Mad as Hell Quotes

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Mad as Hell: Why Everything is Getting Crazier (The Political Series Book 1) Mad as Hell: Why Everything is Getting Crazier by Michael Faust
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“If you want to be a real person living in the real world, the first thing you must do is get off the grid. Take the first brave step and delete your Facebook profile. After all, you surely wouldn’t want the words carved on your headstone to be: “I was registered with Facebook. I had 101 online friends (and I even knew a few of them). My current mood is: Sad.”
Michael Faust, Mad as Hell: Why Everything is Getting Crazier
“Isn’t it time be a hero, one that your yourself have created and defined? Isn’t it time to be the god you have it within you to be? Leave the broken world behind. Create a new world. This time one that isn’t screwed. Let’s stop being as mad as hell. Let’s stop the
decline of humanity into increasing craziness. Let’s create a Society of Quality, a Society of Excellence, a
Society of Self-Actualization. Above all, a Society of Divine Humanity, where we have given glorious expression to the divine spark that resides within us all.”
Michael Faust, Mad as Hell: Why Everything is Getting Crazier
“Isn’t it time be a hero, one that your yourself have created and defined? Isn’t it time to be the god you have it within you to be? Leave the broken world behind. Create a new world. This time one that isn’t screwed. Let’s stop being as mad as hell. Let’s stop the
decline of humanity into increasing craziness. Let’s create a Society of Quality, a Society of Excellence, a Society of Self-Actualization. Above all, a Society of Divine Humanity, where we have given glorious expression to the divine spark that resides within us all.”
Michael Faust, Mad as Hell: Why Everything is Getting Crazier
“Meritocracy is about recreating science’s success in the political, social, economic and religious spheres. It’s about rational thinking, evidence-based policies and continual experimentation. It’s about deliberately creating institutions of thesis, antithesis and synthesis to provide an engine of progress that drives the world relentlessly forward to an omega point of perfection”
Michael Faust, Mad as Hell: Why Everything is Getting Crazier