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Dung beetles were various species of mundane beetles whose names were often used as insults.[3] However, the scarab dung beetles were respected and their likeness even was used to craft various enchanted amulets.[4]


Dung beetles, like other beetles, had a tough external carapace[5] and were known for their virile breeding.[6]



A species of Modovian dung beetle‎s was known to be found in Waterdeep and was a delicacy among local lizards.[1]

Sembian farmers used to "drain" the land of all nourishment before they learned to rotate different types of crops grown. Areas that were damaged by this thoughtless farming became only suitable to sustain dung beetles and ragweed.[2]


After Volothamp Geddarm's work, Volo's Guide to All Things Magical, was published circa 1369 DR, he angered a great number of wizards. Snilloc threatened Volo with spending the eternity as a dung beetle.[7]

Sometime before 1372 DR, Purfbin Doogrick, a rogueish adventurer from Waterdeep was stuck in Lady Spitalsmore's basement, as the noblewoman came back home earlier than anticipated. The ingenious gnome used a handful of Modovian dung beetle‎s to fashion a trap for lizards and then used lizards to scare the old woman out of her home, allowing the little thief to escape with a handful of food from the Waterdhavian noble's pantry.[1]


See Also[]


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Video Games
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Planescape: TormentNeverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford

