
Aliveness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "aliveness" Showing 1-30 of 76

I was born the day
I thought:
What is?
What was?
What if?

I was transformed the day
My ego shattered,
And all the superficial, material
Things that mattered
To me before,
Suddenly ceased
To matter.

I really came into being
The day I no longer cared about
What the world thought of me,
Only on my thoughts for
Changing the world.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Jhumpa Lahiri
“Imperfection inspires invention, imagination, creativity. It stimulates. The more I feel imperfect, the more I feel alive.”
Jhumpa Lahiri, In Other Words

Suman Pokhrel
“I am still alive.”
Suman Pokhrel, The Songs We Share

Bryant McGill
“Choose thoughts that give you the emotions of being alive and excited about life.”
Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life

Olivie Blake
“Most people would assume Gideon was a pessimist because hello, look at the obvious (everything fucking sucked) but actually he wasn’t, because he enjoyed being alive. He loved being awake. He missed being awake.”
Olivie Blake, The Atlas Paradox

“Sensuality never runs out of new, delicious, and orgasmic flavours. In fact, it’s got more flavours than can ever be tasted in a million lifetimes. It’s flavours are new every morning.”
Lebo Grand

Barry Lyga
“It all happened. It wasn't a dream.
And I'm still alive.
I guess that's something.”
Barry Lyga, Blood of My Blood

“Having gratitude for being alive, being able to experience an inner delight in the moment, is one of the essential roots of happiness.”
Ezra Bayda, Beyond Happiness: The Zen Way to True Contentment

“Your true ecstasy is your essence.”
Lebo Grand

Cheryl Pallant
“Somatic awakening opens us to feeling, sensing, and taking action. It allows us to abandon old ways of behaving that may be outdated or no longer in our best interest and to adopt new ways more aligned with personal values and well-being. A body in touch with its own being is alive to the moment and open to shedding old skin for new, aware, too, that such shedding, a dynamic process of our aliveness, is taking place subcutaneously regardless of our approval.”
Cheryl Pallant, Writing and the Body in Motion: Awakening Voice through Somatic Practice

“Whoever brings you the most sensuality should get the most time.”
Lebo Grand

Nnedi Okorafor
“It grows because it is alive.”
Nnedi Okorafor, Binti: The Complete Trilogy

“Having the desire for MORENESS doesn’t mean you’re ungrateful for what you already have, but it simply means that you realize and acknowledge that your soul was designed with the ability to continuously birth new desires.”
Lebo Grand

“So many people feel 80 years old at 44. Because the society cuts off particularly women from their desires when it deems their sexual market value nonviable (not capable of growing or developing). Don’t let it cut you off from yours.

Remember, your sensuality is your advantage... and your adventure. Live and Love like you’re in your prime, because as long as you’re in touch with your sensuality you are in your prime baby, no matter what age you are.”
Lebo Grand

“Define your own path to ecstasy.”
Lebo Grand

“Quelque chose s'était fossilisé à l'intérieur. Je me suis dit que c'était mauvais signe. Je refusais d'être une proie ou une victime, mais je voulais rester vivante. Vraiment vivante. Avec des émotions. J'ai fait un effort pour pleurer, je sentais que c'était nécessaire, un réflexe de survie.”
Dieudonné Adele

“Your job is to RESPOND and follow those inner juicy promptings that show up daily to seduce you awake. That’s what it means to live sensually ignited life.”
Lebo Grand

“As I wrote in Sensual Lifestyle, your sensuality is supposed to be your GPS. Nonetheless, while sensuality is a perfect navigation system, it does not provide reasons or rationale for why it engages or not. It is simply the intelligence that works for the pleasure and satisfaction of its own.”
Lebo Grand

“Set your sensuality as your highest goal, and organize your life around it.”
Lebo Grand

“Being allowed and encouraged to experience joy, pleasure and aliveness builds our capacity to be sensual.”
Lebo Grand

“The magic of being alive first happens when we learn how to dream.”
Lebo Grand

“Thrive where you are and you will reach at a destination where thriving will become life.”
Hiral Nagda

“You were designed for MORENESS. Your desire for MORENESS is essentially the key to unlocking your ultimate sense of aliveness and adventure.”
Lebo Grand

“Your desire for MORENESS is essentially the key to unlocking your ultimate sense of aliveness and adventure.”
Lebo Grand

“God wants you to be sensual because He can express Himself better through you if you have an insatiable appetite for MORENESS.

You see, being less of the woman He designed you to be ain’t giving Him glory. It ain’t turning Him On. I like the ‘turning Him On’ expression; it’s really sensual, not religious.”
Lebo Grand

Kristian Ventura
“This living organism breathed, could roam around the world, see and be seen, and make any mess it wanted. And here Andrei was, pulsing in a field with another pulse. How miraculous that for a short period, the two of them could focus their eyes, turn their heads, lift their limbs, and run straight into the arms of another person. The living were not rocks or wood, incapable of being affected by chance, but rather forces of momentary magic that could digress and collide with anything it chose. Should a human ever feel bored lying atop their bed, they could change reality and within thirty seconds walk outside and strike up a new conversation with another pulse on the street. The living sound an ancient, sacred, temporary hum that is exclusive to them. Once gone, it can never be retrieved. But if there still, it could do anything.”
Karl Kristian Flores, A Happy Ghost

Emma Törzs
“...she loved the first snow of the season, when all the faded browns of the sleeping earth were awakened into a new kind of aliveness, everything coarse made suddenly delicate, everything solid turned lacy and insubstantial. Magic that didn't need words to enact itself year after year.”
Emma Törzs

Laura Nowlin
“I nod off after a little while. When I open my eyes again, it’s early afternoon and my room is warm. The cicadas are singing, and the wind is still rustling the trees. I stretch and turn over, and my eyes fall on my laptop. It’s been a long time since I have written [...] I walk across the floor, my bare feet feeling the sun-warmed wood under me, and I sit down. [...] I have a new vision, a new structure for the story. I’m ready to write something honest. Soon, the only sound is the clacking of my keyboard, and then that is gone too, and all I can hear are the voices in my head.”
Laura Nowlin, If He Had Been With Me

Nick Cave
“The idea of encroaching mortality isn't a concern — the idea of death as a sort of endgame, something separate, waiting down the line. It doesn't feel like that to me. I guess I feel, day to day, and in a profound way, enmeshed in death, as if it is a clear and present state of being that manifests itself in a sort of vitality.”
Nick Cave, Faith, Hope and Carnage

“Being sensual is the ultimate privilege of being alive.”
Lebo Grand

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