
Chamorro Quotes

Quotes tagged as "chamorro" Showing 1-3 of 3
Kimberly Willis Holt
“I'm not running for fiesta queen, I'm not going to be a suruhana, and I'm not making the golai hagun sune!"
Auntie Bernadette seems hurt. "Isabel, you don't have to yell."
"I do. You don't listen, I have to yell so you'll hear me.”
Kimberly Willis Holt, Keeper of the Night

M.B. Dallocchio
“Matansa. It means massacre in the Chamorro language, and is a nickname for the village of San Roque in the northern part of the island of Saipan that endured the most brutal slaughtering as a punishment for Chamorro resistance by Imperial Japan in WWII, which was part of an ongoing ethnic cleansing campaign that almost completely wiped out the Chamorro population from the face of the earth. San Roque is my family’s village.”
M.B. Dallocchio, The Desert Warrior

M.B. Dallocchio
“That seductive aroma of unchecked power was more than enough to commit genocide and mass sexual assault while unashamedly carrying their nation’s flag draped around a crucifix. People completely devoid of introspection, flaunting their entitlement and a self-importance that masked an endless pit of dejection that demanded more gold, land, and power. The Spanish crown was a plague of miserable dimensions for Chamorros.”
M.B. Dallocchio, The Desert Warrior