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Ironhelm is the first book of the the Maztica trilogy by Douglas Niles.


In a corner of the world far removed from the known Forgotten Realms stands the exotic continent of Maztica. There Erix the slave girl learns of a great destiny laid upon her by the gods themselves. At the same time, across the sea, a fateful mission of exploration embarks.

The explorers, a legion of seasoned mercenaries, sail westward to discover a land of primitive savagery mixed with high culture, of brutal, bloodthirsty gods and lavish treasures. Under the banner of their vigilant god, Helm, the legion claims these lands for their own.

Only as Erix sees her land invaded by these strangers, when her world itself starts to collapse around her, is her startling destiny revealed. . . .


Cordell, a mercenary, is found on the ruins of battlefield by Darien, a drow mage. He vows to found a company with a gold banner. An apprentice wizard named Halloran sees his master killed by an abomination he summoned. Across the sea in Maztica, a girl named Erixitl is marked for sacrifice by followers of Zaltec, but is kidnapped but Kultakans first. Ten years later, Cordell has formed his company, of which Halloran is a member. They wipe out a powerful pirate lord and convince Amn to fund an expedition to sail west in order to find a route to Kara-Tur. Meanwhile, Erixitl, a slave in Kultaka, is bought by the priests of Qotal, but hunted by the priests of Zaltec. The Golden Company arrives in Maztica and conquers Payit. Halloran witnesses the company killing innocents and leaves them. He joins Erixtil and encounters Poshtli, nephew of the Reverend Counselor of Nexal, who helps them battle an Ancient One hunting Erixitl. They kill the Ancient One only to discover that the Ancient Ones are drow, survivors of a subterranean conflict that raged in tunnels under the ocean, ending with a massive flame that cut off underground travel between continents and stranded the Ancient Ones and sun dwarves in Maztica. Cordell burns his ships and sets off for Nexal.


Click here for the complete page index


Akbet-Khrul • Alvarro • Ancestor • Arquiuius • Atax • Atl-Ollin • Bishou Dominicus • Broker • Callatl • Caracatl • Caxal • Chicha • Chitikas • Cordell • Corporal (dog) • Coton • Daggrande • Darien • Erixitl • Erixitl's brother • Erixitl's father • Garrant • Grabert • Gultec • Halloran • Hoxitl • Huakal • Kachin • Kardann • Leone • Lok • Luskag • Martine (Golden Legion) • Mixtal • Naltecona • Poshtli • Spirali • Storm (horse) • Terrazyl • Tzilla • Valez


butterfly • buzzard • couatl • coral • dog (greyhound) • drow • dwarf • dwarf (desert) • eagle • elf • fire elemental • gull • hakuna • hell hound • horse • human (Payitlan) • human (Nexala) • invisible stalker • jaguar • macaw • monkey • mosquito • parrot • quetzal • rabbit • spider • Szarkai • troll • turkey
Referenced only
coyote • crocodile • deep gnome • deer • hawk • human (Tuigan) • mind flayer • pegasus • swan • vulture • weasel


Armor & Clothing
belt • boots • breastplate • breechclout • cape • chainmail • cloak • gauntlet • gown • helmet (brimmed-helmet) • jerkin • leather armor • leggings • loincloth • mask (object) • robe • sandals • sash • tunic
Food & Drinks
bacon • bean • brandy • cocoa • mayz • mayzcake • Maztican bean stew • octal • olive • pepper • salt pork • soap root • tomato • venison
Referenced only
ale • spice • tea
Materials & Substances
brass • clay • coal • copper • cotton • diamond • emerald • flint • iron • pearl • plaster • pumice • gold • granite • jade • limestone • obsidian • ruby • salt • silk • silver • snakeskin • soap • steel • turquoise • vellum • velvet • whetstone
canoe • caravel • carrack • galley • litter • longboat
bolt • crossbow • maca • mace • scimitar • spear (short spear)
Anthem of War • Chronicle of the Waning • Cordell' journal
candle • collar (animal) • battering ram • bowl • bugle • drum • Flowered Altar • horn • oar • pouch • quiver • saddle • sandstone • tinderbox • torch • trumpet • waterskin
Referenced only


Bodies of Water
Asavir's Channel • Lake Calor • Lake Qotal • Lake Tezca • Lake Zaltec • Sunstone (lake) • Trackless Sea • Ulatos Delta • Ulatos Lagoon
Arquiuius's tower • Caxal's Palace • Flowered Temple of Ulatos • Forgotten Shrine • Great Pyramid • Highcave • House of Jaguars • Pyramid of Qotal • Pyramid of the Moon • Temple of Zaltec (Ulatos) • Twin Visages • Ulatos Plaza
Amn • Far Payit • Kultaka • Lantan • Maztica • Payit • Pezelac • Sword Coast • Tethyr • Valley of Nexal
Referenced only
Kara-Tur • Pirate Isles • Shou Lung • Thay • Underdark
Cordotl • Helmsport • Kultaka City • Murann • Nexal • Palul • Sunhome • Ulatos
Referenced only
Calimport • Mulsanter • Waterdeep
Dragonfly • Falcon • Osprey • Swallow • Swanmay
House of Tezca • Mount Zatal • Ulatos Plain


brazier of commanding fire elementals • featherlift • Helmstooth • Icetongue • potion of growth • potion of invisibility • potion of poison • spellbook
Darkfyre • pluma • talonmagic



Azul • Gond • Helm • Qotal • Tezca • Zaltec


Great Dust • Rockfire • The Return • Time of Waning
Commonspeech • Kultakan language • Nexalan language • Payitlan language
fern • mangaroo • oak • palm • reed • rose • Sand Mother • water lily
hanging gardens
Referenced only



