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A more detailed list of the various lesser archdevils.

Archdevils of Avernus[]


Amduscias (pronounced: /ɑːmˈdsiɑːzsɛam-DOO-see-azse[1]), called the Reconciliator of Foes, was an archdevil duke who served Tiamat.[2][3]

Amduscias was a natural shapechanger who could change between three forms at will. In his first form, Amduscias appeared as a dirty-yellow unicorn with a purple horn and eyes like flames. In his second form, he was an ambidextrous humanoid with a hawk-like head and long, hummingbird-like beak who typically dressed in black or dark-red robes (and might carry some form of treasure). His third form, the one he preferred to fight in, appeared as a wolf with a prehensile, serpentine tail. Regardless of his form, he did not wear armor.[2]

As a general in the service of Tiamat, Amduscias led twenty nine companies of abishai,[note 1] and could typically be found roaming Avernus and enforcing Tiamat's will. In addition to his long memory and cunning planning skills, he was a good negotiator and actor, hence his title of Reconciliator. Tiamat frequently employed him as a mediator for disputes between devils or her own kin. [2]

In unicorn form, Amduscias attacked with his horn (which functioned similarly to a sword of wounding) and hooves, and could bolt forward with surprising speed from a standing start (some said that Amduscias caused horses to spook or run uncontrollably). His humanoid form could wield two small weapons or fight with its terribly strong and sharp beak. His wolf form fought with its raking foreclaws, hindclaws, jaws and tail (which was strong enough to grip and slam his foes into other objects), and could fight with all its natural weapons simultaneously. Changing forms took a minute during which he could do nothing but speak, although in any form he could speak and understand any language perfectly in a way similar to use of the tongues spell. Other unique powers included causing fear in anyone close to him he pointed at, summoning one to three abishai at will, and casting find familiar on behalf of someone else to summon an imp.[2]


Malphas was an archdevil duke who who served Tiamat.[2][3]

Malphas could take two forms. The first was that of a muscular, dark-skinned humanoid[2] with strikingly handsome figure, his only evidently infernal trait being his ruby-red pupils.[4] When in this form, he typically wore black velvet robes studded with hundreds of gemstones, each worth a hundred gold pieces, though he never wore armor. The second form was that of a large, crow-like bird, also black in color. Malphas's voice was deep and persuasive.[2]

As a general in the service of Tiamat, Malphas commanded forty of abishai, and could typically be found roaming Avernus and enforcing Tiamat's will. Malphas was adept in the field of deception, particularly regarding non-devils.[2] He generally tried to appear honest, and since he had no immediately obvious diabolic traits he could easily pass for an unusual human. No matter his form, he used a combination of tongues and detect thoughts to communicate with intruders, anticipate their questions, and provide answers that conformed to the expectations of whatever he was impersonating. He was among the archdevils able to use tongues to be so fluent in a language that it seemed to be his native tongue, and then use 'detect thoughts to seem like a member of a certain group, complete with passwords and secret signs gleaned as they were expected in the minds of his targets.[4]

Malphas possessed a number of innate magical abilities, including being able to cause fear at a touch and summon abishai to aid him. He could cast flame arrow on blades wielded by himself or others to turn them into flame tongues and conjure a variant of Daern's instant fortress, the difference being that the doors opened and closed for anyone and it disappeared according to his will or after around two to three hours elapsed. When fighting in human form, he used both his spell-like abilities and any type of weapon to fight.[2]


Main article: Qirozz

Archdevils of Dis[]


Arioch (pronounced: /ˈɛərixAIR-ee-okh[1]), called the Iron Avenger, was an archdevil duke who served Dispater, serving him officially as his "avenger".[2][5]

Arioch appeared as a 9‑foot-tall (2.7‑meter) humanoid with a stubby, crocodilian head and lion-like mane, [2] heavily-muscled arms, massive, bat-like wings, a forked tail, cloven hooves. Most of his body was dark wine-red but deepened to purple on his head and shoulders,[2] which then became purple to black when it reached his wings.[2][6]

Per his office as avenger, Arioch dealt with both inhabitants and intruders of Dis who displeased his master.[2] On bat-like wing, the enforcer swept over the Iron City on the rare occasion he was not within the Iron Tower, descending on any he suspected of treachery against Dispater and meting out punishment on those who defied, hindered, or otherwise wronged his master.[2][6] He also acted as Dispater's bodyguard when the archduke traveled away from the Iron Citadel, such as during the annual meetings of the archdukes in Nessus or when Dispater took trips to other planes.[2][7] Arioch was the only member of Dispater's court to have no fear of the nuncio Titivilus, who regarded and treated him as a peer despite being in charge of the far worthier Avenger and the fact that both would destroy each other if given the chance.[6]

Arioch had the powerful magic to be expected of an archdevil. He wielded a 20‑foot-long (6.1‑meter), double-ended, adamantine, +1 halberd in combat (although just his bite was dangerous) and bore monetary treasures only when ordered to by his superior[2][7]


Alocer was an archdevil duke who served Dispater.[2][5]

Alocer appeared as a 7‑foot-tall (2.1‑meter) humanoid with red-gold skin and a fearsome, leonine head. His eyes had a fiery flash that could be seen for some distance.[2]

As one of Dispater's commanders,[5] the war-like Alocer led 36 companies of erinyes and was often found riding a nightmare about his estates, and into battle.[2]

Alocer was known to wear plate mail and use broadswords, axes, maces and daggers in combat in conjunction with his powerful jaws.[2] He was also known to have a sizable collection of ropes of entanglement and daggers of venom.[7] Should they be available during battle, he was perfectly willing and able to seize and utilize any other weapons he found. His notable abilities included the power to blind anyone he met his gaze for two to twelve days (which didn't work on devils and could be undone through cure blindness and dispel magic); cause fear with his touch; summon one or two erinyes; and fly with the skill and speed of an erinyes.[2]


Biffant,[2] also known as Biphant,[8] called the Provost of the Iron City, was an archdevil duke who served Dispater as his provost,[2][5] and was thus responsible for running his master's palace.[2]

Biffant appeared as a 6‑foot-tall (1.8‑meter), portly humanoid with blood-red skin, a small, tufted tail, and a pair of inward-hooked horns above his temples. His eyes lacked pupils or whites, being entirely a blue-green hue, and he was always smiling.[2]

As the provost of Dispater, Biffant was responsible for managing the affairs of the Iron Tower, commanded its staff, and controlled a small treasury.[2][7] As such was almost always within Dispater's city and usually in the palace itself. While there he was never without his attendants, two erinyes messengers and six spinagon servants that acted as both staff members and guards. He was a crafty devil and had plans extending well into the future, but was not especially brave or forceful. Interestingly, Biffant and Lilis (Dispater's consort) were very friendly with each other, as trusting and close as devils ever grew; some said they were closer in both understanding and trust to each than to Dispater himself. Even so, they also demonstrated unfailingly loyalty to their lord, making Dispater's control of his realm the envy of other archdukes.[2] Around the late 14th century DR, Biffant was described as being the provost of Dis.[8]

Biffant typically carried an ornate iron rod, so finely made it would be worth twenty gold pieces on the craftsmanship alone, as his badge of office. The item could function as a morningstar, but in battle he would seize whatever was at hand.[2][7] That was if he would fight in the first place, since Biffant preferred to let others fight on his behalf, calling for or summoning aid if attacked. He was able to summon a few spinagons or one or two erinyes if attacked when necessary, and radiated fear in a short radius around himself.[2]


Bitru was an archdevil duke in the service of Dispater.[9][5]

Bitru's visage was traditionally diabolical; he resembled a muscular, 9‑foot-tall (2.7‑meter) humanoid with shining, scarlet skin and lustrous black hooves, horns, and wings.[9]

As one of Dispater's commanders,[5] Bitru commanded seventy companies of erinyes, each having been raised in the vast estates of Dis he ruled over on his lord's behalf. Of all Dispater's fief-holding vassals, he was the strongest.[9][2]

Like other archdevils, Bitru had a wide variety of spell-like abilities. Most notable of these were the powers to create a wall of smoke, fulfill another being's limited wish, cause fear in anyone he pointed at up to 180 feet (55 meters) away, and summon erinyes devils.[9] He typically fought with his personal weapon, a huge, two-handed, +3 sword, although like Alocer he also had a collection of ropes of entanglement and daggers of venom.[9][7]


Main article: Lilis


Merodach (pronounced: /ˈmɛərˈdɑːxMare-OH-dakh[1]) was an archdevil duke in the service of Dispater.[2][5]

Merodach appeared as a 12‑foot-tall (3.7‑meter) wolf with a massive pair of spreading longhorns, large, feathered wings, and a prehensile, serpentine tail. He was only a clumsy flier and preferred to run about on all fours.[2]

As one of Dispater's commanders,[5] Merodach led twenty-one companies of hamatulas.[2]

Merodach's supernatural abilities included granting limited wishes to others, causing fear by touch, and summoning hamatulas. In battle, Merodach could fight with tooth and claw, strike at his enemies by slightly turning his great horns, and use his tail to trip, blind, or disarm his foes. Often he would rear up so as to wield a weapon with his front claws, which would usually be carried in his tail up until that point. He owned no magical or otherwise special weapons, but favored polearms.[2]


Main article: Titivilus

Archdevils of Minauros[]


Main article: Bael


Caarcrinolaas (pronounced: /ˈkɑːrˈkrɪnlæsKar-CRIN-oh-lass[1]) was a general in the service of Mammon.[2][10]

Caarcrinolaas was a grey-and-brown-furred, dog-headed humanoid about 7.5 ft (2.3 m) tall, with a pair of scarlet horns protruding from the bony brow-ridge over his temples, as well as third, straight horn on his forehead. He also had scarlet, bat-like wings and a forked tail of the same color. His hands were strong, scarred, and bony, but largely human in appearance, and his eyes were a glittering yellow.[2]

Caarcinolas preferred to follow orders and wait for opportunities for him to better himself, personally refraining from risky intrigues. He was largely indifferent to the ambitions of others.[2] Even so, the conniving worm did plot Bael's death, believing that with the legions seized from doing so he could overthrow Mammon.[11]

Caarcinolas led 36 companies of barbed devils, and in battle wore armor with a high collar but no helm and wielded an enchanted scythe.[2]


Duke Focalor was the seneschal of Mammon.[2][10]

Focalor resembled a thin, bearded, middle-aged human male with pale, pink-green skin, feathered wings, and brown cloven hooves. He typically wore flowing robes and always wielded an iron gauntlet, his badge of office, on his right hand.[2]

Focalor wielded much of the real power in Minauros, for Mammon was neglectful of its security, diplomacy, and administration in favor of hedonistic indulgence. The oft-silent Focalor was a master strategist, respectful, careful in word and deed, and took no risks with the security of the palace, or that of Glasya when she served as Mammon's consort. On the surface he seemed remarkably loyal, his allegiance having been tested several times in the past, and many archdevils thought that Mammon would be easy prey if not for Focalor's wisdom and the strength of his other few dukes.[2][12]

In reality however, Focalor held his master in bitter contempt, resenting the foolish and craven Mammon for consistently neglecting his responsibilities, leaving him to deal with them. His true relation with Glasya was that of an informant and conspirator, for she appealed to his bitterness by promising to help him destroy Mammon.[12] However, Focalor, did not want to take the position of archdevil himself. Rather he secretly plotted to force Bael into a position where he would have no choice but to overthrow Mammon, whereupon he would become the power behind the throne.[11]

Focalor possessed a number of spell-like abilities, most notably being able to control fish and summon storms (which resembled a combination of control wind, and call lightning) at will, though both abilities were ineffective while in Baator. He enjoyed swimming and, whenever he was summoned to the Material plane, would seize any opportunity to indulge that desire.[2]


Glwa was a little-known archdevil who served as Mammon's consort both before and after Glasya left him.[10][13] She co-conspired with Focalor to overthrow Mammon and replace him with Bael.[11]


Main article: Hulgaz


Melchon (pronounced: /ˈmɛlxɒnMELL-khon[1]) was a duke in the service of Mammon.[2][10]

Melchon resembled a 6‑foot-tall (1.8‑meter) humanoid with fiery red skin, bull-like horns, black, curly brows and beard, black hooves, and bat-likes wings.[2]

Melchon was a malcontent secretly jealous of his stronger fellow dukes and would welcome any setback to Bael or Focalor. He hid his true feelings and chose to display an eager and active loyalty to Mammon, earning him Focalor's suspicions.[2] The conspiratorial duke worked with Caarcinolas to engineer Bael's death in the hopes of ousting Mammon.[11]

Melchon led 18 companies of erinyes,[2] fallen angels who refused to leave Mammon's service when Glasya left him.[11]

Melchon normally fought with a trident or two-handed axe, neither of which were magical but which were always envenomed; he also used the sting on the end of his tail, which was likewise envenomed. His venom never dried out while in Hell, but was harmless outside of the Hells unless in close proximity to an erinyes or Melchon himself. Melchon was immune to his own venom, and that of any other devil.[2]


Morsch was a duke in the service of Mammon who at one point commanded his armies.[14]


Sagirsa was a governor in the service of Mammon in Minauros.[8]

Sagirsa was a bloated and corpulent archdevil originally of the paeliryon caste.[15][16][8]

Sagirsa was a loyal vassal (and at one point paramour) of Mammon and queen of the city of Jangling Hiter. A gigantic statue of them existed in the city which superstitious minor devils believed could increase their odds of advancement by leaving offerings in its cupped hands.[15][16][8]

Archdevils of Phlegethos[]


Main article: Balan


Bathym, called the Black Duke, was a duke of hell in Phlegethos. He was loyal first to Belial, but changed his loyalty to Fierna upon her ascendance.[2][17] He commanded 30 companies of hamatulas and possessed powerful magical abilities. He rode a nightmare into combat.[2]

Bathym earned his epithet for his costume of full, jet-black armor, including helm and cloak, in battle; he also wielded an enchanted black mace that dispelled light, continual light, and faerie fire on contact, and caused dancing lights in the area to fade away. His secondary weapon was an envenomed dagger. Outside of combat, he always wore black clothing. He had black hooves, black nails, and solid black eyes, but his skin, horns, and tail were fish-belly white. His tail was short and curled, somewhat like a pig's, and he was very touchy about that fact and always kept it concealed.[2]

If summoned or bargain with, Bathym would reveal, for a high price, knowledge of magical lore of gemstones, herbal lore, and low-level arcane spells (including components, casting, and general principles).[2]


Chamo (pronounced: /ˈɑːmmCHAMM-oh[1]) was an archdevil duke who served the Lords of the Fourth as the Legate of Abriymoch.[2][17]

Chamo appeared to be a 6 feet (1.8 meters), middle-aged man with white hair and large brown eyes, but his diabolic nature was made evident by his upward-pointing horns, forked tail, black hooves, and black, bat-like wings. His skin was a bright scarlet that darkened to blue on his long-nailed hands. He typically wore loose, high-collared black robes and always carried his symbol of his authority, an iron-shod staff capped with the skulls of sixteen paladins he had defeated over the years, linked together by rings of beaten brass.[2]

Chamo was polite, always seeming calm and fearless, but also rather abrupt. He was said to know of every hiding place in Phlegethos, and notably suspected the plane's bullied erinyes to have served as spies for Asmodeus, Baalzebul, or some other archdevil, even if he could not prove it.[2] He held the top "civilian" position in Abriymoch, his primary responsibility being to keep the city's economy healthy,[18] although he also attended to Belial and assisted him in matters of diplomacy and intrigue.[2][17] While he had planned to one day supplant the archduke, a fact accessible enough that one would think Belial surely knew, his loyalties under Fierna's reign were unknown.[2][17][14] He feared Naome more than Belial since he and her too often thought alike.[2]

Chamo's notable powers included the ability to create a wall of smoke, reverse gravity twice a day for as long as his concentration held, permanently turn flesh to stone once per day with his touch, employ a symbol of stunning once per day, cause fear with his stare, and summon several barbazu at will (even if it was unlikely to work). His staff had the power to undo or negate any magic or mechanism of binding, such as web, hold and lock spells. It could also detect good-aligned items through touch, and creatures from several yards away, its skulls glowing with a pearly white radiance whenever such beings are near.[2][19]


Gaziel was an archdevil duke of Phlegethos who remained loyal to Belial even after that archduke's "retirement".[17]

Gaziel appeared to be a 12 feet (3.7 meters) tall bone devil from afar due to his white, skull-like head with hollow eye sockets and small, curled pink horns; in addition, his head housed a long, slim, purple-red forked tongue. His body was brown to blood-red in color and humanoid in form, with bulbous, bony wrist and knee joints, hooked spurs on his elbows, black hooves and a red, forked tail.[2]

Gaziel did nothing that he did not have to do, and spent most of his time apparently brooding. He commanded 11 companies of osyluths when called upon by his master and was cold and mechanical in battle, a seemingly perfect general who never missed nor forgot any aspect of a skirmish or possible tactic. Rarely, however, he took a personal interest in a combat and began to fight with utmost savagery.[2]

Gaziel fought by spitting acid with his forked tongue, which could melt through metal, hide and cloth alike. He would use any weapon at hand, but could also gash his enemies with his hooked elbow spurs. Gaziel's notable powers included the ability to slay living with his touch once per day, creating a symbol of hopelessness once per day, and paralyzing a nearby victim by pointing at them twice a day. He radiated fear in a small area around himself and slowly regenerated from injury. He had fair odds of summoning 1-3 bone devils.[2]


Tymphal was an archdevil in service to the Lords of the Fourth. He was a master smith and genius mechanist who supervised the work done in Tymphalos, the Mouth of Iron, a volcano housing a great foundry where lesser devils and hundreds of duergar toiled to forge weapons and infernal constructs. He chose to immerse himself in his work and ignore the goings on beyond his workshop when faced with the reckless passions of Fierna.[20]


Zaebos was a duke who served as the deputy of Chamo. It was unclear where his loyalties to either Belial or Fierna lied.[17][note 2]


Zapan was a duke of Hell in Phlegethos who had thrown in his lot with Fierna.[17][note 3]

Archdevils of Stygia[]


Agares (pronounced: /ˈɑːˈgærɑːɪjsAh-GARR-aiys[1]) was a duke and vassal first of Geryon, and later of Levistus. He commanded 31 companies of osyluths, and had a nasty feud with his fellow duke Amon. The feud was bitter enough that Herodius, Geryon's magistrate, had to head off open war between the two several times. Agares typically fought with a iron-shod staff and his powerful magical abilities, but was willing to use any weapon at hand when a fight broke out.[2][21]

Agares appeared as an old male humanoid, with a brittle, quavering voice to match. He had a tufted grey beard, small grey horns, and a ruddy complexion that deepened to scarlet on his body. His feet were birdlike and his tail was stumpy and reptilian; both were also grey in color. His watery eyes and nails, however, were red. Agares also had irregular ribs that curved in such a way that they appeared knotted and deformed. He typically concealed much of his diabolic appearance and coloring under robes.[2]


Machalas (pronounced: /ˈmɑːˈʃɑːlæsMah-SHALL-ass[1]) was an archdevil duke who served Geryon and later Levistus.[2][21]

Machalas appeared as a thin, 12‑foot-tall (3.7‑meter) humanoid with scaly skin, large, bat-like wings, cloven hooves, and a forked tail, all the color black. His horned head was a startling, fiery red, and his ugly face was bat-like, with slanted eyes so fully white that his pupils could only be made out upon close inspection. His most prominent facial feature was his large jaws, and his voice was described as having a hissing, soft, and menacing tone.[2]

Machalas had been the weakest of Geryon's three dukes in terms of both personal power and influence, and thus encouraged the feuding between Agares and Amon while taking neither side in order to make himself seem the most reasonable of the Wild Beast's vassals, and thus earn his favor. During that time he was known to command eleven companies of barbed devils at Geryon's direction.[2] He managed to survive the tumult following Geryon's fall and Levistus's ascendance, and found a new position as a commander in service to the Frozen Prince, the only other member of the old guard to do so being Agares.[21][22]

Machalas was a nimble flier able to fight with his jaws alone, but he usually wielded a +2 axe or normal spear in combat. He combined use of these weapons with his magical abilities, notable among them being his ability to cast ice storm, blink, and wall of ice at will. He radiated fear within a short distance of himself, slowly regenerated, could cause insanity once per day with his touch, use a symbol of stunning once per day, and summon a few barbed devils once per day with above average odds of success.[2]

Archdevils of Malbolge[]


Tartach (pronounced: /ˈtærtɑːkhTarr-tackh[1]) was first the legate of Baalzebul to Moloch, but he later abandoned Baalzebul to serve Glasya when she ascended to rule Malbolge.[23][24]

Tartach resembled a human of giant stature, being some 10 ft (3 m) tall, with a beard and mustache. Betraying his diabolical nature were a pair of stubby, hooked horns on his forehead, and his feet had the pads and fur of a lion's, though not the claws. His skin was a fiery orange color, and he wore silken robes of black or purple.[23]

Tartach had a cold dignity about him, as well as having a dark and cruel sense of humor and a fondness for tormenting weaker creatures.[23]

He fought using a flame tongue sword and a rope of entanglement, augmented by his many spell-like abilities: at will, he had abilities akin to pyrotechnics, produce flame, fireball, dispel magic, detect invisibility, know alignment, hold monster, wall of fire, and teleport. He could also fulfill the wish of another creature. Once each day he could use symbol of stunning and feeblemind; he also caused fear by simple eye contact.[23]

Archdevils of Maladomini[]


Abigor was an archdevil duke in the service of Baalzebul.[25]

Abigor appeared as a 7.5‑foot-tall (2.3‑meter), hairless, ochre-skinned humanoid. His had many ruddy diabolic features, including his small pair of horns, black hooves, and forked tail, as well as large, crimson, bat-like wings. His voice was naturally loud and typically characterized as bellowing.[23]

Abigor was a general of Baalzebul, commanding 60 companies of cornugons for his lord. He enjoyed destroying opponents in battle and would not pass up the chance to fight a weaker opponent.[23][25] He was once nearly slain by Nisroch The Eagle, the poisoner of the hells.[26]

Abigor wielded a +2 battleaxe and +2 mace, but he would use anything he could if these were lost and could fight with his hands if needed, striking with one massive fist while warding off blows with the other. He was fast on the ground and faster in the air. Notable spell-like abilities of his including the ability to speak with dead, provided they've not been dead for over 600 days, use a symbol of stunning once per day, and spell turn once per day (even if his magical resistance already would have protected him). He could cause fear with his touch, summon 1-2 cornugons with good odds of success, and slowly regenerate from injury.[23]


Baftis was the first consort of Baalzebul.[23][25]

Baftis appeared as a beautiful, but rather forbidding, 9‑foot-tall (2.7‑meter) humanoid female with tall, spired horns, bat-like wings, hooves, and crimson skin (save for the lighter, almost ivory hue that ran down her back. Unlike many other devils, she lacked a tail, and her eyes were an unusual lavender hue. She typically wore loose, open robes and carried a finely worked bronze spear.[23][1]

Baftis, unlike her fellow consort Lilith, was quiet and subservient; she feared Baalzebul and rarely acted on her own behalf without his specific permission. She was, however, still somewhat proud and would be outraged if herself or her possessions were threatened by lesser creatures. Baftis was also sensitive about the paler skin on her back; a human of the Material Plane once made an oath mentioning the "pearly spine of Baftis", which she took as a summons, promptly appearing and rending him apart.[23]

Baftis has a fanged bite and claws, and can slowly regenerate from harm. Notably, she could cast wall of smoke, charm person, suggestion, and paralyzation once per day, the lattermost spell-like ability working through touch and applicable to both normal people and monsters. Thrice per day she could heal herself or others with her touch, and once per day, she could employ a finger of death. She could cause fear in a nearby creature by speaking to it and could summon a small group of cornugons with good odds of success.[23]


Barbatos (pronounced: /ˈbɑːrbɑːtsBAHR-bah-toss[1]) was the Marshal of Maladomini, in which capacity he was not only in charge of the armies of that layer, but also of the armies of Malbolge during the time when Moloch ruled it for Baalzebul. He was authoritarian and a shrewd judge of warriors and tactics; for these traits he had earned his lord's respect and limited trust. However, he had also never shown any personal ambition nor his true feelings at any time, making him a true unknown were there to be any change in the status quo of the Nine Hells.[23][25]

Barbatos usually wore a grey cloak with a green hood fringed with scarlet, and did not carry treasure except on Baalzebul's orders. He himself was a 12‑foot-tall (3.7‑meter) male giant with beard, horns, crimson skin, green eyes, black hooves, and a tail. His voice was invariably described as rich and persuasive. Few mortals knew how to summon Barbatos, for he and his malebranche guards usually either destroyed those who summoned him, or carried them back to the hells to torment.[23]


Bileth (pronounced: /ˈbjɛlɛθBYE-leth[1]) was an archdevil duke who first served under Moloch as the tribune of Malbolge, and later as a general of Maladomini under Baalzebul after Moloch's loss of power.[23][25][27][note 4]

Bileth appeared as a 9 ft 6 in (2.9 m) humanoid male with a beard, horns, hooves, crimson skin, and black bat-like wings, but no tail. He wore gilded coat-of-plate, but typically eschewed weaponry in favor of his fists[23]

As tribune, Bileth acted as both a watchdog and a check on Moloch's actions (or any others who would take control of Malbolge), for Baalzebul feared the Grand Duke would somehow wrest the sixth layer from him. Bileth could speak with Baalzebul's authority and stood apart from the power structure of Moloch's reign, acting as a justicar independent of the viceroy. For his part, Moloch hated Bileth and had to submit to his commands, but while he couldn't act directly against the tribune, he tried to undermine him by spreading rumors that Bileth was insane.[23]

Bileth was incredibly strong, swift on foot, and even faster in flight. He could also breathe out a 25‑foot-long (7.6‑meter) cone of fire, but would only do so if angered or hard-pressed. Notable spell-like abilities he possessed included anti-magic shell, dispel magic, detect lie and repulsion, each at will. Twice per day he could cause a flame strike, and once per day he could use a death spell. He could cause fear with his touch and regenerate from injury. He could also attempt to summon one or two cornugons with a good chance of success, or, though it rarely succeeded, Baalzebul himself.[23]


Main article: Lilith (archdevil)


Neabaz,[23] also known as Nebaz,[28] called the Herald of Lies,[25] was an archdevil duke who served Dispater as his herald.[23]

Neabaz appeared as a handsome, 6 feet (1.8 meters) man, set apart in appearance by his tiny, pointed horns, transparent, housefly-like wings, and the 1 foot (0.3 meters) proboscis hidden inside his mouth. He customarily wore a black tunic and breeches (the former of the two opening in the back to accommodate his wings), and a cape and hat of rich, blood-red silk.[23]

Neabaz was smoothly polite and visibly cold-blooded, treating all creatures with carefulness and civility out of the slightly paranoid concern that any creature he met could be an archdevil in disguise. As Baalzebul's herald he was rarely idle, but was also the only one within his court permitted to freely traverse the Hells. He enjoyed his work and respected his master, for his association with the Lord of the Flies provided him a station well above what he could achieve on his own. Back during the reign of Moloch, it was he who usually delivered the Governor of Malbolge his marching orders, and he often received bribes from residents of that layer when they wanted something omitted or framed a certain way in a report. Besides bribes, he only carried treasures to accomplish Baalzebul's aims, and only under his explicit orders[23][29]

Noteworthy among Neabaz's personal powers were his abilities to freely cause fear in a short radius around him, slay living with his touch once per day, slowly regenerate from injury, and either summon a few osyluths or cornugons (which worked roughly half the time and was slightly less likely to work with the latter). However, despite these powers, and being fast on foot and twice as fast on wing, Neabaz was physically weak by archdevil standards. At best he could unfurl his proboscis and drain fluids from a living creature so long as he kept hold of the victim, his only other recourse being to unremarkably pound at them with fists.[23][29]

To compensate for this deficiency, Neabaz was provided magical items by his master with which to defend himself, including his sword and cape, both allegedly sourced from the Material Plane. The sword was a +1 flame tongue able to tell the alignment of whatever it was pointed at and fire nine magic missiles. Four times a day the cape could create a chill shield for up to three minutes that did not harm his wings.[23][29]


Zepar was a duke of Maladomini and a vicious, arrogant bully who preferred to avoid combat in favor of tormenting his servants and other weaker creatures. During particular bad moods, he would outright assault masses of lemures with his envenomed short sword and axe. He appeared as a slender, dark-complexioned male humanoid with a bad clubfoot, wearing scarlet armor; the armor concealed his more diabolic features of a forked tail, small horns, crimson-skinned body, and retractile, cat-like claws on an otherwise "human" foot. His voice was grating and his tone, contemptuous.[23][25]

Archdevils of Cania[]


Adonides (pronounced: /ˈɑːdɒnˈidsAh-don-EEDS[1])


Baalphegor (pronounced: /ˈbɑːlfɛgɔːrBAHL-feh-gor[1])



Bele (pronounced: /ˈbilBEEL[1])


Bifrons (pronounced: /ˈbjɛfrɒnsBYE-frons[1])


Main article: Hutijin

Archdevils of Nessus[]


Adramalech (pronounced: /ˈɑːdrɑːmmɑːˈlɛkhAh-dramma-LECKH[1]) [30]


Alastor "the Grim" or "the Silent"[31] was the Executioner of Baator[27] and more specifically the Executioner of Nessus under Asmodeus.[30] He was "the greatest pit fiend of all"[31][23] and more recently believed to have ascended to the rank of archdevil.[32]

Alastor appeared as a grey-skinned pit fiend with tattered, sooty black wings. He never wore armor, revealing the gouged, scarred, twisted flesh caused by his gruesome and poorly healed wounds.[31][23] Befitting his title, he never spoke.[23]

Alastor was incredibly intelligent and unwaveringly loyal to Asmodeus, following his commands without question[27][31] and was thought to be his closest being he had to a friend and confidant.[31] It was said that were Asmodeus to lose everything in the Hells save for one devil to keep as a companion, that fiend would be Alastor.[23] He was the only devil besides Asmodeus himself that Gargauth both respected and considered as anything approaching an equal.[33] Alastor was a good friend of Morax, such to the point they would aid each other if possible and needed.[23]

Alastor's wounds were not simply cosmetic; his wings were broken and impeded his ability to fly compared to normal pit fiends. However, he was also mightier and heartier than the average pit fiend.[31][23] Alastor could fight with all weapons, but usually had two of choice for his executions; the first was a black, 12 feet (3.7 meters), double-bladed, +4 battleaxe with sixteen hellstones studding the head, and the second a non-magical scythe with a 13 feet (4 meters) handle and 9 feet (2.7 meters) blade.[31][34]




Baalberith(pronounced: /ˈbɑːlbɛərɪθBahl-bair-ith[1]) was the major domo pit fiend of Malsheem[30] and more recently described to be the chancellor of the Nine Hells.[32][note 5]

The palace guard of Malsheem consisted of sixty-six pit fiends. Baalberith, likely at Asmodeus's request, ordered a guard detail of six of these pit fiends to ring Adramalech's personal tower at all times, which was little liked by the Keeper of Records, and a similar guard was kept for Bensozia and her chambers.[23]


Buer was a general in the service of Asmodeus.[30]

Buer appeared as a 10 feet (3 meters) long centaur with gleaming silver skin and cloven hooves with crimson fetlocks. On the upper portion of his back, jut above his forelegs, protruded six prehensile tentacles, each 10 feet (3 meters) long. His horns and staring eyes were red while his hair was white.[23]

Buer was inclined to melancholy behavior yet seemed to delight in pranks. Importantly however he always spoke politely and his every deed was perfectly controlled. He generally acted to further a specific goal and his loyalty to Asmodeus had never been in question.[23]

Buer led fifteen companies of pit fiends and kept a careful watch over where and what his forces were doing. His equipment,[23] fashioned from arjale[36] and kept in his belt, consisted of a +2 mace, a +1 bow, and four quivers (two on each side) containing twenty arrows.[23]

Buer's tentacles had no gripping strength, but could flail independently at opponents to injure them with corrosive, stinging acid with each strike. Although capable of being severed fairly easily, his minor regenerative capacity would bring them back with time. In addition to normal devilish powers, he possessed several unique abilities including; flame arrow (though this slowed down his rate of fire); removing or bestowing curses with his touch; curing or causing disease with his touch; finding an imp familiar for another; flame strike twice per day, symbol of hopelessness or discord once per day; causing fear with a bellow; summoning 1-3 pit fiends with a seven out of ten rate of success.[23]


Bune was a general in the service of Asmodeus.[30] He appeared as a 12 feet (3.7 meters) tall cornugon with green scales (coppery on his belly and loins) and silvery talons. He had a human head with furry, dog-like ears and a griffon-like beak. His voice was normally high-pitched and lilting, but it was screeching when he became enraged and he could mimic those of other beings.[23]

Bune was fond of material wealth to the point of being greedy, enjoyed manipulating lesser beings of all sorts, and was naturally "cheeky" and defiant to all beings stronger than himself (and thus that he feared). Asmodeus tolerated him because of all his dukes, Bune was both the quickest to follow his orders and the most careful in how he executed them. He was solidly loyal to Asmodeus and would not betray him, seeing him as the most powerful archdevil and thus the safest bet, and was content with his position.[23]

Bune commanded 30 companies of cornugons and included them amongst the lesser beings he enjoyed manipulating. He fought with a saw-edged sword shaped somewhat like a leaping flame and a trident. He rarely wore any clothing besides a belt in which he carried his treasure pouch and blade.[23]

Bune was able to fight with his fangs and claws, but much preferred weapons. He had minor regeneration and could cause fear by his touch. He could cast cone of cold, heal himself, and use a symbol of death, each once per day. He could also summon 1-4 cornugons with a seven out of ten rate of success or a pit fiend with a four out of ten rate.[23]


Morax was a general in the service of Asmodeus.[30] Morax appeared as a 12 feet (3.7 meters) tall, dirty dark-brown humanoid with a bull-like head hosting massive, curved horns and a pair of cloven hooves for feet. His more obvious infernal qualities consisted of his scarlet eyes, bat-like wings, and a short, forked tail. He also had heavily muscled arms and a cluster of 2 inches (51 millimeters) spines protruding from his chest.[23]

Morax was exceptionally intelligent but was a devil of few words, choosing the ones he did use well. He exulted in a good fight, showing respect to strong devils like Geryon or his loyally obeyed master Asmodeus. Conversely, he despised weakness, was angered by those who pretended or presumed to possess strength or authority they didn't (or in his opinion didn't deserve), and had little time for sneaks or those who hid behind magic, such as Phongor and Adramalech.[23]

Morax led nine companies of pit fiends who he often wrestled with, hurling them about and roaring.[30][23] He commanded both their obedience and respect through a combination of loyalty to Asmodeus and fairness to them. His preferred combat strategy was to chuck two polished brass throwing axes at his opponents before closing in to fight bare-handed (he rarely used melee weapons), and hugging his foe painfully against his chest spikes.[23][36][note 6]

Morax had a mild regeneration power and unique spell-like abilities of his included the use of earthquake and symbol of stunning once per day each, the ability to cause fear with his touch, and the power to summon 1-3 pit fiends at will with a roughly 3 out of 4 chance of success.[23]


Few return whole in body or mind from Phongor's gentle grasp.
— A saying in Baator.[23]

Phongor was the Inquisitor of Hell, more specifically the Inquisitor of Nessus, and a direct vassal of Asmodeus.[30][23]

Phongor appeared as a 6‑foot-tall (1.8‑meter) humanoid male with dead white skin. He had glittering pink eyes, oily black hair, tiny horns, a forked tail, red hooves, and a hoarse, hissing voice.[23]

Phongor was second to only Asmodeus himself as the most feared devil in Nessus. The inquisitor was directly responsible to Asmodeus for providing complete and accurate news of all planes, the Hells included, and little escaped his probing and persuasive tactics. To accomplish his duties he subverted the spies of Adramalech, enlisted his own spies, and then enlisted spies to spy on his spies, for he was wholly paranoid and trusted no-one. Furthermore, he had perfected the arts of torture on all manner of beings, from the denziens of Hell to the intruders, using his many instruments of pain, both delicate and brutal, in the depths of Malsheem.[23]

Phongor typically wore black or purple robes left open. He could use any weapon proficiently, but he carried his weapon of choice in his belt, a venom-coated cat-of-nine-tails with tempered wire strands (rather than the usual cord).[23][34] He was accompanied by two pit fiends bodyguards and a troupe of 6-11 spinagon servants while in Malsheem.[23]

Phongor could feel no pain himself, remaining unfazed by any injury that didn't physically disable him, and had very minor regeneration. He had various unique powers including; sending to Asmodeus at will; causing disease, putrefying food and drink , or using a shocking grasp with his touch, the effects chosen freely from and switched between without limit; casting symbol of pain six times per day; healing himself or someone else thrice per day with his touch; true seeing for a cumulative 1-12 minutes, though ended if he used one of the above powers; radiating fear that effected anyone below the rank of duke; summoning 1-2 pit fiends with a six out of ten rate of success or 1-6 spinagons with a roughly two out of three rate.[23]


Rimmon was a general in the service of Asmodeus.[23][30] Rimmon resembled a 12 feet (3.7 meters) tall gelugon with a handsome and horned humanoid head. He was nasty, sarcastic, and disliked by other devils. However, he also had little personal pride and was loyal to Asmodeus.[23]

Rimmon led five companies of gelugons into battle. In combat, Rimmon typically used his claws and tail as weapons, but occasionally he used a trident. As an archdevil, he possessed a number of innate magical abilities. He possessed infravision and could radiate an aura of fear at will. At will, he could replicate the effects of the spells pyrotechnics, produce flame, fly, dispel magic, detect invisibility, detect magic, wall of ice, ice storm, cone of cold, lightning bolt, teleport, and fulfill another's (limited) wish. Twice per day he could replicate chain lightning, and once per symbol of pain.[23]


Zagum was a general of Nessus in the service of Asmodeus.[23][30]

Zagrum resembled a 16 ft (4.9 m) tall hamatula with a 15 ft (4.6 m) long tail. His scaly hide was crimson, with a jagged row of barbed spines running along his back that ended in a bony, spine-edged "collar" .He had yellow eyes with black pupils.[23]

Zagum was a cold-blooded, ambitious, and intelligent devil who considered cruelty a self-indulgent waste of time. As a result, he had a rather coarse sense of humor in order to build positive relations with other devils and was always devising harmless and amusing stunts and jokes.[23]

Zagum commanded 30 companies of hamatulas in the service of Asmodeus. He could summon 1-4 more of them to his side with a 3 out of 4 rate of success and had other supernatural abilities, such as minor regeneration and the power to cause fear by his gaze alone. At will, Zagum could use pyrotechnics, produce flame, wall of fire, dispel magic, hold person, hold monster, fly, and teleport, as well as being capable of using wish for another. Twice per day, he could use flame strike, and once per day he could use symbol of pain.[23]

Exiles in Avernus[]


Armaros, called The Resolver of Enchantments, was among the most powerful of the archdevils exiled to Avernus.[26][3]

Armaros resembled a grey-skinned human male with a beard, bat-like wings, and horns. He was approximately 12 feet (3.7 meters) tall and had a 26‑foot-wingspan (7.9‑meter). His eyes were luminescent and blue-green. Armaros typically wore a leather tunic and belt, with many pouches to hold spell ingredients and scholarly materials.[26]

Armaros was not unhappy with his exile, as he cared only for his magical studies and sought only to further them. He spent his time roaming Avernus, typically pursuing his private obsession with magic, and was known to appear without warning and use random creatures as tests for spells he was working on. Like other archdevils, he had no care for others and would carry out his experiments with calm detachment and even amusement, though he would also readily trade with creatures for more spells and magical knowledge. Of the other denizens of Baator, he respected and obeyed only Asmodeus, and was a favorite of the Dark Lord, free to do what he liked as long as he did not approach Tiamat or her generals, consorts, or armies, as well as those of visiting archdevils.[26]

Armaros was an exile for two reasons. The first was that he was a master dweomer-crafter and had made many of the Nine Hells' magical treasures. The second was that if he had a more powerful position—such as that of an archduke, as his personal power deserved—he would be capable of challenging Asmodeus. Additionally, Armaros had long-standing feuds with both Adramalech and Phongor that prevented him from serving in Asmodeus' court directly. So instead Armaros was exiled to Avernus, by Asmodeus' decree. The decree also stated that if any other archdevil were found to have communicated with him, that archdevil and his servants (even his entire court, in the case of an archduke) would be destroyed.[26]

Armaros was a master at spellcasting and spell-crafting; he had also made many magical items for the devils. Among other abilities, he was one of the few capable of casting prismatic sphere. As a master crafter, he knew the abilities of any and all diabolical magical items.[26]


Azazel, formerly named Hazzael and called the Serpent was an exiled archdevil who lived in Avernus.[26][3]

Azazel resembled a humanoid with emerald-green scales, claws, a snake-like head, and bat-like wings. He was about 10‑foot (3‑meter) tall and had a 40‑foot (12‑meter) wingspan. Due to his great vanity, he wore rich garments incorporating fur, gold braid, and excessive and gaudy jewelry.[26]

Azazel was exceedingly arrogant and did not take well to being ordered around by any being that he deemed lesser than himself, a list that included all devils but Asmodeus, Mephistopheles, Baalzebul, and Adramalech. His arrogance made him unable to cooperate with any other devil, and he spent his time in exile in pursuit of self-indulgent amusements, such as plotting to overthrow Tiamat and take over Avernus. He had managed to kill a number of her offspring and three of her consorts.[26]

Azazel was originally known as Hazzael, and was an accomplished strategist and general of infernal armies. However, his arrogance and rejection of what he deemed wrongful authority got him thrown out of two different dukedoms. When he was exiled, his name was changed from Hazzael to Azazel, to the mutual displeasure of both him and the demon lord of the same name, by Asmodeus. The King of Hell had done so to stymie any attempts to summon Azazel by mortal summoners, as the method for summoning him had become widely known.[26]

As an archdevil, Azazel could use a wide variety of magical powers at will, including being able to cause fear just by touching a creature. He was also a formidable combatant, being able to attack with all four sets of claws and his fangs while flying. However, he typically preferred to use a broadsword or three-bladed military fork.[26]


Baelzra, called the Chain Princess of Jangling Hiter was an exiled archdevil who lived in Avernus, born of an affair between the Archduke Mammon and Sagirsa of the City of Chains.[15]

Despite what her heritage would imply, Baelzra was not ugly, and in fact almost too attractive. She was a raven-haired beauty with several traditionally devilish features, including horns and a long, forked tongue, and clad only in blood-soaked, poison-slick chains which slithered around her like serpent. Upon closer inspection, the truth behind this oddity was clear, for as well as her infernal features, one would notice her mad eyes and voice like a withered crone.[15]

It was not that Baelzra failed to inherit the hideousness of her parents, but that all her ugliness was internal, and in that she surpassed both her parents. From her camp on Avernus she secretly unbound souls from Hell with a dark yuan-ti ritual since, by her reasoning, if a soul was no longer damned, it would not belong to any archdevil by default, allowing her to effortlessly claim them. She grew bored without enacting violence for too long, fighting with terrible fury when wounded, and considered souls sweeter if given hope before having it crushed. Despite her exile and the fact that her harvesting activity would bring the ire of Bel or the Dark Eight, Mammon favored her criminal activity, both because he secretly profited and still doted on her.[15]

Baelzra wielded spiked chains in combat, dancing across the battlefield and using them to ensnare targets or interpose others in her path. She also possessed an aura of clutching chains that slowed and harmed any hostiles nearby.[15]


Bist was a duplicitous archdevil confined to Avernus.[2][3]

Bist was invisible in the presence of light, except for her orange-flame-like eyes. In darkness, she appeared as a luminescent, 9‑foot-long (2.7‑meter) hellcat.

Bist was highly deceptive and utterly selfish, which made her mistrusted by all other devils and was the reason for her exile. Additionally, her name was changed to prevent her from leaving Baator by way of summoning spells. She instead spent her time wandering Avernus.[2]

Bist, like all archdevils, had a number of natural magical powers she could use at will. Additionally, she was immune to all mind-effecting spells (including charms, hold monster, and sleep). She could only be injured by powerfully enchanted weapons. Bist also possessed the normal abilities of a hellcat.[2]


Cahor, called the Deceiver, was an exile in Avernus.[26][3]

Cahor normally used illusion to appear as a male human or demihuman wearing tattered grey robes, and he frequently would pretend to be an imbecile or deaf-mute. However, his breath remained hot even when disguised, and could give him away. In his true form, he was a 6‑foot-tall (1.8‑meter) humanoid with mottled black and grey skin, horns, and bat-like wings. He had a relatively human face with yellowish-brown eyes and black hair, mustache, and beard; his eyes were known to turn green when he was enraged. Cahor also had a pinkish-white barbed tail that he could use to manipulate small things, such as knots or keys.[26]

Cahor spent much of his time trying to sow confusion in Avernus and the Material Plane. In Avernus, he sought to create so much confusion amongst both devils and visitors alike that no one but he knew the true status of things. In the Material Plane, where he maintained some contacts, he was the root of much evil, being more active there than some archdukes. Cahor was a scheming, deceptive archdevil who was possessed of chaotic tendencies, for which he was much hated throughout Baator.[26]

When he still served in the diabolical hierarchy, Cahor was outwardly obedient to the archdevil commanding him, as long as that individual was present. Otherwise, he would act contrary to his orders; when questioned, he would provide plausible rationalizations. However, he would also issue orders to his underlings and later deny having done so. This combination of habits meant that no superior would entrust any task to him, and no underling would do a task for him, which resulted in him being effectively useless to the hierarchy, and likely earned him his exile.[26]

Cahor was an archdevil and master illusionist, and thus possessed a number of magical powers. He could use, at will, pyrotechnics, produce flame, detect illusion, detect invisibility, polymorph self, audible glamer, spectral force, dancing lights, darkness, wall of smoke, blindness, detect magic, fly, misdirection, ventriloquism, ESP, fire shield, dispel illusion, and mass-morph, as well as cause fear in a 10 ft (3 m) radius about himself. Thrice each day he could use confusion, and once each day paralyze by touch alone. Unlike other archdevils, he was unable to summon other devils to aid him. In actual combat, Cahor preferred to rely on his illusion magic and black iron javelins, but would use a scimitar if forced into melee.[26]


Caim was an outcast who roamed Avernus alone.[2][3]

Caim resembled a 5‑foot-tall (1.5‑meter) thrush with dark feathers and a long, sharp beak. He habitually wore a belt with pouches containing various things he found necessary.[2]

Caim was a duplicitous gossip and sneak and so was disliked throughout Baator. He was also a skilled orator who could make his opinions seem reasonable, often doing so to deceive visitors in part because he found the flesh of humans and elves to be delicious. His personality and habits meant that he was [2]

Caim, like any archdevil, possessed a number of natural magical powers. He frequently used an unseen servant–like spell-like ability to manipulate the objects he kept in his belt.[2]


Duskur, sometimes called the Dark Lady, was a strange and mysterious exile in Avernus.[26][3]

Duskur resembled a 6‑foot-tall (1.8‑meter) human female with snowy-white skin, long black hair, and solid black eyes. She was thin and moved gracefully. Duskur had smoky-grey and white bat-like wings that she normally hid beneath a sweeping, hooded cloak unless actually flying. Additionally, when she was heard singing, her voice was described as being high and fluting.[26]

Duskur was a mysterious she-devil who had been courted by more powerful archdevils, including Geryon and Belial, in the past; she had turned all her suitors down and consequently had no mate. In Avernus, she roamed the wastelands as an exile, surrounded by a small army of skeleton servitors that she had raised. Because of her status as an exile she avoided greater devils as much as possible and was therefore highly elusive.[26]

As an archdevil, Duskur possessed a number of magical powers that she could use at will. Among these spells, she could use bridge of fire, which functioned similar to wall of fire, but could be used as a solid bridge by Duskur and any creatures she was carrying; other creatures that attempted to use it passed or fell through. Additionally, her kiss could send a creature to sleep. In combat Duskur typically wielded an envenomed dagger.[26]



The archdevil Jaqon.

Jaqon was an exiled archdevil who was trapped in Avernus.[26][3]

Jaqon resembled a clean shaven satyr with red skin and green eyes. He also had pointed ears and small, curved horns like those of a pit fiend. He typically wore a weapon harness bearing a whip and rapier, and a backpack.

Jaqon possessed an outlook typical of archdevils: the strong ruled and the weak obeyed. He was a skilled actor and diplomat when he needed to be. However, he also considered himself above the rulings and decrees of Asmodeus, and felt a sort of kinship with the archdevil Geryon and the rebellious pit fiends that dwelt on the edges of Cania.[26]

Jaqon was originally an archdevil of Asmodeus's court, serving the Lord of Nessus as herald and messenger. However, certain unpleasant activities of his led to his expulsion from the diabolical hierarchy and exile to Avernus. The activities that led to his exile included procuring substances from the Nine Hells at summoners' requests for a fee, giving information to summoners to aid in the summoning of other powerful devils, and giving hints at the truenames and preferences of various she-devils to the archdevils who sought their hands. For that last crime, all of the consorts in Baator despised him.[26]

To make his exile a punishment, Asmodeus forcibly changed Jaqon's truename to Dagon—an insult to both the archdevil and the demon prince of the same name. However, it was effective: anyone who tried to summon Jaqon would instead get the more powerful demon prince's aspect. It was an effective foil to an archdevil that was used to being summoned frequently. Trapped in Avernus by Asmodeus' decree, Jaqon was forced to roam that layer. He often pretended to be an unlucky woodland creature who was searching for a way "home" to the Material Plane. His immediate goals were to convince another creature, one that could leave Baator, to spread the word of his name-change and the means of summoning him again amongst summoners. To that end, he was polite and helpful.[26]

Jaqon could fight with his bare hands, or with weapons such as a whip and rapier. Being an archdevil, he possessed a number of magical abilities. At will, he could use pyrotechnics, produce flame, wall of fire, ice storm, wall of force, charm monster, hold person, beguile, read magic, read languages, tongues, detect magic, see invisibility, polymorph self, invisibility, detect lie, locate object, obscure alignment, and misdirection. Once each day he could use meteor swarm and wall of thorns.[26]


Kochbiel (pronounced: /ˈkɔːxbilKAWKH-beel[1]) was an exiled archdevil.[26][3]

Kochbiel resembled a 14‑foot-tall (4.3‑meter) pit fiend with grey skin and red, bull-like horns. His shoulders were bone-plated and spiked, and he had two pairs of arms set opposite each other: one pair faced forward, the normal way, and one pair faced backwards. Kochbiel had bright yellow eyes and a purple mouth and tongue.[26]

Kochbiel spent his time roaming Avernus, avoiding large groups and any other devil or archdevil. He was said to spend much of his time exploring and possibly expanding subterranean areas, and also to have hidden large quantities of treasure within the most remote of his makeshift lairs. Kochbiel was known to be a rival of another exiled archdevil, Nergal, and the two would occasionally raid each other's lairs.[26]

Kochbiel was once a general of Hell whose cold, calculating leadership and brilliant strategies won him many battles. He was very cunning and little escaped his notice. Unlike other devils, he never seemed to take pleasure in defeating others, but rather enjoyed in the strategy involved in such endeavors. Nonetheless, he still made many enemies in the Nine Hells. He was once a servant of the archdevil Beherit, but was exiled when that archdevil was destroyed, as was still feared and mistrusted by other devils.[26]

Kochbiel was a mighty fighter when in close combat, as he could use his four arms to strike at opponents both in front of and behind him. He could also use his tail to hold and constrict enemies. Additionally, Kochbiel was both prodigiously strong and known to heal quickly. As an archdevil, Kochbiel possessed a number of innate magical powers. He could use, at will, the spells pyrotechnics, produce flame, wall of fire, detect magic, see invisibility, polymorph self, hold person, invisibility, fireball, push, ice storm, and wall of force. He could also radiate a 30‑foot-wide (9.1‑meter) aura of fear. Thrice per day, he could cast dispel magic, and once each day repulsion. Unlike other devils, he could not summon devils to aid him in combat.[26]


Main article: Malachlabra


Malarea (pronounced: /ˈmɑːlɑːˈriɑːMahl-ah-REE-ah[1]) was an exiled consort archdevil.[26][3]

Malarea resembled a 7‑foot-tall (2.1‑meter) erinyes with a 28‑foot (8.5‑meter) wingspan. Her feathers and hair were black, her eyes a fiery red, and her skin was frequently described as a ghostly, luminescent white. However, she was also sleekly muscled and possessed both vampire-like fangs and claws. Malarea normally wore some gaudy piece of jewelry.[26]

Malarea was variously described as fractious, bitter, envious, reckless, combative, and even manic, or berserk. She was prone to wild rages and vicious physical assaults and spent her time in exile roaming Avernus, attacking lesser devils and intruders. If she encountered a greater devil or archdevil, she would hesitate, but still attack unless the odds were impossible. She would also fly off if she encountered powerful resistance among other opponents.[26]

Malarea greatly desired to join the ranks of the consorts in the hierarchy, to the point of being willing to slay them all in order to do so. Her temperament had undoubtedly cost her her former position in the hierarchy of the Nine Hells, as well as being the cause of her exile, yet she had learned little caution after various defeats following her typical boldly direct assaults.[26]

As an archdevil, Malarea had several innate magical powers, being able to effects similar to the spells pyrotechnics, produce flame, wall of fire, detect magic, dispel magic, see invisibility, hold person, polymorph self, and cause fear, all at will. Additionally, she could cast delayed blast fireball three times a day. Malarea was a strong flier and was known to buffet enemies with her wings or even ram them in combat. She typically fought with her own claws, but would use a weapon taken from a slain opponent on occasion.[26]


Main article: Nergal (archdevil)


Nisroch, called The Eagle, was an exiled archdevil. [26][3]

Nisroch resembled an 11‑foot-tall (3.4‑meter) humanoid with an eagle-like head. He had black feathers on his head and chest, yellow eyes, dusty-black skin, and bat-like wings. He also had a pair of up-swept spines on his elbows. Unlike many devils, he lacked claws. He had an eagle's eyes and preferred to observe rather than speak.[26]

Nisroch was always polite, but cruel and mocking, and darkly humorous. He vastly preferred subtlety and subterfuge to direct confrontation, and would try to slay any creature that defied him.[26] He enjoyed poisoning food and roamed Avernus making various poisons from the ingredients he could scavenge before poisoning corpses and other food sources to surprise the inhabitants of that place. He was once the poisoner of the Nine Hells, and his favored pastime was poisoning not corpses, but lavish feasts. However, he was banished after he destroyed the duke Senciner and came close to destroying the duke Abigor.[26]

As an archdevil, Nisroch naturally possessed a number of magical powers. He was also a master at the crafting and use of poisons. In combat, when he could not avoid it, Nisroch would use his beak, the talons on his feet,[note 7] and magic; he would not use weapons unless absolutely necessary. His elbow-spines were dangerous, but could only be used against creatures that were behind him or in very close (wrestling or grappled) combat.[26]


Rumjal was an exiled archdevil.[26][3]

Rumjal appeared as a hairless, 8‑foot-tall (2.4‑meter) humanoid with grey skin, bone-white horns, and bat-like wings. He had a bone-white, prehensile tail that split at the end into three barbed hooks.[26]

Rumjal was a proud fiend who believed that he was a legitimate member of the diabolical hierarchy who had merely been displaced by a temporary fall from favor, and acted at all times as a loyal lieutenant of the Hells would. Tiamat and her dukes tolerated him more than the other exiles, as he would inform and physically aid them in thwarting the plots of Nergal and various nycaloths. He was known to be fond of art, wit, and poetry, and when dealing with most other devils was polite and good-natured, always treating them as equals. He was also a cruel prankster however, as well as bitter about his exile, and as an exile trapped in Avernus delighted in tormenting the least devils and intruders of that plane.[26]

Rumjal was a lieutenant of Geryon before he was exiled for molesting his archduke's consort, Cozbi. It was said that Asmodeus liked Rumjal and did not wish for the lesser archdevil to be harmed, as it was known that prior to the latter's exile, Asmodeus enjoyed playing chess with Rumjal.[26]

Rumjal possessed a number of magical powers, as befitted an archdevil. Among other spells, he could use a ring of fire at will. That spell was like wall of fire, save that Rumjal could throw, roll, or pick up the ring. His touch caused fear in other creatures. As with other exiled archdevils, he was incapable of summoning lesser devils to aid himself. In combat, Rumjal used his tail and other weapons, which he habitually kept covered in a venom that he alone produced. This venom was caustic, and Rumjal could spit it directly if needed; however, he only produced it in small quantities.[26]

Exiles out of Baator[]



Amon the Wolf and his pet Stygian winter wolf.

Duke Amon (pronounced: /ˈɑːɪmɒnAIY-mon[1]) was a vassal and duke in the service of Geryon who was driven into exile after Geryon lost power.[9][21][note 8] He resembled a 9‑foot-tall (2.7‑meter), well-formed and muscled human with the head of a wolf. An unnaturally large winter wolf served him as both companion and guardian.[9]

Amon could use, at will, spell-like abilities akin to animate dead, charm monster, detect magic, detect invisibility, dispel magic, fly, geas, know alignment, polymorph self, produce flame, read languages, read magic, suggestion, teleportation, and wall of ice; he could also, within limits, fulfill the wish of another creature. Creatures he gazed at were frightened, and he could use symbol of hopelessness use each day. Amon also regenerated rather quickly.[9]

Amon could muster and command as many as 40 companies of osyluths from his fiefdom; he could also attempt to summon 1-4 osyluths to his side with a better-than-even chance of success. He was highly intelligent and fought with an enchanted mace.[9]


Main article: Gargauth


Herodias (pronounced: /ˈhɛərˈdiæsHair-OH-dee-ass[1]) was the tribune of Geryon before that archduke's fall from power, after which he was exiled from the Nine Hells.[2][21] Before his exile, at least, he was a proud and ambitious duke who fully expected to one rule Baator, and favored any change in the power structure as a step towards his inevitable rise. Herodias had the form of a 8‑foot-tall (2.4‑meter) humanoid male with scarlet skin, black hooves, goat-like horns, a small and forked tail, and small, useless wings. His arms were large and muscular, while his face was round, sinister, and disturbingly human.[2]


Main article: Malkizid


Main article: Moloch

Deceased Archdevils[]


Main article: Batna

Batna was the consort of Beherit. The two of them were destroyed by Asmodeus for breaking restrictions concerning the advancement of devils.[37]


Main article: Beherit


Main article: Bensozia


Cozbi was the consort of Geryon, but was destroyed after he lost power.[2][21] She was the quietest and least forceful of the various diabolic consorts, but was hardly harmless. She carefully watched out for Geryon's interests, for she knew of his relative weakness amongst the archdukes, as well as the hatred both Moloch and Belial held for him. She also distrusted both Herodias and Gorson. She was said by some to be friendly with the outcast Nergal.[2]

Cozbi resembled a beautiful, 7‑foot-tall (2.1‑meter) woman. She had chalk-white skin that shaded pink to red on her belly, fiery green eyes, and long black nails. Her thigh-length hair was pale green in color, and normally hid her two crescent-shaped horns. She also had small, delicate hooves and a forked tail that she customarily wrapped around her waist or hung over one arm. She also had a pair of vampire-like fangs. She wore belted robes and jewelry whilst in Tantlin, but when fighting or otherwise active stripped naked.[2]

She had a number of spell-like abilities she could use at will, including ones akin to pyrotechnics, produce flame, animate dead, detect invisibility, charm monster, charm person, suggestion, dispel magic, know alignment, invisibility, polymorph self, read magic, ice storm, and teleport. She could also use a limited form of wish for other creatures, cast lightning bolt four times each day and finger of death once each day. She also could cause fear just by speaking to a creature. With a moderate chance of success, she could try and summon 1-2 amnizu or, with a much better chance of success, summon 1-4 osyluth. Cozbi regenerated when hurt, and in combat used both poisoned knives and a spear.[2]


Gorson was Geryon's bailiff; he was killed after Geryon lost power.[2][21] Gorson was a quiet and cautious devil who never anything he did not intend to say, for he was fully engaged in the political intrigue of Baator. He planned for the future and, aware of Geryons' relative weakness amongst the archdukes, always acted to strengthen Geryon's standing- but always in such a way as to make himself seem useful, reasonable, and noncommittal to outside diabolical observers (namely, potential future masters or allies). Though quick to deal with intruders into Stygia, he would also keep any items or information gained from them.[2]

Gorson had the form of a hawk-nosed, 6‑foot-tall (1.8‑meter) humanoid male with yellow skin, solid black eyes, small horns, a tufted leonine tail, and black hooves. His voice was soft and cultured; his arguments and advice generally at least sounded reasonable and sound. Gorson typically wore saffron robes and carried a scimitar. When he fought, he released his pent-up emotions and went berserk. Such a state was, in the Hells, the origin for the saying that someone hurrying was like "Gorson unleashed".[2]


Main article: Lucifuge


Naome (pronounced: /ˈnmNAY-ohm[1]) was the consort of Belial and the mother of Fierna.

In life, she was a rather burly but definitely female devil some 6 ft (1.8 m) tall, with long brown hair and cold, pale blue-green eyes. Her diabolic nature was betrayed by her tiny horns, grey hooves, and crimson forked tail so long as she remained clothed (invariably in green or claret-colored robes), for her head, neck, shoulders, and hands had a human-like coloring, while the rest of her body was colored deep crimson.[2]

She was noted for having a lovely, tinkling laugh and an easy, light sense of humor; moreover, she was renowned for her shrewd bargaining skills and her ability to settle disputes that no-one else could. Possessing a quick wit and a glib tongue, she made few enemies (though she bore no love for her fellow consorts Glasya and Lilith) and was most friendly with Baftis. Naome spent most of her time in Abriymoch.[2]

Naome possessed a number of spell-like abilities and could regenerate when injured. She rarely fought, but wielded a scimitar along with her magic when she did; it was said she enjoyed a good fight.[2]



  1. A great number of dukes in this article are described as leading great companies of devils in service to their masters, and while they still acted as generals, the Reckoning saw the vast majority of the armies of the Nine Hells placed under Bel and the Dark Eight, and so these aspects of their descriptions are not necessarily up to or out of date.
  2. Earlier to his description as Chamo's deputy, Zaebos was described in the same book Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells, as a member of the Dark Eight who ordered the specialist legion of Minauros. This may be a matter of shared names.
  3. Earlier to his description as an archdevil, Zapan was described in the same book Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells, as a member of the Dark Eight who ordered the specialist legion of Dis. This may be a matter of shared names.
  4. In Faces of Evil: The Fiends, Bileth is described as still serving in Malbolge as a pit fiend under Malagard, but is an archdevil of Maladomini in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells. This may be a matter of shared names or Bileth may have been reduced to pit fiend form but returned to power after under Baalzebul.
  5. It is not clear if Adramalech still exists and Baalberith took his station or if this is simply an error in titles.
  6. His axes are presumed to be his "talismans", a signifying item like Dispater's iron rod or a bone devil's hook, given that no other object exists in reference to him.
  7. The source says that Nisroch has talons, but no talons on his hands, but also that he uses his talons in combat. It is therefore assumed that he has talons on his feet. In reality, talons are bird claws, supporting this idea.
  8. In Faces of Evil: The Fiends, Levistus was stated to have gained the services of the duke Amon the Wolf. However, in Codex of Betrayal: Amon the Wolf, the archdevil is stated to despise Levistus and be present in Stygia because he is waging a war of vengeance against him. A possible solution to this contradiction might be in Manual of the Planes 4th edition, which mentions a pit fiend named Amon who acted as Levistus's seneschal, implying this may be a case of shared names.

See Also[]

Further Reading[]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 Ed Greenwood (November 1984). “Nine Hells revisited”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #91 (TSR, Inc.), p. 19.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 2.40 2.41 2.42 2.43 2.44 2.45 2.46 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.50 2.51 2.52 2.53 2.54 2.55 2.56 2.57 2.58 2.59 2.60 2.61 2.62 2.63 2.64 2.65 2.66 2.67 2.68 2.69 2.70 2.71 2.72 2.73 2.74 2.75 2.76 2.77 2.78 2.79 2.80 2.81 2.82 2.83 2.84 2.85 2.86 Ed Greenwood (July 1983). “The Nine Hells, Part I”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #75 (TSR, Inc.), pp. 16–33.
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 Robin D. Laws, Robert J. Schwalb (December 2006). Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells. Edited by Chris Thomasson, Gary Sarli, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 36. ISBN 978-0-7869-3940-4.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Ed Greenwood (November 1984). “Nine Hells revisited”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #91 (TSR, Inc.), pp. 38–39.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Robin D. Laws, Robert J. Schwalb (December 2006). Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells. Edited by Chris Thomasson, Gary Sarli, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 41. ISBN 978-0-7869-3940-4.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Robert J. Schwalb (October 2007). “Infernal Aristocracy: The Dukes of Hell”. In Chris Youngs ed. Dragon #360 (Wizards of the Coast), p. 44.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Ed Greenwood (November 1984). “Nine Hells revisited”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #91 (TSR, Inc.), p. 25.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Richard Baker, John Rogers, Robert J. Schwalb, James Wyatt (December 2008). Manual of the Planes 4th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 97, 100–101. ISBN 978-0-7869-5002-7.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 Gary Gygax (July 1983). “From the Sorcerer's Scroll: New denizens of devildom”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #75 (TSR, Inc.), pp. 8–14.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Robin D. Laws, Robert J. Schwalb (December 2006). Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells. Edited by Chris Thomasson, Gary Sarli, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 46. ISBN 978-0-7869-3940-4.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Robert J. Schwalb (October 2007). “Infernal Aristocracy: The Dukes of Hell”. In Chris Youngs ed. Dragon #360 (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 45–46.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Robert J. Schwalb (December 2011). “Codex of Betrayal: Glasya, Princess of the Nine Hells”. In Steve Winter ed. Dungeon #197 (Wizards of the Coast) (197)., p. 3.
  13. Ed Greenwood (July 1983). “The Nine Hells, Part I”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #75 (TSR, Inc.), p. 75.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Colin McComb (September 1997). Faces of Evil: The Fiends. Edited by Ray Vallese. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 30. ISBN 0-7869-3430-1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "FOETF" defined multiple times with different content
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Rob Heinsoo, et al. (April 2010). The Plane Above. Edited by Cal Moore, et al. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 70–75. ISBN 978-07869-5392-9.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Robin D. Laws, Robert J. Schwalb (December 2006). Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells. Edited by Chris Thomasson, Gary Sarli, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 48. ISBN 978-0-7869-3940-4.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 Robin D. Laws, Robert J. Schwalb (December 2006). Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells. Edited by Chris Thomasson, Gary Sarli, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 51. ISBN 978-0-7869-3940-4.
  18. Robin D. Laws, Robert J. Schwalb (December 2006). Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells. Edited by Chris Thomasson, Gary Sarli, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 52. ISBN 978-0-7869-3940-4.
  19. Ed Greenwood (November 1984). “Nine Hells revisited”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #91 (TSR, Inc.), p. 26.
  20. Richard Baker, John Rogers, Robert J. Schwalb, James Wyatt (December 2008). Manual of the Planes 4th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 102. ISBN 978-0-7869-5002-7.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 Robin D. Laws, Robert J. Schwalb (December 2006). Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells. Edited by Chris Thomasson, Gary Sarli, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 55. ISBN 978-0-7869-3940-4.
  22. Brian R. James (November 2007). “Infernal Aristocracy: The Dukes of Hell, Part II”. In Chris Youngs ed. Dragon #361 (Wizards of the Coast), p. 31.
  23. 23.00 23.01 23.02 23.03 23.04 23.05 23.06 23.07 23.08 23.09 23.10 23.11 23.12 23.13 23.14 23.15 23.16 23.17 23.18 23.19 23.20 23.21 23.22 23.23 23.24 23.25 23.26 23.27 23.28 23.29 23.30 23.31 23.32 23.33 23.34 23.35 23.36 23.37 23.38 23.39 23.40 23.41 23.42 23.43 23.44 23.45 23.46 23.47 23.48 23.49 23.50 23.51 23.52 23.53 23.54 23.55 23.56 23.57 23.58 Ed Greenwood (August 1983). “The Nine Hells, Part II”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #76 (TSR, Inc.), pp. 22–44.
  24. Robin D. Laws, Robert J. Schwalb (December 2006). Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells. Edited by Chris Thomasson, Gary Sarli, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 62. ISBN 978-0-7869-3940-4.
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 Robin D. Laws, Robert J. Schwalb (December 2006). Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells. Edited by Chris Thomasson, Gary Sarli, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 65. ISBN 978-0-7869-3940-4.
  26. 26.00 26.01 26.02 26.03 26.04 26.05 26.06 26.07 26.08 26.09 26.10 26.11 26.12 26.13 26.14 26.15 26.16 26.17 26.18 26.19 26.20 26.21 26.22 26.23 26.24 26.25 26.26 26.27 26.28 26.29 26.30 26.31 26.32 26.33 26.34 26.35 26.36 26.37 26.38 26.39 26.40 26.41 26.42 26.43 26.44 Ed Greenwood (November 1984). “Nine Hells revisited”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #91 (TSR, Inc.), pp. 19–24.
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Colin McComb (September 1997). Faces of Evil: The Fiends. Edited by Ray Vallese. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 32. ISBN 0-7869-3430-1.
  28. Richard Baker, John Rogers, Robert J. Schwalb, James Wyatt (December 2008). Manual of the Planes 4th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 104. ISBN 978-0-7869-5002-7.
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 Ed Greenwood (November 1984). “Nine Hells revisited”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #91 (TSR, Inc.), p. 27.
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 30.6 30.7 30.8 30.9 Robin D. Laws, Robert J. Schwalb (December 2006). Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells. Edited by Chris Thomasson, Gary Sarli, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 73. ISBN 978-0-7869-3940-4.
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 Ed Greenwood (November 1984). “Nine Hells revisited”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #91 (TSR, Inc.), p. 40.
  32. 32.0 32.1 Richard Baker, John Rogers, Robert J. Schwalb, James Wyatt (December 2008). Manual of the Planes 4th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 105. ISBN 978-0-7869-5002-7.
  33. Ed Greenwood (November 1984). “Nine Hells revisited”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #91 (TSR, Inc.), p. 32.
  34. 34.0 34.1 Ed Greenwood (November 1984). “Nine Hells revisited”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #91 (TSR, Inc.), p. 29.
  35. Ari Marmell (March 2009). “Codex of Betrayal: Alloces, the Butcher of Nessus”. In Chris Youngs ed. Dragon #373 (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 35–44.
  36. 36.0 36.1 Ed Greenwood (November 1984). “Nine Hells revisited”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #91 (TSR, Inc.), p. 30.
  37. Ed Greenwood (November 1984). “Nine Hells revisited”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #91 (TSR, Inc.), p. 32.