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The Swamp Beast (スワンプビースト,   SuwanpubÄ«suto?) is a mysterious slimy kaiju created by TriStar Pictures that first appeared in the Godzilla: The Series episode The Ballad of Gens Du Marais.


A giant monster of possibly mythical origins living in the swamps, the Swamp Beast was composed of both animal and vegetable matter, and could fire mud at its opponent, trapping it. The beast was possibly under the influence of an old cajun, and its attacks prompted H.E.A.T. to look into it. After N.I.G.E.L tracked the swamp beast to a fishmonger, the swamp beast manifested outside of it and began to destroy it, breaking N.I.G.E.L. in the process. Godzilla fought the creature, but became trapped by the mud, then disappeared into the mist. Later the swamp beast attacked Dimanche's ship, but he was confronted by Godzilla again, after covering Godzilla with his mud again it went to Dimanche's mansion, where he was attacked with rocket launchers by Dimanche's bodyguards, Godzilla appeared by its back and knocked it down, but the swamp beast responded with a strong blow that knocked Godzilla out of action, the man who influenced him ordered him to get away from Godzilla. Dimanche shot at the swamp beast but missed, and the swamp beast threw its mud at the helicopter in which he was, knocking him down. Dimanche was captured and the beast of the swamp left the place, Godzilla wanted to follow him but Nick Tatopoulos stopped him.

It was possibly slain by the D.R.A.G.M.A.s when they overran the world in an alternate future. However, thanks to the effort of the H.E.A.T. team of destroying all of the D.R.A.G.M.A. younglings when they successfully return to the past, it was spared from this fate.


The swamp beast has very long arms with 2 large claws, a membrane on each side of its body that goes from its waist to its elbow, it has legs similar to those of a frog, a small head with 2 yellow eyes, on its back has multiple holes and is covered with moss.


Camouflage: The Swamp Beast is fully at home in aquatic habitats, and has a camouflaged body which disguises the creature while in the swamp.

Mud Shot: The bayou terror can unleash streams of sticky mud from the pores in its back.

Disappear: appears to have the power to simply disappear into nothingness.

Great physical strength: It also has the physical strength to stand its ground against Zilla Junior.

Meteorokinesis: Like Ghidorah, the presence of the swamp beast is accompanied by a meteorological phenomenon, in this case mist.



  • The Swamp Beast bears similarities to the comic book characters Swamp Thing and Man Thing, possibly paying tribute to them, since both of them are made of slimy vegetable substances and live in swamps.
  • The Swamp Beast could possibly be a mutated Surinam toad, but has not yet been confirmed.
  • The Swamp Beast may be one of only two monsters in the series to have a mystic origin, the other being Norzzug.