
Case Quotes

Quotes tagged as "case" Showing 1-30 of 63
Gosho Aoyama
“There's only one truth”
aoyama gosho

Nicole  Morris
“They look at you odd. They say why don’t you do something? I HAVE done everything possible. It does occupy your mind, but like anything painful, you push it to one side. It’s in the bottom compartment; it comes out every so often. If I knew he was dead, I could grieve.”
Nicole Morris, Vanished: True Stories from Families of Australian Missing Persons

Nicole  Morris
“ ‘Having a missing brother has made me far more compassionate. It’s really sad that we haven’t had an answer, that we don’t know, but there’s still that vestige of hope, if you haven’t heard anything. But it’s a painful bit of luggage to carry around with you.’.”
Nicole Morris, Vanished: True Stories from Families of Australian Missing Persons

Nicole  Morris
“It’s tough. When my own son goes out, it’s natural to worry, but I get really paranoid. I worry that something’s going to happen, or he’s going to go missing when he goes out. I’m very protective of him.”
Nicole Morris, Vanished: True Stories from Families of Australian Missing Persons

Tayler Marie Brooks
“No matter how much death she saw, she just couldn’t get used to it. That was good though. Murder should never become normal.”
Tayler Marie Brooks, Aftermath Of An Autopsy

Anita R. Sneed-Carter
“Hate will cause you to "catch a case". Release yourself from your own personal jail before you are put in the real one for life! It ain't worth it!!”
Anita R. Sneed-Carter

“Don’t brood on what has not yet come, nor rejoice at what has not yet happened.
The patient man prolongs friendship;
he who destroys a case will not be trusted.”
Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms

Ray Bradbury
“Apoi Clarisse McClellan vorbi din nou.
― Te superi dacă îţi pun o întrebare? De cît timp eşti pompier?
― De zece ani, de la vîrsta de douăzeci de ani.
― Citeşti vreodată cărţile pe care le arzi?
― E interzis prin lege! rîse el.
― Oh. Desigur.
― E o muncă bună. Luni ardem Millar, miercuri ardem Whitman, vineri Faulkner, le facem scrum,
apoi ardem şi scrumul. E deviza noastră oficială.
Merseră mai departe şi fata îl întrebă:
― E adevărat că, în urmă cu mulţi ani, pompierii stingeau focurile în loc să le aprindă?
― Nu. Casele au fost întotdeauna construite din material neinflamabil, te rog să mă crezi.
― Ciudat. Am auzit că, odinioară, casele luau foc din întîmplare şi pompierii erau necesari ca să
stingă focul.
El rîse.”
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Michael Bassey Johnson
“When you are committed to your goals, the universe will treat your case as important.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Before You Doubt Yourself: Pep Talks and other Crucial Discussions

James S.A. Corey
“This is how these people work! They made the Canterbury look like Mars. It wasn’t. They made the Donnager look like the Belt. It wasn’t. Now it looks like the whole damn thing’s Earth? Follow the pattern. It probably isn’t! You never, never put that kind of accusation out there until you know the score. You look. You listen. You’re quiet, fercrissakes, and when you know, then you can make your case.”
James S.A. Corey, Leviathan Wakes

Steven Magee
“When treating a single cancer case brings in one million dollars of revenue for corporate healthcare, you can be sure that you will receive the treatment and not the cure.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I followed up on why the lawyers were not interested in my case and found that few workers compensation claims for occupational disease are ever successful. Of the ones that do make it to a win, it has generally been handled by a workers compensation lawyer regarding a well established disease in case law.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I found that there were few lawyers in Tucson, Arizona that specialized in workers compensation. The ones that I contacted were not interested in my case and that put me in the situation of having to handle my own workers compensation claim while suffering from depression, forgetfulness, confusion and absence seizures.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“My lawyer informed me after my disability hearing that she believed she had won my case because it was so strong.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Based on what I saw in my disability hearing, my lawyer won my case. It was very surprising to receive the disability denial letter several months later.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“My disability lawyer warned me prior to the hearing that one of the worst judges had been assigned to my case.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The murder of Botham Jean appears to be a classic case of USA police training to shoot first and ask questions later.”
Steven Magee

Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
“The only cases where cockroach can be innocent are either a stair-case or a suit-case because no court has the jurisdiction to try such cases. If on the contrary, the cockroach gets involved in a court case where the judge is a chicken, he is finished no matter how innocently he plays.”
Vincent Okay Nwachukwu, Weighty 'n' Worthy African Proverbs - Volume 1

Steven Magee
“When buying a cell phone case, I look for the thickest one that I can find to reduce the radiation exposure to my hand.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Prince Andrew is a very interesting case study for sex researchers.”
Steven Magee

“Sometimes we cogently talk to our heart if there is no other way of verdict.”
Lokesh Umak

Steven Magee
“President Trump has a bad case of ‘Twitter Diarrhea’.”
Steven Magee

“Never make a case against yourself God won't make a case against you”
Greg Erhabor

“Sheila realized that pressuring the hotel managers would probably not work, so she changed her ideas about the target: “We need to put the fight where it belongs.” The team told the hotel managers that they “would go to the owners and make the case.” This did the trick, and the managers promised to provide secondary support.”
Allan R. Cohen, Influence Without Authority

Linda Babcock
“Presenting her case calmly and positively, even in the face of his angry outburst, won the rest. “His first instinct was to bully me,” she said. “But when he saw that that wasn’t going to work, he settled down and we mapped out a plan to get me started with my own clients.”
Linda Babcock, Women Don't Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide

Colin Bateman
“I could have volunteered everything I had discovered during the course of The Case of the Dancing Jews at any point during the eight hours he kept me in a cold police cell without access to a lawyer or Twix...”
Colin Bateman, Mystery Man

Ruth Bader Ginsburg
“On six occasions, she appeared before the Court to present oral argument. She lost just one case. Through her briefs, starting with Reed, she, more than any other lawyer, shaped the legal arguments reflected in the Court’s opinions, earning her the honorific “the Thurgood Marshall of the women’s movement.”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, My Own Words

Steven Magee
“I am prepared for death, just in case the science is wrong!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“You should not be surprised when law enforcement steals your bag!”
Steven Magee

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