
Social Security Quotes

Quotes tagged as "social-security" Showing 1-30 of 35
John F. Kennedy
“If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.

[Inaugural Address, January 20 1961]
John F. Kennedy

Jane Austen
“people always live for ever when there is an annuity to be paid them”
Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility

Rachel Maddow
“Social security isn’t a ponzi scheme. It’s not bankrupting us. It’s not an outrage. It is working.”
Rachel Maddow

Ta-Nehisi Coates
“When President Roosevelt signed Social Security into law in 1935, 65 percent of African Americans nationally and between 70 and 80 percent in the South were ineligible.”
Ta-Nehisi Coates, Un conto ancora aperto

Friedrich A. Hayek
“It is much more difficult to see how it will ever be possible to abandon a system of provision for the aged under which each generation, by paying for the needs of the preceding one, acquires a similar claim to support by the next. It would almost seem as if such a system, once introduced, would have to be continued in perpetuity or allowed to collapse entirely. The introduction of such a system therefore puts a strait jacket on evolution and places on society a steadily growing burden from which it will in all probability again and again attempt to extricate itself by inflation.”
Friedrich A. Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty

“Disabled people are now having to beg for small payments that once were held up as entitlements, and a way of making society fairer.”
Mik Scarlet

Frank Chodorov
“Despite the fact that social security is a fraud in every respect, there are many who, ignoring the evidence, support it because "we must not let the old folks suffer destitution." This implies that before 1937 it was habitual for children to cast their nonproductive parents into the gutter. There is no evidence for that, and there are no records supporting the implication that all over sixty-five regularly died of hunger. The present crop of children are just as considerate of their old folks as were the pre-1937 vintage, and it is a certainty that if their envelopes were not tapped they would be in better position to show their filial devotion. Besides, if the government did not take so much of our earnings, we would be better able to save for our later days.”
Frank Chodorov, The Income Tax: Root of All Evil

“In the Third World taxation is very low a there is no welfare state, no pensions, and no social security system for the majority of people”
Pamela Abbott

Jared Taylor
“Hispanic households are more likely than blacks to use “means-tested” programs, or what we consider welfare. In 2005, fully half of all Hispanic families used welfare programs as opposed to 47 percent for black, and 18 percent for whites. Welfare use rises from the second to the third generation of Mexican immigrants.
The Center for Immigration Studies found that every household of illegal immigrants consumed an estimated $2,700 more in federal government services in 2002 than it paid in federal taxes, adding about $10.4 billion to the deficit. The largest federal costs were Medicaid ($2.5 billion), medical treatment for the uninsured ($2.2 billion), food assistance ($1.9 billion), prisons ($1.6 billion), and school aid ($1.4 billion). These figures do not include state and local spending. Non-citizens are ineligible for many forms of welfare. The study therefore concluded that if illegal immigrants were legalized, their increased welfare use would nearly triple the net federal outflow per family from $2,700 a year to $7,700 a year.
Some defenders of immigration claim it will save social security. It will not. Immigrants grow old, just like everyone else, and many bring their aged parents from their home country. They would contribute to the health of social security only if their earnings were well above the native average, which they are not. A study by the Center for Immigration Studies concludes that there is likely to be a Social Security payments crunch, but immigration will not be the solution: “Americans will simply have to look elsewhere to deal with this problem.”
Jared Taylor, White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century

Frances Perkins
“Out of our first century of national life we evolved the ethical principle that it was not right or just that an honest and industrious man should live and die in misery. He was entitled to some degree of sympathy and security. Our conscience declared against the honest workman's becoming a pauper, but our eyes told us that he very often did.”
Frances Perkins

Noam Chomsky
“. . . public education and Social Security are residues of a dangerous conception that we're all in this together and we have to work together to create a better life and a better future. If you're trying to maximize profit or maximize consumption, then working together is the wrong idea. It has to be beaten out of people's heads. Solidarity makes people hard to control and prevents them from being passive objects of private power. So you have to have a propaganda system that overcomes any deviation from the principle of subjugation to power systems.”
Noam Chomsky, Power Systems: Conversations on Global Democratic Uprisings and the New Challenges to U.S. Empire

“This body is a scrounger if it needs the state, a faker if it holds down a job.”
Frances Ryan

R.J. Intindola
“Social and safety net programs are the most difficult of all public service activities to calculate proper funding; governments fund these programs to temporarily alleviate a problem; a more appropriate funding rationale would be to eradicate the circumstances creating the problem.”
RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo) – 1992

Steven Magee
“The USA’s mistreatment of its disabled is a painful part of its history.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The corporate controlled government engages in a wide range of frauds with the masses.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Many newly disabled people inadvertently discover the disability system to be a sick minded government scam.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The country places war far higher than the health and wellbeing of its citizens.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When you fund a futile war in a far-off land, something expensive has to be cut at home.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Free healthcare for all is the foundation of the European Union, it does not exist in the USA.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The Ukraine war is just a big waste of USA taxpayers money that is causing the social security system to be increasingly defunded.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Do you think we will ever see the government stop funding futile wars and start to correctly fund its social security system?”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When compared to the European Union, I find America to be like a third world country.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I view America as a very different country to what I did when I first arrived. Today I view it as a country of extreme poverty.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The USA is the modern version of slavery.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“You can deny my disability benefits and I can tell people you denied me when I was too sick to work.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The government follows a business model of enriching healthy workers and depletion of assets from the sick and disabled.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The COVID-19 lockdown and the Maui wildfire disaster both demonstrated that the USA government was using rental home owners as their new social security system for the masses!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Cities have filled up with the homeless!”
Steven Magee

“Her legacy lies not just in the New Deal achievements she brought about, but in the regularly updated codes that protect workers in offices and factories everywhere. Today few people appreciate how different life was before Frances Perkins. We take for granted that children can go to school, not mills or coal mines every day; that people work for eight hours, not fifteen; that they get paid "time and a half" for overtime; that they can receive checks when unemployed or disabled; that they needn't dread the day when they can no longer work. Over seventy million Americans receive benefits under Social Security every month. The figure includes retirees, survivors, dependents, and the disabled.

There was only one priority item on her famous wish list she presented to FDR before becoming Secretary of Labor that she and the New Deal were not able to fulfill. It was universal health care. She left us a single major unfilled goal, one we as a nation are still striving to realize.”
Ruth Cashin Monsell, Frances Perkins: Champion of American Workers

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