
The Sun Quotes

Quotes tagged as "the-sun" Showing 1-30 of 43
Rick Riordan
“Caves of blue.
Strike the hue.
Westward, burning.
Pages turning.
Ripe banana.
Happiness approaches.
Serpents and roaches.

There once was a god named Apollo
Who plunged in a cave blue and hollow
Upon a three-seater
The bronze fire-eater
Was forced death and madness to swallow”
Rick Riordan, The Hidden Oracle

C. JoyBell C.
“Pink is a beautiful color, because it is one of the colors that the sun makes at twilight and in the dawns.”
C. JoyBell C.

Alfred Döblin
“So, go on rising, sun, you don't frighten us. We don't care about your many miles, your diameter, your volume. Warm sun, just rise, bright light, arise. You are not big, you are not small, you are happiness.”
Alfred Döblin, Berlin Alexanderplatz

“I'm looking for a writer who doesn't know where the sentence is leading her; a writer who starts with her obsessions and whose heart is bursting with love, a writer sly enough to give the slip to her secret police, the ones who know her so well, the ones with the power to accuse and condemn in the blink of an eye. It's all right that she doesn't know what she's thinking until she writes it, as if the words already exist somewhere and draw her to them. She may not know how she got there, but she knows when she's arrived.”
Sy Safransky

Katherine Mansfield
“By health I mean the power to live a full, adult, living, breathing life in close contact with what I love — the earth and the wonders thereof — the sea — the sun. All that we mean when we speak of the external world. A want to enter into it, to be part of it, to live in it, to learn from it, to lose all that is superficial and acquired in me and to become a conscious direct human being. I want, by understanding myself, to understand others. I want to be all that I am capable of becoming so that I may be (and here I have stopped and waited and waited and it’s no good — there’s only one phrase that will do) a child of the sun. About helping others, about carrying a light and so on, it seems false to say a single word. Let it be at that. A child of the sun.”
Katherine Mansfield, Journal of Katherine Mansfield

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The sun taught me how to love, by shining on everybody.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

C. JoyBell C.
“Some people are the Sun. They radiate warmth and light just because they're filled with that fire. The Sun must feel sad, sometimes, when nothing can do the same for it. Because all around are cold stars, dark planets, nothing is as warm.”
C. JoyBell C.

“The westering winter sun, at once glaring and cold, inched up the counterpane, slipped across Sir Walter's hair where it straggled over the pillow, glided across his cheek, and stuck a finger in his eye.”
Dorothea-Sofia Rossellini, Mrs Clay: The Austen Expert's Companion to 'Persuasion'

Michael Bassey Johnson
“A fool tries to outshine the sun; the wise gets closer to the sun and learns the art of shining.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“The sun doesn’t wait for approval before gassing itself up and setting itself on fire. It’s too busy bringing it’s desire to spread love, light and sight to earth’s entire empire.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Dipa Sanatani
“It would do you some good to appreciate the reality beyond what we can see and perceive. And just because you cannot perceive something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.”
Dipa Sanatani, The Little Light

Stewart Stafford
“The Sun is 93 million miles from Earth. In 1610, Galileo observed sunspots on its surface, proving that the Sun was rotating and at different speeds. It also proved that you never know who's watching you.”
Stewart Stafford

Anthony T. Hincks
“I'm showering in sunbeams of love.”
Anthony T. Hincks

T.M Cicinski
“The sun is the father of all things on the earth. Just as the river is the mother which protects and nurtures us, the sun nourishes us too. He punishes us also, but he does so to strengthen us.”
T.M Cicinski, From Whence The Rivers Run

“One of the guests at this wedding, who has been close to her for years, says that here in Oxfordshire, Rebekah [Brooks] is a country wife... but that, in London, where the real transactions take place, she is 'the beating heart of the Devil'.”
Nick Davies, Hack Attack: The Inside Story of How the Truth Caught Up with Rupert Murdoch

A.D. Aliwat
“The sun will one day die. But love cannot die. God cannot die.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

A.D. Aliwat
“It can be said that the sun shines for us. That it and everything else were made by God for us.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The sun works the day shift; the moon, the night shift.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

William Carlos Williams
“Ah, Madam, what good are your thoughts

romantic but true
beside this gaiety of the sun
and that huge appetite?

from a glass pitcher she serves
clear water to the white chickens.

What are your memories
beside that purity?”
William Carlos Williams, The Collected Earlier Poems

Ljupka Cvetanova
“The sun rises for all except for those who sleep”
Ljupka Cvetanova, Yet Another New Land

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The sunshine is nature planting a kiss on the face of the earth.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

“The sun made me see it. The moon made me do it.”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

Ethan Chatagnier
“An infinitesimal fraction of the sun’s energy is responsible for all the abundance of our planet. A good thing we can’t see the torrent of waste, the enormity of what’s lost. Imagine pouring a jug of milk down the drain. The droplets of leftover milk in the sink? That’s what we live off.”
Ethan Chatagnier, Singer Distance

Ehsan Sehgal
“The sun does not know the new year, but humans' calendars do.”
Ehsan Sehgal

Swami Dhyan Giten
“Man can only come in contact with God through meditation. Meditation is the only way to come in contact with God.  God symbolizes the whole, the universe. God symbolizes the totality of all: the sky, the stars, the moon, the sun, the people, the trees, the animals, the flowers and the earth. God is aloving symbol of all that is. 
God is not a person, God is a presence. God is consciousness. When you are silent in deep meditation, you start feeling a presence surrounding you, and surrounding the stars, the people, the trees and the mountains. It is a subtle aura of light. The whole existence is radiating life, light and joy. 
The whole existence is a dance, which never begins and never ends. The moment you start feeling this infinity of existence, there is nothing that you can do than bow down in gratefulness to the mystery of existence.
There is nothing else to do, but to bow down in thankfulnessfor the precious gift that has been given to you. There is nothing else to do, but to bow down to the precious gift that you are alive and that you can love and be loved. 
Thankfulness for this gift arises when we say yes to this great opportunity. Thankfulness arises when we put the mind aside, and start functioning from the heart. That is meditation. 
Meditation means to move from the head to the heart. Then God is felt, and the presence becomes tangible. Then one has to surrender to the presence. One has to become one with God.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, Man is Part of the Whole: Silence, Love, Joy, Truth, Compassion, Freedom and Grace

Neil M. Gunn
“As the Sun put a circle round the earth and all that it contained, so a man by his vision put a circle round himself. At the centre of this circle his spirit sat, and at the centre of his spirit was a serenity for ever watchful. Sometimes the watchfulness gave an edge of joy in holding at bay the demons and even the vengeful lesser gods, and sometimes it meged with the Sun's light into pure timeless joy.”
Neil M. Gunn, Sun Circle

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“Dawn and burn with such massive largeness that your kindness shines uncontainable outside of both sides of all small-minded arguments.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones, Mirrors Of The Sun: Finding Reflections Of Light In The Shittiness Of Life

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“I love watching the flower heads in your heart spring into bloom, when you tilt towards me and my love starts warming you.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Thomas Gray
“I MUST not close my letter without giving you one principal event of my history ; which was that, in the course of my late tour, I set out one morning before five o'clock, the moon shining through a dark and misty autumnal air, and got to the sea coast time enough to be at the sun's levee. I saw the clouds and dark vapours open gradually to right and left, rolling over one another in great smoky wreaths, and the tide, as it flowed gently in upon the sands, first whitening, then slightly tinged with gold and blue ; and all at once a little line of in- sufferable brightness that, before I can write these five words, was grown to half an orb, and now to a whole one, too glorious to be distinctly seen. It is very odd it makes no figure on paper ; yet I shall remember it as long as the sun, or at least as I endure. I wonder whether any body ever saw it before ; I hardly believe it.”
Thomas Gray, Letters Of Thomas Gray

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