Galaxy Squad Wiki

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We are currently editing over 94 articles, and you can help!

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Check out the sets to be released in the second wave!

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Galaxy Squad Team
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Site Info

If you're new to the site and you're wondering what you can contribute to the site, please check out the To do List!


May 7th 2013- Detailed HD photos of all the Summer sets have been added. Sets are scheduled to release in 10 weeks.

Feb 10th 2013- New HD Photos from Toyfair of all the new sets and minifigs.

Feb 1st 2013- Jeyo is promoted to admin. New photos of the Summer wave of GS sets posted.

Jan 27th 2013- Joev14 is officially given rights. Cody is promoted to admin, and Shepp + Jeyo are promoted to Moderators.

Jan 24th 2013- Joev14 posts the first chapter of his official Galaxy Squad Fanfic series

Jan 22nd 2013- Joev14 takes over as owner, and restructures the staff on the wiki.

Nov 6th 2012- The Galaxy Squad Wiki is born!

Community Board

III Facecast: Anyone who has an interest in discussing Star Wars and Legos, you can contact Joev14 to become a part of the III Facecast, a Podcast dedicated to bringing information about the newest and oldest Lego themes, with just about everything in between! ~Joev14 -> Facecast Episode 4: Wanna go to Space

Joev's Infallible Reviews: Check out the Galaxy Squad first wave pages for reviews on almost all of the new GS sets! Stay tuned for the upcoming reviews of the Bug Obliterator and the Star Slicer!


For more info, you can contact a staff member on their talk page.
User Talk Page Email Status
Joev (Owner) Talk Email Active
Cody (Admin) Talk Email Active
Jeyo (Ex-Admin) Talk Email Inactive
Shepp (Ex-Mod) Talk Email Inactive
Jdude (Ex-Admin) Talk Email Inactive
Ire (JL01) (Ex-Owner) Talk Email Retired
(Please refrain from contacting inactive or retired Staff, since they won't reply and it just takes up site space) ~Joev14





Legodude6 Legodude6 • 25 July 2013

Galaxy Squad Minifigs

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MazzonG4638 MazzonG4638 • 30 May 2013

The Legend of the Hive mother

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Lego613master Lego613master • 14 March 2013

200th photo on the wiki!

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Lego613master Lego613master • 12 March 2013

Hi, I'm new!

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Dani3204 Dani3204 • 24 February 2013

What is your favourite set?

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