
Democracy Freedom Quotes

Quotes tagged as "democracy-freedom" Showing 1-30 of 49
Noam Chomsky
“In this possibly terminal phase of human existence, democracy and freedom are more than just ideals to be valued - they may be essential to survival.”
Noam Chomsky

Thomas L. Friedman
“When widely followed public figures feel free to say anything, without any fact-checking, it becomes impossible for a democracy to think intelligently about big issues.”
Thomas L. Friedman

Harry Truman
“[The American President] has to take all sorts of abuse from liars and demagogues.… The people can never understand why the President does not use his supposedly great power to make ’em behave. Well, all the President is, is a glorified public relations man who spends his time flattering, kissing and kicking people to get them to do what they are supposed to do anyway.”
Harry S. Truman

George Orwell
“The ruling power is always faced with the question, ‘In such and such circumstances, what would you do?’, whereas the opposition is not obliged to take responsibility or make any real decisions.”
George Orwell

Abhijit Naskar
“In a society where the majority choose charisma over character, democracy does more harm than good to the actual progress of that society”
Abhijit Naskar

Bill Moyers
“secrecy is the freedom tyrants dream of”
bill moyers

Abhijit Naskar
“It makes people feel good to say that all opinions are equal, because somehow, they correlate equality of opinions with equality of human dignity. And that's exactly where lies one of the most disgraceful and harmful perceptual errors of the society, that leads to an unfit government.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Constitution of The United Peoples of Earth

Amit Ray
“Peacefully protest for justice, transformational change and human rights are the heartbeats of democracy.”
Amit Ray, Nuclear Weapons Free World - Peace on the Earth

“The rose that is democracy has its own thorns. We have to bear with it.”

Abhijit Naskar
“All humans are equal, but not everyone has the mental capacity to decide what's best for harmony and progress of a people.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Constitution of The United Peoples of Earth

Timothy Snyder
“Демокрациите умират, когато хората престават да вярват, че гласуването има значение. Въпросът не е в това дали се организират избори, а дали те са свободни и честни. Ако е така, демокрацията поражда усещане за време и очаквания за бъдещето, които успокояват настоящето. Смисълът на всеки демократичен избирателен процес е обещанието за следващия. Ако очакваме, че ще се състоят други пълноценни избори, ние знаем, че следващия път ще можем да коригираме грешките си, които междувременно стоварваме върху хората, които сме избрали. По този начин демокрацията преобразува човешката погрешимост в политическа предвидимост и ни помага да преживяваме времето като движение напред към едно бъдеще, върху което имаме някакво влияние. Ако смятаме, че изборите са просто един повтарящ ритуал на подкрепа, демокрацията губи своя смисъл.”
Timothy Snyder, The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America

Pawan Pandit
“Preserving the difference between “rule of law” and “law for rule” is essential for democracy.”
Pawan Pandit

“Democracy is like spider web. If any negligible right decision falls into them they entrap it. But big wrong decision break through & escape it.”
Atef Ashab Uddin Sahil

“A policy paralysis can warrant a permanent illness to a functioning state.”
Qamar Rafiq

“If you look at the – freedom, democracy, equality, liberty– all of that can be qualified by saying, "What about me? What about us?" The idea of my tribe versus your tribe, etc. Freedom – what about Liberians who have been oppressed by the systems? Equality – what about institutional "Black-on-Black Apartheid?”What about the creators of the flawed systems who are now so-called liberators of the people?" What about your tribe versus my tribe?” What about the Americas versus the Natives, while disregarding the symptoms of the problems?

What about your party versus my party, constantly at war, and are not focused on the issues? Justice? How about “give me liberty or give me death?” Until then, the unsolved queries remain in Liberia's delusional political arenas. Until then, we'll never have a country without truths!!”
Henry Johnson Jr

“If you look at the – freedom, democracy, equality, liberty– all of that can be qualified by saying, "What about me? What about us?" The idea of my tribe versus your tribe, etc. Freedom – what about Liberians who have been oppressed by the systems? Equality – what about institutional "Black-on-Black Apartheid?”What about the creators of the flawed systems who are now so-called liberators of the people?" What about the Americos versus the Natives, while disregarding the symptoms of the problems?

What about your party versus my party, constantly at war, and are not focused on the issues? Justice? How about “give me liberty or give me death?” Until then, the unsolved queries remain in Liberia's delusional political arenas. Until then, we'll never have a country without truths!!”
Henry Johnson Jr

“Confrontation of the voice of dissent must be prevalent in a healthy democracy. However, it's also imperative to ensure that a significant amount of energy should not be wasted for someone else's utter foolishness.”
Ram krishna Guru

“Biggest enemy of Democracy is Democracy itself.”
Sandeep Sahajpal, The Twelfth Preamble: To all the authors to be!

“Our flint-hearted politicians fundamentally have not only crossed the Rubicon in treks of their power struggles but also pigeonhole the national issues.”
Qamar Rafiq

“If we don’t help rebuild minorities’ communities after a “trust deficit,” we end up with a spectacular mess as a majority community.”
Qamar Rafiq

“Motherland is a blessing, a gift, sometimes fatiguing, often strange and infuriating when politicians wipe their hands clean of any responsibility.”
Qamar Rafiq

“As I look at the upsurge in horrific atrocities against faith and ethnic communities, the pandemic of forced conversion and marriages, and see the widespread persecution continuing to rise, it feels like several storms are on their way to hitting us.”
Qamar Rafiq

“What is the matter with this world? From Afghanistan to India and Pakistan to Myanmar, we have witnessed the testimonies of tainted religious freedom, endangered democratic norms, and fractured human rights values.”
Qamar Rafiq

“I often struggle to breathe but resist thinking of the lost faith in the judicial system, incompetent politicians, and military dictators who worked hard to wheel me off into the intensive care unit (ICU) by placing my future on a ventilator. Now, my life support is a drip feed of foreign loans and emergency cash injections from lenders and friends. Have I told you my name? My name is Pakistan.”
Qamar Rafiq

“Do not expect those the system has elevated and given employment to support you in your fight against the system.”
Eduvie Donald

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