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The False Prince
Sharon is currently reading
by Jennifer A. Nielsen (Goodreads Author)
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Vijaya Gowrisankar
“I may have stumbled
and stammered at
your unexpected push,
but the breeze
anchored me
and I learnt the
art of survival”
Vijaya Gowrisankar

Anderson Cooper
“Stop this dwelling on fantasy tragedies and disasters occurring unexpectedly. It is time wasted and leads to a dead end, such pursuits sap and waste energy. You tend to worry much too much over bad things occurring, events that may never happen. You can do this if you put your mind to it. Whenever those thoughts pop up, just give them a swift kick in the ass.”
Anderson Cooper, The Rainbow Comes and Goes: A Mother and Son on Life, Love, and Loss

Peggy Annear
“Removing sugar from your diet is the quickest way to lose fat and increase your energy levels.”
Peggy Annear, No Sugar Diet: A Complete No Sugar Diet Book, 7 Day Sugar Detox for Beginners, Recipes & How to Quit Sugar Cravings

“Don't bore the universe.”
Anas Khan (Tech Savvy)

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