Padre Pio
St. Padr Pio, Pietrelcinacho
Adhunik kallavelea santam modlo kherit sant, Pietrelcinacho St. Padr Pio, Mayache 25ver 1887 vorsa zolmolo ani Septembrache 23ver 1967 vorsa sorgvaxi zalo. 2018vorsa tachea bhagevont mornnak 50 vorsam zalim. Toxench 1918 vorsa Jezuche ghai ( stigmata ) favo zale; he ojapvont ghoddnnek 2018 vorsa 100 vorsam bhorlim. Teach borobor 2018 hea vorsa, Kapuchin Franciskan Sonvsthecho St Antonio Goy Prant Navellacho Padr Pio Friary sthaplear 50 vorsam bhorlim. Bhov thoddech pavtti oslio mhotvachio tin ghoddnniom ekameka borobor yetat ani atmik mellavo ‘sangam’ zata.
St Padr Piochem jivit ak’khea sonvsarantlo lok zanno. To soglleanchoch sant zala. Tachem jivit hozaramni lokachea jivitak prerna dita.
Tache kuddicher Ghay ( Stigmata )
[बदल]Padr Pio Franciskan Kapuchin Sonsthecho vangddi also. Kristan taka aple panch ghay diunk vinchun kaddlo. He ghay tannem Setembrache 20ver 1918 vorsa vizmitamni ghetle. To San Giovanni Rotondo firgojentle Saibinniche Igorjent Kumsaram aikotalo tedna tache hata-payancher ghayanchio khunnam zaliot. He ghay to moro porian tache kuddicher urle. Hea ghayank lagun zaito vad zalo, zaite dubhavle. To ekloch oso padri Kristache ghay aslolo oxi fank gazli. Tache adim Assisichea St. Franciskak aslet. Tannem Setembrache 17ver, 1224 vorsa Italientlea Monte Alverno hangasor Franciskan Sonvstha sthaploli.
Tache ghayantlem vhanvtolea rogtacho pormoll yetalo. Tachea ghayacnhi voizamni ani zannaramni topasnni keli. Soimbachea upayani tem somzunk zainasleanni ghay kednach ‘infected’ zale nant. Ghay sarke soimbachech koxe asle. Tachea rogot vhanvtole hatanche ani payanche ghay dhampun dovortalo. Tachea morna uprant te ghay nanch zale. Ghayanchio mavo porian na zaleot. To mornachea velar tache kuddintlem rogot suklole porim voizank dislem.
Padr Pio Friary Navelle, Goy
[बदल]Padri Pio Friary, Navelle, Goy, hi Franciskan Kapuchin Friary Bharotantli poili Padr Piochea nanvan sthapli. Hi Friary khorench kirkoll survat zali. Bharoti Franciskan Kapuchin Sonvsthek bodlopam korchim dislim ani thoddea kala modem hem ghor novean bandun vaddoilem ani padri ani dharmik zaunk sodtoleam bhurgiank akarnnechem ghor kelem. Kaim vorsam akarnnechem ghor asun Zhadd-pallachem Vokhti Kendr kelem. Sod’dea thoim St Padr Pio, friary bhagivontachi bhokti korpachem kendr zalam. Sonvstheche Frad retir, counseling, jivitachi akarnni, Devachea utranchi porgottni ani kumsaram somarombhtat.
Tachem bhagevont morn
[बदल]Khorem mhollear tachem jivit khursache lamb vatechem zalem. Tannem sodanch voll-volle bhogle. Bhagevont monis aplea gupit jivitant kitem bhogta tem aplea atmik direktorak sefredan ugtem kortat. Aplea kallzachio dukhi khonti, transverberation, sostalo. Tea dukhim vorvim to koso mornnachea darar pavtalo moachea ekvottan Devak ekvott’talo tem ugtem kelam. Tachea mostokar aslolo kanteancho mukutt ani soitancho mar tannem bogor bogor onnbhovlo. Devacho monis jivo asun mel’lo koxo jietalo.
Chitr Prodorxonn
A sculpture of Padre Pio in Serra Pedace
A sculpture of Padre Pio in a garden in Naples
A sculpture of Padre Pio in Rome
Padre Pio statue
A sculpture of Padre Pio helping Christ to bear the cross in the San Salvatore in Lauro church in Rome
A sculpture of Padre Pio in Taormina, Sicily
Statue in a church in Barberino di Mugello, Florence, Italy
Padre Pio statue at a house in Porto Azzurro
Sculpture of Pio of Pietrelcina in Villa di Galceto in the province of Prato
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