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Gravity Falls Wiki

Cipher is Real or Hectoring is a southern song first mentioned in The Book of Bill and formally released on its tie in website, This Is Not A Website Dot Com. Created by the fictitious “Pluckin’ Jim” Pucket, it can be found by inputting the words "Hectoring" into the website. It is unknown who composed it but Alex Hirsch is one of the singers in it and recorded vocals.

It follows a church singing about Bill Cipher and encounters they have had with him.


According to The Book of Bill, Bill Cipher spent the 1950s or "The Swingin' Years" as he called it, trying to get into the minds of humans through their ears via music. However, every band he tried to start was a flop. Eventually, all references to him were banned from the radio, except for "Preachy Hillbilly Slop." One of the songs he released through this means was called "Cipher is Real," by “Pluckin’ Jim” Pucket. With remarks on the record cover like, "I hate Bill Cipher more than I love my son!" and featuring judgmental yodeling, it was not what Bill hoped to achieve but according to him, the record did make a great frisbee. He encourages anyone who can find a copy to aim for “Pluckin’ Jim” Pucket's unibrow.



Cipher is real

He’s sinful and yellow

He’s a triangle fellow

With mischief in mind

Cipher is real

He’ll cause Weirdmageddon

So don’t be forgettin’

To leave him behind!


Folks, I attended a church service just last Sunday,

And the preacher, who was a little old man with a great big heart

Raised his hand aloft to the sky and asked

“Is there anyone here in the congregation - get out of your pews, stand up - who can testify as to the wickedry of the triangle false idol Bill Cipher, anyone here, anyone in the audience?”

Sure enough, a little old lady, shawl wrapped around her shoulders, pearl necklace jingling off her withered neck raised her hand and she commenced to speak

She said, “ladies and gentlemen, I was once a law abiding citizen like you.

I sold cigarettes down at the train station to the sailors, coming to and fro’ across this great land.

But one day, I was lying in bed, and sure enough there he was, Bill Cipher himself, he said

‘Doris—‘ my name is Dolores but I did not correct him, so impressed was I, ‘Doris—‘ said he ‘—I’ll get you a husband. Nay, I’ll get you gold, silver, silks, and spices if you’ll follow me.’ And I’m not too happy to admit it, but I fell under his demonic spell, I began to drink root beer and listen to the jazz music. I'd dance late at night and steal teeth out of the mouths of animals and the next thing you know, my whole body was covered in triangular tattoos, if you don’t mind, I hope you’re not too bashful, I’d like to show you.”

She took off her blouse exposing herself for The Good Lord and all of us to see,

And sure enough across her bosom was a demonic triangle standing defied against God and Man with a pink t-shirt that said “um, I’m a little different, get used to it.”

And she fell to her knees and wept.


Cipher is real

He’s sinful and yellow

He’s a triangle fellow

With mischief in mind

Cipher is real

He’ll cause Weirdmageddon

So don’t be forgettin’

To leave him behind!


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V - E - H - D Songs
Theme Gravity Falls Main Title Theme
Season 1
(Full Scores - Volume 1 - Volume 2 - Volume 3)
My Name Is Mabel | Widdle Ol Me | Homework's Wack | Lamby Lamby Dance | Disco Girl | Training Montage | Always Means Forever | Don't Start Un-Believing | Wendy | 9 to 5 | Large and In Charge | Singin' Salmon | Stan Wrong Song | Dipper's Voice Remix | Cray Cray | Wendy's Song | Meat for the Apocalypse | It'll Be This Way Forever | Mabel Girl | Li'l Gideon Jingle
Season 2
(Full Scores)
The Rapper's Rap | Taking Over Midnight | Minigolf Skillz | Singing the Driving Song | We Control the Balls | Literacy | Other People's Mouths | You're the Boy I Love | Who's That Girl | Ave Maria | Two Kings | Remember Those Times | Straight Blanchin' | Wendy, I Miss You So Much | Puttin' a Rainbow Wig on a Big White Gorilla | Singing by the Open Road | Goat and a Pig | Diggity Dungeons & All That | Dancin' Dude | Crime is Bad | Mabel's Good Deeds Montage | My Heart Is Made of Rainbows | I'm a stuffed animal tree | We'll Meet Again
Shorts Bear-O | Mabel's Guide To | Fixin' It with Soos
Unused/Deleted/Other songs The Gobblewonker Song | Market Fun | ZombieLuv | TXT Me 2morrow | Vegas Baby | Pines 2016 | It's Gonna Get Weird| Ballad of Stan | Tug-n’-Talk Shmebulock | Call Me Mabel | Gravity Falls (Original Soundtrack) | Lofi: Gravity Falls
Book of Bill Cipher is Real | The World is Small Ever After for Always