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Discussion utilisateur:Rbrausse/IUCN

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Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Data about IUCN species that are known to be located somewhere.
Filtered by species known in reptileDB (last update).
Filtered by WP articles that sill has a distribution map.

Presented by family (IUCN family, not ReptileDB family, so some can be red links because they have a different name here).

On each family presented by genus.

On each genus presented by species.

Note: here the turtles are treated the same than other groups, but WP don't follows ReptileDB for them. Please ignore turtles!

List of species, by family and by genus

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List of species not found in ReptileDB

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Note: blue links help you to find the synonyms Émoticône sourire