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He Who Laughs... is a one-round tournament adventure module designed by Gail Reese and set in the Living City organized play program. It was published in 1996, and intended for adventurers of all levels.

The Jack Mooney and Sons Circus has just pulled in for the winter just outside of Procampur, as Ravens Bluff is not safe this year. Unfortunately, the leaders of the Zhentarim have decided that taking over the circus and using them to take Procampur is a good idea. In order accomplish this, a group lead by a spell casting vampire, have been elected to execute the plan. The vampire actually wants all out destruction of the entire area and is merely using this tactic as a means to an end, his end.


In late fall-early winter of 1369 DR, the Jack Mooney and Sons Circus, in Procampur for the winter, was targeted by a monstrous elf vampire Aaron the Red. The bloodsucker took on a guise of a ranking Zhentarim and with fooled members of the Black Network, he set out to kill and transform most all employees of the circus, including Jack Mooney and his family, into undead and vampires. The allied cities of Procampur and Ravens Bluff enrolled a group of heroes to stop the undead invasion, as bth city were short on resources due to the war in the Vast. Temples of both cities volunteered their services to resurrect anyone who was not destroyed in the process. Subsequently, the threat was ended and Aaron the Red was scared off, slain, or arrested by the heroes.


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Aaron the RedArvin KothonosAbramCaroline SkyhawkCathonEdan MooneyGerald HerrickGreynonHank (food vendor)Jack MooneyJoeyLarinda BrozikLeaLockwood MooneyLogrollerLoraine BlacktreeLord MatthewMartha TannerRamen ByrrdRelarn DayspringReman ByrrdRolf "Sunny" SunriverSylva ElkwoodTara SojournThouge FlintsteeleTrenpock FeldsonTwig Flintsteele
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Isbeau NavarreZarim


elf vampire • ghast • ghoul • gnome • half-elf • halfling • human • juju zombie • monster zombie • shadow • verbeeg • wight • zombie
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dragon • horse


ProcampurRavens Bluff
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WaterdeepZhentil Keep


City Watch (Procampur)Griffin RideJack Mooney and Sons CircusKnights of the DoveKnights of the Golden RoosterMinistry of ArtNight WatchProcampur Defense DepartmentZhentarum
Referenced only
Griffon KnightsKeepers of the Mystic FlameKnights CouncilKnights of the HawkMage's Guild (Procampur)Phoenix KnightsRight Hand of Tyr


advanced illusionaffect normal firesaudible glamerblindnessblurburning handscantripcause serious woundschange selfcharm personcommandcreate waterdancing lightsdeath fogdemi-shadow monstersdispel magicdominationentangleESPEvard's black tentaclesfaerie firefeeblemindfeign deathfireballflaming sphereglobe of invulnerabilitygust of windhallucinatory terrainheat metalhold personhold undeadhypnotic patternice stormidentifyillusionary scriptimproved phantasmal forceinvisibilitylevitatelightning boltmagic missileminor globe of invulnerabilitymirror imagephantasmal forcepolymorph otherproduce fireprotection from evilprotection from goodRary's mnemonic enhancerray of enfeeblementreduceshocking graspsilencesleepslowSnilloc's snowballspectral forcespectral handstinking cloudstone shapesummon insectssummon shadowsummon swarmstoneskinteleportteleport without errortransmute rock to mudunseen servantvacancyvampiric touchventriloquismwall of firewall of fogwebwraithform
airshipcloak of blackflamecloak of plentycloak of strengthcrystal ballholy waterminor cloak of Lathanderring of protectionrobe of stonerobe of vanishingwand of illuminationwand of magic missiles




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