Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Lesser restoration, and a more limited version known as restore strength, were conjuration and necromancy spells (respectively) that removed a temporary handicap caused by certain creature attacks, poisons, and magical effects.[5][10]


The necromantic version of this spell, restore strength, could only alleviate temporary losses of strength,[10] whereas the conjuration version returned lost strength, constitution, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, or charisma (only one of these characteristics per casting of lesser restoration).[5] Using strength loss as an example, these spells could restore some or all of the losses due to chill touch, ray of enfeeblement, ray of fatigue, the excretion of a roper, the touch of a shadow, spider venom, and similar debilitating effects.[5][10] The conjuration version also alleviated fatigue or revitalized an exhausted state to be merely fatigued.[5]

Permanent losses, or losses due to a physical injury, disease, or other natural causes were not restored by these spells.[5][10]


Only verbal and somatic components were required to cast these spells.[5][10]


See Also[]


External links[]

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