Forbidden Colors Quotes

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Forbidden Colors Forbidden Colors by Yukio Mishima
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Forbidden Colors Quotes Showing 1-27 of 27
“Beauty is something that burns the hand when you touch it.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“Everybody's the same. People are all the same. But it’s the prerogative of youth to think it’s not so.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“We human beings sometimes steer off in a direction in which we hope to find something a little bit better.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“A woman is never so drunk with happiness as when she discovers desire in the eyes of a man”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“The process in which a writer is compelled to counterfeit his true feelings is exactly the opposite of that which the man of society is compelled to counterfeit his. The artist disguises in order to reveal; the man of society disguises in order to conceal”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“A un cuore che tenti di avvicinarsi, il cuore dell’altro sembra lontano”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“Beautiful things always intimidate me [...] More than that, they drag me down. How can that be? Is it a superstition that beauty elevates mankind?”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“Someone once said that homosexuals have on their faces a certain loneliness that will not come off.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“When we plot the happiness of another, we unconsciously impute to the other person what is in another form the dream in which our own happiness is fulfilled. Thus by not thinking of our own happiness we make it possible for ourselves to become egotistic.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“Procurar placer a una mujer es exponerte a cien sinsabores sin un solo beneficio.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“Beauty has become a stimulus to garrulity. It has gotten so that on confronting the beautiful one feels duty-bound to say something in a great hurry. It has gotten so we feel we must convert beauty right away. If we don't convert it, it's dangerous. Like explosives, beauty has become a difficult thing to own. The power of possessing beauty through silence, this majestic power for which one would lay down his life, has been lost.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“True beauty makes men dumb [...] criticism, like beauty, sought above all to strike men dumb [...] Criticism's method was to evoke silence without calling on beauty [...] At some time, however, the faith that beauty must strike dumb became a thing of the past. Beauty has not only failed to silence people, it has gotten so even when it passes through the middle of a banquet people don't stop talking. Those of you who have gone to Kyoto do not fail to go to the Stone Garden at the Ryoanji Temple [...]It is a garden to strike men dumb. The amusing thing , though, is that [...] saying that it would not do not to say a word, they screw up their faces trying to squeeze out a haiku [...] It has gotten so we feel we must say something in a great hurry. It has gotten so feel we must convert beauty right away. If we don't convert it, it's dangerous. [...] With this, the age of criticism began.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“Lo bello siempre me intimida. Y eso no es todo, porque en ocasiones me envilece.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“A work of art is by no means the property of its creator.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“In a big city, there are always fires somewhere. And there are always crimes somewhere, too. God, despairing of burning away crime with fire , perhaps distributed crime and fire in equal quantities. Thus crime is never consumed by fire, while innocence can be burned up. That's why insurance companies prosper. My guilt, however--in order that it might become a pure thing immune to fire, must not my innocence first pass through the fire?”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“In attesa della venuta di un universo di felicità assoluta e uniti da un unico interesse maledetto, sognavano un semplice assioma. Sognavano il giorno in cui quello dell'amore di un uomo per un altro uomo avrebbe capovolto il vecchio assioma dell'amore di un uomo per una donna.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“Той, хто кохає, завжди великодушний, той, кого кохають, завжди жорстокий.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“Estos anuncios dolían a Yuichi. Sin poder evitarlo, le obligaban a pensar que la sociedad se basaba en la heterosexualidad, ese principio, enojoso hasta la exasperación, establecido por la mayoría.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“In short, spirit must be viewed as the special characteristic that differentiates man from the animals. It is the only essential difference.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“El amor sólo puede nacer de la desesperación. El espiritu contra la naturaleza...el movimiento del espiritu hacia esa imposibilidad de comunicación es el amor.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
tags: amor
“Emprender un viaje produce un sentimiento misterioso. Uno cree haberse liberado no sólo de los lugares que quedan a sus espaldas, sino tambien del tiempo que deja detrás de si.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
tags: viajar
“Como les sucede a tantos jovenes, pues vivir la juventud es una muerte impetuosa y constante, ellos aspiraban continuamente a una nueva destrucción. Un hermoso joven en el umbral de la muerte debe tener una sonrisa en los labios.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“Puesto que la vida es un extravio, se diría que el más sensato de los desengaños consiste en elaborar un extravio artificial, ordenado y lógico, en el mismo interior de ese extravio enmarañado e incontrolable.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“En la vida trazamos el rumbo hacía el que pensamos que es el mal menor, pero la satisfacción que nos procura este instante se mezcla con el placer de humillar nuestros deseos más ardientes y más dificiles de colmar, en el fondo del corazón, y nos contentamos con decirnos que es un mal menor.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“A todo el mundo le ocurre lo mismo, todos los seres humanos son iguales- replicó el viejo escritor, alzando la voz. -Pero creer lo contrario es el privilegio de la juventud.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
“Cuando uno se convence de que, al enamorarse, resulta tremendamente vulnerable, la idea de haber vivido hasta entonces desconocedor de esta verdad les hace estremecerse. Por esta razón el amor vuelve virtuosas a ciertas personas.”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors
tags: amor
“Él sabía que las dos conviven tranquilamente en este mundo, pero lo primero que ha de hacer el arte es violar las reglas de la realidad. Y ha de ser así a fin de que pueda existir por si mismo”
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors