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Gradius Wiki
Not to be confused with Doom.

Death (デス Desu?) is a boss in Salamander.


Death MK I is the first of the infamous Death bosses in the Gradius series. This one was the boss of stage 5 of Salamander, but not Life Force (this role was given to Gaw). Unlike its later brethren, this one lacks the "Beam of Death".

In the MSX version of Salamander, Death is called 'Seducer' for some reason.

Death reappeared in Otomedius Versus mode, and its spell changed into 'DES' instead of Death. DES in Otomedius attacks with every pattern it and its variations had.

Attack patterns[]

Death or des

From Otomedius Gorgeous Vs Mode

The doors open and release a small, common enemy. Eventually, the core will glow red for a second and release a bouncing core, similar to the Fortress Valis in stage 4. It will occasionally release another core until it's destroyed.

Salamander (MSX)[]

After you destroy a volley of cannons in Planet Lavinia, Death will appear upon destruction of the space fortress and will launch a ship that fires laser lines on top and below (see Parodius for details, it has it) once the hatch is destroyed, Death will move fast on-screen (this would scare players much and distracts the player when the hatch is destroyed). The boss has poor health so you don't have to worry about it.

Salamander (PCE)[]

This version is very hard to battle, since you CANT destroy the hatch, all it does were launching a 3 way flying cores (8 way if you have 4 Options) 3 way homing missiles (8 if you have 4 Options) and a fighter that fires the same missiles as Death does (or Phalanx) You must destroy its core when the hatch is opened.


Starting in Otomedius, DES has 4 variants with different attack patterns based on previous appearances. Common to all variants are the ability to shoot beams derived from its later successor, Death MK III.

  • Irene variant: Uses attack pattern found in Salamander (Arcade). Open doors and release a common enemy. Shoots Bouncing cores.
  • Eliza variant: Utilizes pattern found in Salamander (PCE). Releases 4 common enemies and shoots 5-way flying cores.
  • Gofer Sisters variant: Applies patterns only found from its successors. Releases 5 missiles plus bouncing cores. This variant uses the "Beam of Death" from Death MK II.
  • Titi XIV variant: Employs similar tactics from the Irene variant with slight variations. Deploys a stream of common enemies and bouncing cores.


See also[]

Characters and ships Vic ViperLord British (Lord British)• Saber Tiger and Thrasher (Iggy Rock and Zowie Scott) • Van Landroth FrehleyLars XVIIISuper CobraGalaxyPurple EmperorRed Devil
Salamander stages Bionic GermMeteorite SpaceBurning ChaosVolcano AreaSalamander Planetoid
Salamander (MSX) stages Top Flight Speed to LatisConduct to Space Station ZotSet the Crush Blow System - Planet EioneusSet the Crush Blow System - Planet LaviniaSet the Crush Blow System - Planet KierkeWrath of VenomCrush Salamander
Life Force-only stages Organic Speed ZoneTemple Zone
Salamander 2 stages Sub-life SpaceProminence FortressBio HazardHuge BattleshipAsteroidDoom Fortress
Salamander bosses GolemTetranIntruderFortress ValisDeathBig Core X3Jumping MoaiZelos Force
Port exclusive bosses ZylomGawGigaTutankhamonDead EndEnigmaTrue VenomMetal SlaveZelos Barrier
Salamander 2 bosses BiterHydraAbadonTenny RopPlate CoreCerberusDoom
Main Characters Aoba AnoaErul TronEmon • 5MadokaDiol TweeTita NiumEsmeraldaPoini CoonArnvalStrarfGesshi HanafuumaKokoro Belmont
Supporting Characters OperettaPrincess IreneKonami LadyEmon • 8Pastel
Antagonists ElizaTiti XIVYoshikoGofer SistersMeta LiumNeko SenchoT.B. RikaRyukotsukiShiori FujisakiRuby and CobaltDark Force
Otomedius / Gorgeous stages San Salvador IslandTokyoCanadian RockiesEaster IslandAlexandriaAntarcticaValhalla
Otomedius Excellent stages The Big WaveMidnight TetranSpelunker of HellThe Ancient BacterianThe Return of Cosmic WarDark Force's Ambition Part 1Dark Force's Ambition Part 2Dark Force's Ambition Part 3Skills to the TestMessage from Emon-5The Reunion
Otomedius / Gorgeous bosses Princess SeirenEyegolBig Core DX-01Scarab CoreCrystal Core D-X02Big CoreAbaddon WarshipMayhem WarshipTetranViva CoreManbowBig Core MK IIRolling CoreCovered Core MK IIDeathZelos Force FortuneOdin Core
Otomedius Excellent bosses Mirrored CoreTri-Pod CoreSerpent CoreBig Core DXOld Big CoreHeaven's GatePerla MeraldaNeo Big CoreMisfit WarshipDellinger CoreMetal SlaveGunner WallBlack ViperDeath BringerScramble ShipBisumaru ExcellentWinBee
Core Warships
Big Cores Big Core MK I (Old Big Core) • Big Core CustomBig Core MK-I Rev.2Big Core MK IIBig Core MK II KaiBig Core MK IIIBig Core MK IV
Big Core variants BeaconBig Core DuoBlaster Cannon CoreBoost CoreBubble CoreCircle CoreCoreshipCrater CoreCrystal CoreDellinger CoreDesert CoreHeaven's GateJuggler CoreLaser CoreLizard CoreMirrored CoreNeo Big CoreParasite CorePerla MeraldaPlanet CoreRexion CoreRolling CoreSerpent CoreShining CoreSuper Big CoreTerra CoreVanishing CoreGenocide CoreOdin Core
Core-style bosses Abaddon WarshipCovered CoreCovered Core MK IIDead EndDeltatryKrakenMayhem WarshipMetal SlaveMisfit WarshipQueensrÿcheRiot WarshipPlate Core
Pseudo-Cores DeathDeath MK II (DeathDouble) • Death MK IIIBeta CoreNobilTri-Pod CoreTriple CoreCrash Bam
Tetran variants Tetran (Zylom) • Covered TetranCrystal Core D-X02Laser TetranTenny Rop
Parody Cores Candy CoreDecoration CoreDecoration Core MK IIViva Core