
Bestsellers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bestsellers" Showing 1-18 of 18
Annabelle R. Charbit
“My mother belonged to that group of low IQ individuals who find everything alarming and believe that raising your voice is the most effective form of communication.”
Dr Annabelle RC

Kailin Gow
“Traditional publishers spend hundreds of thousands of dollars marketing and promoting a single book. With that kind of budget, as opposed to the budget of indie publishers, every single traditionally published book should be a #1 bestseller on all lists. Every traditionally published author should be millionaires with that kind of marketing budget. But they're not, so...it isn't how much you spend on marketing the book that determines the success of the book, it is how really good it is, and what is loved by the people as a whole, not by the editors. - Kailin Gow on Economy of Book Publishing, Authors Voice”
Kailin Gow

Louise Blackwick
“By weaving their thoughts and feelings into the substance of reality, the Weavers had ensured anyone writing about them would secure an instant bestseller – which wasn’t particularly difficult, considering the Weavers held the strings on the one holding the pen.

Those who controlled the Pattern, controlled reality.”
Louise Blackwick, The Weaver of Odds

Eusebio Ruvalcaba
“Todo éxito es una apología de lo vulgar. Cualquier libro que rebasa los cien ejemplares es un fracaso para el buen gusto. ¿O qué habría de pensarse de un mismo libro leído simultáneamente por cien mil personas? ¿Se diría que lo que se está leyendo es literatura?, ¿qué tan complaciente habrá de ser ese libro para satisfacer a tantos lectores? ¿O es que la inteligencia está tan democráticamente repartida?”
Eusebio Ruvalcaba, 52 tips para escribir claro y entendible

Ashwin Sanghi
“JK Rowling’s first Harry Potter manuscript was rejected 12 times. Stephen King’s Carrie was rejected 30 times. Gone With The Wind was rejected 38 times. I was immensely proud to have beaten them all.”
Ashwin Sanghi

“Bestseller is not the one who sells a million.
Best Seller is the one who has no customers, only friends.”
Vineet Raj Kapoor

Akash  Verma
“Every second of my time, every letter of my word.
One reason of my crime, two feathers of my bird.”
Akash verma

“A bestseller is a book written by a rich person of Indian roots staying in Europe for more than a decade..”

Nancy B. Brewer
“I brought you something. It’s my sister’s coat. It
gets cold in Nashville in the wintertime.”
Nancy B. Brewer, The House with the Red Light

Dejan Stojanovic
“Those who would like to become writers attend courses on writing poetry and prose and analyze their own work and that of other writers in development. Teachers teach them that talent is not required and that anyone, who wants to be a writer, can do it if they only master the technique of writing and master the formulas of the genre that they choose. With a little brain storming ideas written on cards, as well as designs and plans on the table, one can even write a novel in a month. There is no secret; the whole secret is in the technique, a little research, and the rest is solved by form, according to a formula, in which it is all nicely wrapped up and packaged.
And so, a bestseller is born.”
Dejan Stojanovic, Serbian Satire and Aphorisms

Animesh Yadav
“You have the power to create your own reality. You can create the life that you desire. You only have to hold on to your dreams.”
Animesh Yadav, Believe! A Journey With an Unexpected Companion

Nitya Prakash
“All others are best sellers.
You're my story.”
Nitya Prakash, Letters to Mira!

George R.R. Martin
“What is honor compared to a woman's love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms … or the memory of a brother's smile? Wind and Words”
George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

Laura Chouette
“Behind every great line is a mirror - reflecting the reader, only meant to agree with him.”
Laura Chouette

Bernard D'sa
“…after all, it’s not the sales that define you but the number of people who have been inspired and touched.”
Bernard D'sa, Like the Raindrops

Peter Terrin
“Wat me het meest aan bestsellers stoorde, was hun eindeloosheid. Hoe konden deze spannende boeken spannend worden genoemd? Honderden pagina’s aan het lijntje worden gehouden over wie het gedaan had, af en toe maar een hapje worden gevoerd op het eind van een hoofdstuk, als was je een hond op training. Ik vond het denigrerend. Zou een boek waarin je niet de dader maar de misdaad moest voorspellen niet veel interessanter zijn?”
Peter Terrin, De gebeurtenis

Toshikazu Kawaguchi
“As estações fluem como um ciclo. A vida, também ela, passa por invernos difíceis. Mas, depois de qualquer inverno, seguir-se-á a primavera”
Toshikazu Kawaguchi