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Prostate cancer

From Wikipedia
Prostate cancer
class of disease
Subclass ofmale reproductive organ cancer, prostate neoplasm, prostate disease, disease Edit
Dey afflictprostate Edit
Health specialtyoncology, urology Edit
Medical examinationKallikrein related peptidase 3, positron emission tomography, medical ultrasonography, prostate cancer screening Edit
Anatomical locationprostate Edit
Described at URLhttps://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/150086 Edit
ICD-9-CM185 Edit
ICPC 2 IDY77 Edit
NCI Thesaurus IDC3343, C7378 Edit

Prostate cancer be de uncontrolled growth of cells insyd de prostate, a gland insyd de male reproductive system below de bladder. Dem usually dey detect abnormal growth of de prostate tissue thru screening tests, typically blood tests wey dey check for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. Those plus high levels of PSA insyd dema blood dey for increased risk make dem develop prostate cancer. Diagnosis dey require a biopsy of de prostate. If cancer be present, de pathologist dey assign a Gleason score; a higher score wey dey represent a more dangerous tumor. Dem go perform medical imaging take look for cancer wey spread outsyd de prostate. Based for de Gleason score top, PSA levels, den imaging results, dem dey assign a cancer case stage 1 go 4. A higher stage dey signify a more advanced, more dangerous disease.

Signs den symptoms

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Early prostate cancer usually dey cause no symptoms. As de cancer dey advance, e fi cause erectile dysfunction, blood insyd de urine anaa semen, anaa trouble wen you dey urinate – commonly dey include frequent urination den slow anaa weak urine stream.[1] More dan half of men over age 50 experience sam form of urination problem,[2] typically secof issues oda dan prostate cancer such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (non-cancerous enlargement of de prostate).[1]

Advanced prostate tumors fi metastasize to nearby lymph nodes den bones, particularly insyd de pelvis, hips, spine, ribs, head, den neck.[3] Der dem fi cause fatigue, unexplained weight loss, den back anaa bone pain wey no dey improve plus rest.[4][5] Metastases fi damage de bones around dem, den around a quarter of those plus metastatic prostate cancer dey develop a bone fracture.[6] Metastases wey dey grow sanso fi compress de spinal cord wey dey cause weakness insyd de legs den feet, anaa limb paralysis.[7][8]


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  1. 1.0 1.1 "Prostate Cancer Signs and Symptoms" (in English). American Cancer Society. 1 August 2019. Retrieved 21 May 2023.
  2. Merriel, Funston & Hamilton 2018, "Symptoms and signs".
  3. Rebello et al. 2021, "Figure 3: Prostate cancer stages and progression".
  4. Coleman et al. 2020, "Prevalence of SREs".
  5. "Symptoms of Prostate Cancer". Cancer Research UK. 15 March 2022. Archived from the original on 21 May 2023. Retrieved 21 May 2023.
  6. Coleman et al. 2020, "Prostate cancer".
  7. Clinical Overview 2022, "Clinical presentation".
  8. Scher & Eastham 2022, "Metastatic disease: noncastrate".

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