The Player’s Guide to the Forgotten Realms is a 2nd-edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons accessory for the Forgotten Realms.
Or are they?
Welcome to the Forgotten Realms.
This volume, brimming with newly rediscovered facts and original fiction, introduces you to the best-selling world of Faerûn, where elves are mysteriously disappearing, and magic is an art gifted by a goddess. No difficult game jargon obscures the wonders before you. Come and explore.
Open this book, and discover a forgotten world!Description[]
The Player’s Guide to the Forgotten Realms follows the journal entries of an adventuring company called The Seekers as they travel across the Realms seeking the Tear of Selûne using the staff of the Shard. In each chapter their quest takes them to a different part of the Realms. Sidebars in each chapter also give more background information on various locations, races, organizations, or other odds and ends. The book contains a few maps of cities and regions and one of the continent, but no hard statistics are given for anything.
The Seekers, comprising a gnome illusionist, a halfling thief, and a human ranger, embarks on an extensive exploration of the Realms, aiming to experience its myriad wonders as dictated by time and destiny. Their journey commences in Waterdeep and takes them through notable locations such as Neverwinter, the High Moor, and the Forgotten Forest, marking the initial phase of their adventure. The narrative reaches a climactic pause in the dungeons of Zhentil Keep, laying the groundwork for a continuation of their story, which the reader is invited to envision.
Alongside the narrative, the guide incorporates concise sidebars that offer insights into various aspects of the Realms. These include discussions on druidic circles, the Harpers, and the Red Wizards of Thay, providing valuable context and background information.
- The Seekers: Who They Are
- Bublim Barboast
- Esta Starchild
- Furian Arcanus
- Lorrick
- Samkin Silvertooth
- Trothgar
- The Journey Begins
- On To Neverwinter
- Talk of Evermeet
- Horrors of the High Moor
- A Vision Upon the Hill
- Lost Among the Bones
- In the Forgotten Forest
- Elves of the Greycloaks
- A Tale of Prince Chelimber
- The Pegasus Rider
- Samkin's Past Catches Up
- Strangeness in Cloak Wood
- The Lore of Candlekeep
- Barstaag's Revenge
- The Night of Sharp Teeth
- The Black Hood Bandits
- News Spreads to Scornubel
- The Star-Spore
- Empty Purses in High Horn
- A Mystery in Arabel
- A Talk with Mother Lledew
- Taking Ship from Suzail
- Lorrick Takes a Quest
- Farewells in Saerloon
- Thunderholme
- A Tale of Pirates
- Crossar's Tomb
- A Night in Procampur
- News of Impiltur
- A Death in Damara
- Clues From the Past
- At the Shrine
- The Last Hope
(page numbers in parentheses)
- Buildings
- Boareskyr Bridge (48)
- Candlekeep (59)
- Darkhold (79)
- High Horn (83)
- Cities & Towns
- Arabel (86): Map (90), Key (91)
- Baldurs Gate (53)
- Beregost (61)
- Easting (81)
- Elturel (71)
- Hluthvar (78)
- Immersea (93): Map & Key (94)
- Procampur (116)
- Saerloon (104)
- Scornubel (76): Map & Key (77)
- Suzail (97): Map (98), Key (99)
- Neverwinter (22)
- Waterdeep (14)
- Westgate (101: Map (103), Key (102)
- Zhentil Keep (126)
- Regions
- Aglarond (113)
- Anauroch (45)
- Battle of the Bones (31)
- Cloak Wood (57)
- Cormyr (84-85): Map (83)
- The Dalelands (106): Map (107)
- Damara (118)
- Evermeet (23)
- Evereska (44)
- The Forgotten Forest (34)
- Greycloak Hills (38)
- The High Moor (26)
- Hill of Lost Souls (28)
- Impiltur (117)
- The Lonely Moor (37)
- Moonshae Islands (50-51)
- Pirate Isles of the Inner Sea (110)
- Sembia (105)
- Thar (121)
- The Underdark (120)
- Vaasa (124)
- The Wood of Sharp Teeth (67)
- Races
- Dwarves (9)
- Elves (7): Dark, Gold, Moon, Sea, Wild
- Gnomes (6)
- Goblin Races (20)
- Half-elves (8): Drow, Gold, Moon, Sea, Wild
- Halflings (10)
- Humans (11)
- Organizations
- Adventuring Companies (12-13): The Company of the Wolf, Halfling Inc., The Knights of Myth Drannor, Mane's Band, The Nine, The Savage Seven, The Swords of Leilon, The Valiant Warriors
- The Harpers (50)
- Mercenary Companies (54-55): Blacktalons Mercenary Company, Bloodaxe Mercenary Company, The Flaming Fist, Mindulgulph Mercenary Company, The Order of the Blue Boar
- Merchant Companies (18-19): Dragoneye Dealing Coster, Highmoon Trading Coster, The Seven Suns Trading Coster, The Six Coffers Market Priakos, Surefeet Trademasters, Thousandheads Trading Coster, The Trail Lords, Trueshield Trading Priakos
- The Red Wizards of Thay (114)
- The Zhentarim (66)
- Miscellaneous
- Ales & Beers of the Realms (72-73)
- Breads of the Realms
- Cheeses of the Realms (87-88)
- Dethek Runes (100)
- Druidic Circles (35)
- Mages’ Sigils (62-63)
- Religion in the Realms (16)
- The Retreat (24)
- Wines of the Realms (41-42)
The Seekers[]
- Bublim Barboast: Gnome Illusionist
- Esta Starchild: Moon Elf Priestess of Selune
- Furian Arcanus: Moon Half-Elf Mage and writer of the journal
- Lorrick: Dwarf Warrior
- Samkin Silvertooth: Halfling Thief
- Trothgar: Human Ranger
- Original Realms Design: Ed Greenwood
- The Annals of the Seekers Design: Anthony Herring
- Additional Material: Jeff Grubb, Karen Boomgarden, Julia Martin, Steven Schend, J. Robert King, Tim Beach
- Editing: Jonatha Ariadne Caspian
- Product Group Manager: Karen Boomgarden
- Cover Art: Larry Elmore
- Interior Art: Valerie Valusek
- Cartography: Dennis Kauth
- Typesetting: Nancy J. Kerkstra
- Production: Paul Hanchette
See Also[]
Further Reading[]
- Rick Swan (October 1994). “Role-playing Reviews”. Dragon #210 (TSR, Inc.), p. 92.
External Links[]
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon.
- ↑ Anthony Herring, Jeff Grubb (1993). Player's Guide to the Forgotten Realms Campaign. (TSR, Inc.), p. 85. ISBN 1-56076-695-6.