
Don T Give Up Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "don-t-give-up-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 39
Germany Kent
“Stay on track, don't look back. You have come too far not to finish what you started. You can improve, you can change, you can progress, you can make a difference. You can do it, if you stay on track.”
Germany Kent

Helen   Edwards
“Everyone has some kind of mantra he or she lives by. Mine just happens to be that I see this life as a game, or as some would say, 'the game of life.”
Helen Edwards, Nothing Sexier Than Freedom

Mimi Novic
“Smile, dream, don’t give up.
Don’t try to be like everyone else, it’s impossible, Be totally your extraordinary self,
Paint the world with the colours of your spirit.”
Mimi Novic, Essence Of Being

Germany Kent
“The world is not interested in the difficulties you face. You must learn to pursue excellence and show remarkable resilience no matter the circumstances.”
Germany Kent

“You have the most magnificent things waiting ahead. Keep going.”
Hiral Nagda

Christy Ann Martine
“Maybe your superpower
is refusing to give up,
even on your weakest days
when you feel you're not enough.”
Christy Ann Martine, She'll Find the Sky: A Collection of Poems

Germany Kent
“As long as you are still breathing, there will always be another chance to succeed. Trust the process. There is an opportunity waiting in every disappointment.”
Germany Kent

Emory R. Frie
“You've always had people who care about you. Always. Don't pretend like you have to go through this alone.”
Emory R. Frie, Enchanted Forest

Germany Kent
“In the midst of the storm don't lose faith. God is preparing you for your next level. You are not forgotten. God has brought you this far and He will keep you hidden to increase you. Trust Him, trust His timing and know that His plans are best. Do not give up hope today because better is on the way.”
Germany Kent

“Just because you’re taking longer than others doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It just means that some people open their gifts later than others.”
Charles F Glassman

Germany Kent
“People who lack the clarity, courage, or determination to fulfill a dream will always surrender to fear and wonder what happened.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“There will be times when doors close. Accept it. That chapter ended for a reason and in due time you will understand why.”
Germany Kent

“It doesn't' matter how hard your life is, was, or will be just don't give up”
Dido Stargaze

Germany Kent
“If you are contemplating ending your life, know this: Your Life Matters!”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Instead of trying to rush the process, trust the process.”
Germany Kent

“You only fail when you give up!!!The harder the road, the greater the victory at the end of it. Your choice and path is yours. Give up, or keep moving forward!”
Napz Cherub Pellazo

Jessa Stephens
“We are all unique; the way we think and process those thoughts are unique.”
Jessa Stephens

“I have not stopped growing. I am still breathing.”
Abiodun Fijabi

J. Nedumaan
J. Nedumaan

Germany Kent
“The good thing about rejection is that too much of it can make you more tenacious, courageous and stronger, which eventually leads you to a positive outcome if you don't give up.”
Germany Kent

“Luck or no luck, you will get what you suppose to get. You will be who you are supposed to be. You will be where you are destined to be. Just don’t give up on yourself and don’t be too hard on yourself.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Germany Kent
“Those who settle have no idea what they could have been if they would not have given up.”
Germany Kent

“We may all get it wrong before we get it right. No one gets it right the first time, don't quit until you get it right.”
Ojingiri Hannah , Body Shaming : Reclaiming Your Confidence.

Avijeet Das
“The rich won't win. They are pampered blokes. We have daily struggles. They don't even know what struggle is in life. We face adversities on a daily basis. They lead a life of luxury. We have to make choices for our survival. They don't know that they have to make any kind of choices. We have to take care of our families. They don't know what they want. We have to fight on a daily basis to earn our pennies. They squander their money on stupid luxuries. We fight for survival. They give a damn to us and the world.
~ Call me the Professor or Poet or Avijeet or Musafir”
Avijeet Das

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