The Wood of Sharp Teeth, formerly called the Glimmerwood,[3] was a dense forest south of the River Chionthar, southeast of Baldur's Gate and southwest of Scornubel. It was a wilderness except for Durlag's Tower on the forest's southern edge. Uldoon Trail ran to the south east of the wood.[4]
The forest contained the site of the ruined (as of 1374 DR) city of Vehlarr.[2]
A small logging settlement of Hornhollow stood at the edge of the Wood of Sharp Teeth. At some point before 1312 DR, the village was visited by a senile coughing red dragon that lit it aflame. With the creature's death, the logging operations resumed.[5]
Flora & Fauna[]
Two types of common medicinal herbs could be found growing within the forest: maiden's milk that was used to suppress cough, and bellows root that caused vomiting.[5]
Before it was named Wood of Sharp Teeth, it was called Glimmerwood by the elves of Askavar, who no longer lived there by the 14th century DR.[3]
Netherese refugees established the city of Philock in the Underdark beneath the forest following the Fall of Netheril in the Year of Sundered Webs, −339 DR.[6]
Some time between 409 DR and 516 DR, a spelljammer crashed in this forest and was discovered by Eldrus Wands. Out of amusement, the magister preceded to take command of the ship and piloted it into the depths of the Lake of the Long Arm.[7]
By 1369 DR, the Twisted Rune had placed a magical gate in the area to allow for instantaneous movement to other locations.[8]
For a brief period in the 15th century DR, the forest was known as the Werewoods. Former Grand Duke Valarken was rumored to live there after his failed coup in Baldur's Gate. He and his lycanthrope followers were trying to rebuild Vehlarr.[9]
The forest was home to satyrs, dryads, and a small number of werewolves, and some believe wolfweres also dwelt within.[2]
Notable Inhabitants[]
- Pallidor the Swift, who contributed to Oral Histories of Faerûn.[10]
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- Video Games
- Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II
- Referenced only
- Icewind Dale II • Baldur's Gate III
- ↑ Maps included in Kevin Melka and John Terra (April 1995). “Map: Known Zhentarim Influences”. Ruins of Zhentil Keep (TSR, Inc). ISBN 0-7869-0109-8.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 K. Steven Miller. The Search for the Circle of Vehlarr: Part Six. Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2008-05-19. Retrieved on 2018-12-18.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Thomas M. Reid, Sean K. Reynolds (Nov. 2005). Champions of Valor. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 62. ISBN 0-7869-3697-5.
- ↑ Map included in Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, Rob Heinsoo (June 2001). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition. (Wizards of the Coast). ISBN 0-7869-1836-5.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Black Isle Studios (August 2002). Designed by J.E. Sawyer. Icewind Dale II. Interplay.
- ↑ Richard Baker, Ed Bonny, Travis Stout (February 2005). Lost Empires of Faerûn. Edited by Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 98. ISBN 0-7869-3654-1.
- ↑ Ed Greenwood (January 2000). Secrets of the Magister. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 41. ISBN 978-0786914302.
- ↑ Steven E. Schend (August 1997). “Book Three: Erlkazar & Folk of Intrigue”. In Roger E. Moore ed. Lands of Intrigue (TSR, Inc.), p. 24. ISBN 0-7869-0697-9.
- ↑ Rob Heinsoo, Logan Bonner, Robert J. Schwalb (September 2008). Forgotten Realms Player's Guide. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 86. ISBN 978-0-7869-4929-8.
- ↑ Larian Studios (October 2020). Designed by Swen Vincke, et al. Baldur's Gate III. Larian Studios.