCAPE."
  • In one shot, Dipper and Ford are shown to be beneath the cliffs, but when Ford holds up his spacecraft keychain, the perspective shifts to one that is higher than the cliffs.
  • When Dipper climbs out of the trench made by the droid, he picks up his walkie talkie off the ground. Scattered next to it are a flashlight, a pen, and a small notebook. In the next shot, the three objects are gone.
  • After releasing the rift, Bill, while possessing Blendin, removes Blendin's goggles to reveal his eyes and then collapses as he leaves the body. However, in the next shot, Blendin is again wearing his goggles.
  • When Bill leaves Blendin's body, Blendin's body falls and lands on top of the broken pieces of the glass orb that used to hold the rift. The next shot shows Blendin's body laying beside the glass orb's remnants.
  • When the citizens of Gravity Falls notice the arrival of Bill, Lazy Susan has both eyes open, which can't be done without her holding her lazy eye open with her hand.

Weirdmageddon Part 1[]

  • When introduced Amorphous Shape's aura is white, same when he climbs Bill's car, but during the rest of the episode, his aura is cyan.
  • Nate is seen twice in the crowd that runs from Bill after he disfigures Preston Northwest.
  • After Gompers eats a part of Stan's hat, Stan drops his hammer and yells at Gompers. After the weirdness wave causes Gompers to grow into a giant, the hammer is gone.
  • When Stan starts yelling and running away from Gompers, his yells do not sync up. His mouth is closed when a yell is heard.
  • After Gompers eats out a part of the prison, the pictures on Gideon's finger painting are in different positions than before, and the word "Love" is no longer present.
  • Dipper's hat disappears when he leaves the bell tower before Bill confronts Ford.
  • When Bill quickly moves up to Dipper after freezing Ford, the "3" on the cover of Journal 3 disappears for a frame.
  • Several darts are impaled in Toby's arms, but when he falls over, the darts on his arms are gone, and he only has darts on his head.
  • Gideon only has four fingers on each hand during the scene at the Auto Mart and during the scene in front of the prison bubble. In all other scenes, he has five fingers on each hand.
  • After Dipper and Wendy find Soos, Dipper picks up his hat off the ground. However, the hat was in the car and was never on the ground.
  • When Soos checks Wendy to see if she's hurt from the crash, her right-hand glove disappears for a shot.
  • When the Discount Auto Mart Warriors surround Dipper, Wendy, and Soos, and in all other scenes, one of the prisoners is riding a motorcycle, making for six vehicles in total. However, when Gideon rallies the prisoners against the Eye-Bats and they drive off, there are only five vehicles, with the motorcycle vanishing.
  • When Bill introduces Ford to the Henchmaniacs, Hectorgon's arms are missing.

Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality[]

  • A few scenes before the Henchmaniacs attempt to bring their chaos worldwide, there are Eye-Bats, 8 Ball, the Creature with 88 different faces, Amorphous Shape, and the Lava lamp shaped creature present. In the next scene, the shot is zoomed in, but the Lava lamp shaped creature is still visible with the other Henchmaniacs (alongside Teeth). When the Henchmaniacs leave the Fearamid, the Fearamid appears to be completely void with the exception of Bill, with the Eye-Bats, the Creature with 88 different faces, 8 Ball, Teeth, Amorphous Shape, and the Lava lamp shaped creature apparently vanishing.
  • In the end of "Weirdmageddon Part 1," Soos is wearing a black poncho and is not covered in dirt. At the beginning of this episode, Soos' poncho is gone, and he is covered in dust.
  • When Dippy Fresh high-fives Soos, the former is wearing a skateboarding helmet, which is not present in any other shot in the scene, not even when he is actually skateboarding.
  • In the initial shot of the flashback to school picture day, a leaf falling from a tree blows to the right, but a nearby flag is blowing to the left, which should not be possible.
  • In picture day, Dipper is seen suffering from an allergy and Mabel is seen completely healthy. This is despite him stating in "Weirdmageddon Part 1" that their allergies act up at the same time.
  • Dipper's birthmark is missing when he shaves off his front hair with a razor.
  • When the Multi-Bear exits the bathroom and says his line, Stan's neck is white.
  • Despite disappearing in the previous episode, Blendin Blandin could be seen in Bill's throne.
  • During the whole episode Teeth, Amorphous Shape, Hectorgon and Lava Lamp Guy doesn't have their auras, they lack them.
  • During the whole episode Keyhole lacks his shades around his eyes.
  • During the whole episode Teeth's arms come directly from his mouth, when in the previous episode, we saw them coming from behind his mouth.

Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls[]

  • Just before Stan hugs Dipper and Mabel when they arrive at the Shack, a squiggled line appears on his fez for a frame.
  • When Stan rushes to close the door against the Eye-Bat, his sash reads "CHIFE" for a moment.
  • When Dipper and Mabel rally the refugees, Toby is both in the crowd standing and lying down on the couch.
  • When Old Man McGucket, Soos, Wendy, Dipper and Mabel are huddled up to discuss their plan, Mabel's mouth doesn't move, yet she is heard talking.
  • Right after Wendy is seen in a huddle with Old Man McGucket, Soos, Dipper and Mabel, she has somehow teleported behind Stan while he watches the characters huddle from afar.
  • When McGucket explains his plan to rescue Ford, Wendy is among the crowd huddled around him. In the next shot, Wendy is shown to be standing behind Stan.
  • When Pacifica first wears her llama sweater, her hair clips through the sweater.
  • When Bill orders his Henchmaniacs to attack the Shacktron, Keyhole's keyhole is blue instead of black.
  • When Wendy defeats 8 Ball using an Eye-Bat, 8 Ball's nails, stomach, and cuff turn dark green like the rest of his body.
  • McGucket is first shown controlling the Gobblewonker head from an enclosed room with numerous computer screens. In a later shot, he is seen near the window, with no computer screens anywhere near him.
  • When Dipper uses the height-altering crystals on a snowglobe, the purple light makes the snowglobe bigger, but in "Little Dipper," the purple light was shown to make things smaller.
  • When Wendy reunites with her family, two of her younger brothers have the appearance of two other background kids seen in previous episodes.
  • When the crowd claps for Blubs' and Durland's reunion, Lazy Susan is not wearing lipstick, but she is wearing lipstick in all other shots.
  • When Ford uses the spray paint can to draw the Zodiac, the can is black, but when Mabel sprays paint into Bill's eye, the can is brown.
  • When we see an overheard shot of the Zodiac when most of the roles are filled, Pacifica is in the llama section. But she's later seen entering that section after McGucket enters his section.
  • When Soos is trying to figure out who the question mark on the Zodiac is, his shirt turns a light teal color.
  • When Pacifica's parents tell her to "touch the hillbilly," Robbie is seen behind them, even though he should be in his section in the Zodiac.
  • Right when Ford calls Stan to come over to the Zodiac, Robbie's hand is shown to have five fingers. In the third shot, the five-fingered hand is still shown.
  • When Bill ties the Pines brothers, Ford's head doesn't have a light streak.
  • When Wendy, Gideon, and McGucket prepare to fight Bill, Wendy has five fingers on both her hands.
  • When Teeth eats Shmebulock he becomes slightly larger.
  • In Stan's mindscape, the tapestry for the Royal Order of the Holy Mackerel is miscolored.
  • When Soos holds up the stuffed monkey-fish, its mouth is open. In a subsequent shot, its mouth is closed.
  • While at Dipper and Mabel's birthday party, Toby wears his "Bodacious T" outfit. However, in the final shot before cutting to evening, Toby is wearing his original outfit.
  • Thompson's name is misspelled as "Thomson" on the "See you next summer" note.


Site navigation

V - E - H - D Gravity Falls episodes
Season one 1. Tourist Trapped | 2. The Legend of the Gobblewonker | 3. Headhunters | 4. The Hand That Rocks the Mabel | 5. The Inconveniencing | 6. Dipper vs. Manliness | 7. Double Dipper | 8. Irrational Treasure | 9. The Time Traveler's Pig | 10. Fight Fighters | 11. Little Dipper | 12. Summerween | 13. Boss Mabel | 14. Bottomless Pit! | 15. The Deep End | 16. Carpet Diem | 17. Boyz Crazy | 18. Land Before Swine | 19. Dreamscaperers | 20. Gideon Rises
Season two 21. Scary-oke | 22. Into the Bunker | 23. The Golf War | 24. Sock Opera | 25. Soos and the Real Girl | 26. Little Gift Shop of Horrors | 27. Society of the Blind Eye | 28. Blendin's Game | 29. The Love God | 30. Northwest Mansion Mystery | 31. Not What He Seems | 32. A Tale of Two Stans | 33. Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons | 34. The Stanchurian Candidate | 35. The Last Mabelcorn | 36. Roadside Attraction | 37. Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future | 38. Weirdmageddon Part 1 | 39. Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality | 40-41. Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls
Animated shorts Candy Monster | Stan's Tattoo | Mailbox | Lefty | Tooth | The Hide-Behind | Mabel's Guide to Dating | Mabel's Guide to Stickers | Mabel's Guide to Fashion | Mabel's Guide to Color | Mabel's Guide to Art | Fixin' It with Soos: Golf Cart | Fixin' It with Soos: Cuckoo Clock | TV Shorts 1 | TV Shorts 2 | Mabel's Scrapbook: Heist Movie | Mabel's Scrapbook: Petting Zoo
Lists Allusions | Cryptograms | Goofs | International versions
Related Media Unaired pilot | Next Time On Gravity Falls | Creature in the Closet | Creepy Letters from Lil' Gideon | Gravity Paws | Gravity Falls Journal 3 Infomercial | Gravity Falls: Six Strange Tales | Gravity Falls: Even Stranger | The Mystery in Gravity Falls | "Old Man" McGucket's Conspiracy Corner Marathon | Between the Pines | Soos' Stan Fiction | Soos Cast | Gravity Falls – Tug-n’-Talk Shmebulock | One Crazy Summer: A Look Back at Gravity Falls | Call Me Mabel | Chibiverse | How NOT to Draw Grunkle Stan