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The mosquito was a type of bloodsucking flying insect.


Mosquitoes enjoyed warm and humid environments, especially marshes and areas where water tended to form puddles, which they used as breeding areas.[6][3]

Large populations of mosquitoes were found in the rimwood area of the forest of Cormanthor[1] and in the Farsea Marshes in Cormyr.[2] Mosquitoes the size of an adult human's finger[7] were also common throughout Chult, especially in humid areas.[3][8]

These insects carried several diseases,[6] including shivering sickness in Chult,[9] and mosquito fever in Halruaa.[4]


Mosquitos were a blight on the nation of Payit. Swarms of mosquitoes were known to be thick enough to completely obscure one's vision, making it a challenge to traverse the Payitlan jungles as well as Far Payit's depths.[5]


See Also[]

  • Giant mosquito


