Genshin Impact Viki
Genshin Impact Viki
Genshin Impact Viki
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Yaban Hayatı, Teyvat boyunca karşılaşılan Düşmanlar'a benzer şekilde çalışan bir NPC türüdür. Çoğu Yaban Hayatı, bir oyuncu onlara yaklaştığında şaşıracak ve kaçacaktır.

Yaban hayatı, etkileşimlerine göre üç alt türe ayrılabilir: etkileşime giremeyen evcil hayvanlar (kediler ve köpekler), eşyaları düşüren yaban hayatı (kuşlar ve hayvanlar) ve etkileşimli bir eşya toplama (materyal kaynakları) görevi gören yaban hayatı. Etkileşimli olarak işlev gören yaratıklar, öldüklerinde ganimetlerini düşürmezler, bunun yerine bir duman bulutu ile ortadan kaybolurlar. Balıklar bir istisnadır, çünkü hem eşyaları düşürmek hem de doğrudan almak için öldürülebilirler.

Yaban hayatı familyaları listesi[]


  • Falcons - These drop Fowl Fowl ×2 when killed.
  • Pigeons - These drop Fowl Fowl ×1 when killed.
  • Finches - These drop Fowl Fowl ×1 when killed.
  • Ducks - These drop Fowl Fowl ×1 when killed.
  • Cranes - These drop Fowl Fowl ×2 when killed.
  • Crows - These drop Fowl Fowl ×1 when killed.
  • Dusk Birds - These drop Fowl Fowl ×1 when killed.
  • Vultures - These drop Fowl Fowl ×3 when killed.
  • Geese - These drop Fowl Fowl ×2 when killed.
  • Fulmars - These drop Fowl Fowl ×1 when killed.


  • Foxes - Kitsune cannot be killed; the others drop Raw Meat Raw Meat ×2 when killed.
  • Squirrels - These drop Raw Meat Raw Meat ×1 when killed.
  • Boars - These drop Raw Meat Raw Meat ×2 when killed. Baby Forest Boars are smaller, but they use the same model and drop the same amount of meat.
    • Snowboar drop Chilled Meat Chilled Meat ×2 when killed.
    • The Great Snowboar King drops Chilled Meat Chilled Meat ×6 when killed.
    • Shroomboars drop Raw Meat Raw Meat ×2 and either Mushroom Mushroom ×1 or Matsutake Matsutake ×1 when killed.
    • Puny Shroomboars drop Raw Meat Raw Meat ×1 and either Mushroom Mushroom ×1 or Matsutake Matsutake ��1 when killed.
  • Dogs - Dogs cannot be killed.
  • Cats - Cats cannot be killed.
  • Weasels - These drop Raw Meat Raw Meat ×1 when killed.
  • Weasel Thieves - These drop Mora Mora when hit.
  • Bake-Danuki - Bake-Danuki cannot be killed.
  • Spinocrocodile - These drop Raw Meat Raw Meat ×3 when killed.
  • Rishboland Tiger - These drop Raw Meat Raw Meat ×3 when killed.
  • Scorpion - These drop Raw Meat Raw Meat ×3 when killed.
  • Flying Serpent - These drop Mysterious Meat Mysterious Meat ×3 when killed.
  • Sumpter Beasts - These drop Raw Meat Raw Meat ×3 when killed. Those affiliated with a faction also drop items based on their affiliation in addition to Raw Meat.
  • Tent Tortoise - Tent Tortoises cannot be killed.
  • Fluff-Fleece Goat - These drop Raw Meat Raw Meat ×3 when killed.
  • Capybara - These drop Raw Meat Raw Meat ×1 when killed.
  • Brown Deer - These drop Raw Meat Raw Meat ×3 when killed.
  • Alpaca - These drop Raw Meat Raw Meat ×2 when killed.


  • Basses - Fish Fish ×1 can be obtained from these either by directly catching them or by killing them first to produce the drop.
  • Fishing - Catching a fish via fishing will award an item of the same name. They cannot be killed.
    • All fish species also have more lively and more valuable specimen known as Ornamental Fish. These energetic fish can be raised as pets in the Serenitea Pot's Pool of Sapphire Grace.
    • Medaka - Medakas can be fished using Fruit Paste Bait Fruit Paste Bait. They can be processed to Fish Fish ×1.
    • Sticklebacks - Sticklebacks can be fished using Redrot Bait Redrot Bait. They can be processed to Fish Fish ×2.
    • Koi - Koi can be fished using Fake Fly Bait Fake Fly Bait. They can be processed to Fish Fish ×3.
    • Butterflyfish - Butterflyfish can be fished using False Worm Bait False Worm Bait. They can be processed to Fish Fish ×2.
    • Moonfins are special since they can only be fished using Glowgrass Bait Glowgrass Bait and will always be Ornamental Fish.
    • Pufferfish - Pufferfish can be fished using Fake Fly Bait Fake Fly Bait. They can be processed to Fish Fish ×3.
    • Rays - Divda Rays and Formalo Rays can be fished using Fake Fly Bait Fake Fly Bait. They can be processed to Fish Fish ×3. Floating Rays cannot be fished.
    • Anglers - Anglers can be fished using Sugardew Bait Sugardew Bait. They can be processed to Fish Fish ×2.
    • Axe Marlins - Axe Marlins can be fished using Sugardew Bait Sugardew Bait. They can be processed to Fish Fish ×2.
    • Heartfeather Basses - Heartfeather Basses can be fished using Sour Bait Sour Bait. They can be processed to Fish Fish ×2.
    • Maintenance Meks - Maintenance Meks can be fished using Flashing Maintenance Mek Bait Flashing Maintenance Mek Bait. They can be converted to "Maintenance Mek" Salvaged Parts "Maintenance Mek" Salvaged Parts.


  • Crystalflies - These give Crystal Core Crystal Core ×1 when caught. Killing them causes them to vanish instead.
  • Loaches - These give Loach Pearl Loach Pearl ×1 when caught. Killing them causes them to vanish instead.
  • Frogs - These give Frog (Material) Frog ×1 when caught. Killing them causes them to vanish instead.
  • Crabs - These give Crab Crab ×1 when caught. Killing them causes them to vanish instead.
  • Lizards - These give Lizard Tail Lizard Tail ×1 when caught. Killing them causes them to vanish instead.
  • Unagi - These give Eel Meat Eel Meat ×1 when caught. Killing them causes them to vanish instead.
  • Fireflies - These give Luminescent Spine Luminescent Spine ×1 when caught.
  • Scarab - These give Scarab Scarab ×1 when caught. They cannot be killed, though attacking them will cause them to dig away and disappear.


These are currently not listed in the Archive.

  • Butterflies - These give Butterfly Wings Butterfly Wings ×1 when caught. Killing them causes them to vanish instead.
  • Normal Fireflies - These give Luminescent Spine Luminescent Spine ×1 when caught.
  • Venerable Jadestone Turtle - It cannot be killed.

Güncelleme geçmişi[]

