Blue Asylum Quotes

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Blue Asylum Blue Asylum by Kathy Hepinstall
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Blue Asylum Quotes Showing 1-15 of 15
“Her childhood had been magical, hours spent in ecstatic loneliness in the apple orchard, dreaming of foreign lands and wild adventures. Everything was new, down to bird song and grass blades. By the time she had reached adulthood, the town around her was like a grandmother who had used up all her stories and now simply rocked on the porch. The same flowers, the same streets, year after year. She longed for someone more exotic. A prince. A pirate.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum
“Those who wake at this hour feel a lonely separation from everyone but night birds and ghost crabs, never imagining the legion of kindred souls scattered in the darkness, who stare at ceilings and pace floors and look out windows and covet and worry and mourn.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum
“That's what war was. A great motion and then a great stillness in which the winner crouches and the loser lies facing the sky.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum
“They had engaged in what could not be called treatment or even discussion, but open combat, the two of them a microcosm of the great war raging in the far distance: one side that desired autonomy, and the other that took independence as a sign of madness.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum
“I see the way you look at him, and he looks at you. Don't question love, Iris. It may have come to you in an inconvenient form, one that society finds scandalous, but it's a gift from God. A reminder that this institution can't interfere with natural processes, like laughter, prayer, a dream that comes to you in sleep. Or love. Do with it what you want, but know it means God still sees you not as a lunatic but as His child.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum
“The world was cruel and sudden. This he knew for sure. Relax for a moment, breathe in the scent of a rose, rest in the shade, pet a dog, take a sip of lemonade, fall in love with a dreamy-eyed girl or a haunted faced man, and you are just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Buzzing around the lemonade, you'll find flies. Follow the flies and you'll find death.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum
“The soul is nothing but the innards of the finest watch, ruined before the watchmaker’s hands even touch it, by its exposure to air.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum
“Every father wants a daughter to meet the right God, and the right man. Perhaps her father had failed with both.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum
“Wives were not supposed to hate their husbands. It was not in the proper order of things.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum
“That’s what war was. A great motion and then a great stillness in which the winner crouches and the loser lies facing the sky.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum
“The world was cruel and sudden. This he knew for sure. Relax for a moment, breathe in the scent of a rose, rest in the shade, pet a dog, take a sip of lemonade, fall in love with a dreamy-eyed girl or a haunted-faced man, and you are just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Buzzing around the lemonade, you’ll find flies. Follow the flies and you’ll find death.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum
“Give that bully that is history a bleeding lip.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum
“HE MISSED THE WOMAN, missed her more than blue could cover.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum
“And the time to say it was days ago, perhaps weeks ago, but it was never said. Like the fireflies she used to keep in Mason jars, the promise of its telling had glowed intermittently.

"I love you," he said. And now the fireflies shone with a constant light.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum
tags: love
“He stood there , mouth agape, the ax hanging useless by his side. This could not be. Pride. Joy. Anticipation.
The chef had perfectly seasoned himself for dinner that night and he would not be denied.
Unquote ( but he would be denied )”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum