Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms is a Dungeons & Dragons® crossover Magic: The Gathering set themed around the Forgotten Realms.

Everything you love from Dungeons & Dragons meets Magic in the Forgotten Realms! Play cards featuring fan-favorite characters, and battle with iconic monsters like beholders, mimics, mind flayers, and—of course—legendary dragons!


AcererakAramilAsmodeusBahamutBarrowin UndurrBooBruenor BattlehammerCatti-brieDelinaDemogorgonDrizzt Do'UrdenEbondeathEllywick TumblestrumFaridehGaleaGrazilaxxGretchen TitchwillowGuenhwyvarHama PasharIcingdeathInfernoIymrithJymKalainKrydleLolthMinscMordenkainenNadaarOld GnawboneOrcusOswald FiddlebenderProsperSefrisShessraTarg NarThrogTiamatTrelasarra ZuindVajra SafahrVarisVecnaVolothamp GeddarmVoltuskVrondissWulfgarZaltoZarielZushaxx
Referenced only
BartlebyHadarNestus WrasseNihiloor
artificerbarbarian (ancestral guardian) • bard (valor) • clericdruid (dreamsmoon) • fighter (champion) • monk (open hand) • paladin (ancientsoathbreaker) • rangerrogue (soulknife) • sorcerer (aberrant minddraconicwild) • warlock (archfeygreat old onehexblade) • wizard (necromancer)
angelatropalbasiliskbehirbeholderblink dogbugbearbulettedemilichdisplacer beastdjinnidogdracolichdragon (blackbluefaeriegoldgreenredwhite) • dragon turtledragonborndriderdrowdryaddwarfelemental (airearth) • elfettinflameskullflumphgargoylegelatinous cubeghastghoulgiant (firefrosthillstorm) • gnollgnomegoblinhalf-elfhalfling (lightfoot) • hawkhobgoblinhorsehumanintellect devoureriron golemkoboldlichlizardfolkmanticoremedusamimicmind flayerminiature giant space hamsterochre jellyogreorcowlbearpantherpegasuspixiepurple wormroperrust monstersheepskeletonspidertarrasquetieflingtrollunicornvampire (spawn) • werewolfwightwolf (dire) • xornyuan-ti malisonyuan-ti purebloodzombie
Referenced only
brass dragon
Dungeon Descent

Dungeons are a new card type that play a prominent role in the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms card set.

Tomb of the Nine GodsUndermountainWave Echo Cave
Inns & Taverns
Yawning Portal
Deep MinesDungeon LevelLost LevelMuiral's GraveyardRunestone CavernsTwisted Caverns
Spine of the World
Mere of Dead MenNeverwinter WoodUnderdark
Baldur's GateHundelstoneSkullportWaterdeepWestgate
Referenced only
AbyssElemental Plane of EarthElturelElturgardFeywildNetherilNine Hells (ArboreaAvernusStygia) • SilverymoonTen-Towns
bag of holdingBlackstaffBook of Exalted DeedsBook of Vile Darknessboots of speeddancing sworddeck of many thingsEye of VecnaHand of VecnaIcingdeathImmovable rodInstruments of the BardsOllamh harporb of dragonkindportable holepotion of healingsilver ravensphere of annihilationvorpal swordWinged boots
beacon of hopebull's strengthburning handscone of coldcontact other planecure woundsdispel magicfind the pathflygentle reposeguardian of faithhunter's markmage handmagic missilemeteor swarmplanar allypower word, killpolymorph (true) • ray of enfeeblementray of frostshocking graspsleepTasha's hideous laughterteleportation circlewish
Flaming FistRed Tiger tribeThieves' guild
leather armorplate armorshield
anvilropeshepherd's crookthieves' toolstorch


Number Name Type Subtype Color Rarity Artist Alt. Prints
001 +2 Mace Artifact Equipment White Common Jarel Threat
002 Arborea Pegasus Creature Pegasus White Common Justyna Gil
003 Blink Dog Creature Dog White Uncommon Oriana Menendez
004 The Book of Exalted Deeds Legendary Artifact White Mythic Daniel Ljunggren
005 Celestial Unicorn Creature Unicorn White Common Johannes Voss
006 Cleric Class Enchantment Class White Uncommon Alayna Danner
007 Cloister Gargoyle Artifact Creature Gargoyle White Uncommon Mark Zug
008 Dancing Sword Artifact Equipment White Rare Wisnu Tan
009 Dawnbringer Cleric Artifact Equipment White Rare Lie Setiawan
010 Delver's Torch Artifact Equipment White Common Bram Sels
011 Devoted Paladin Creature Orc Knight White Common Chris Rallis
012 Divine Smite Instant White Uncommon Bryan Sola
013 Dragon's Disciple Creature Human Monk White Uncommon Lucas Graciano
014 Dwarfhold Champion Creature Dwarf Warrior White Common Miguel Mercado
015 Flumph Creature Jellyfish White Rare Brian Valeza
016 Gloom Stalker Creature Dwarf Ranger White Common Tomas Duchek
017 Grand Master of Flowers Legendary Planeswalker Bahamut White Mythic Ekaterina Burmak #282
018 Guardian of Faith Creature Spirit Knight White Rare Brian Valeza
019 Half-Elf Monk Creature Human Elf Monk White Common Zoltan Boros
020 Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant Legendary Creature Dragon White Mythic Matt Stewart
021 Ingenious Smith Creature Human Artificer White Uncommon Nicholas Elias
022 Keen-Eared Sentry Creature Human Soldier White Uncommon Viko Menezes
023 Loyal Warhound Creature Dog White Rare Dmitry Burmak
024 Minimus Containment Enchantment Aura White Common Steve Prescott
025 Monk of the Open Hand Creature Elf Monk White Uncommon Bryan Sola
026 Moon-Blessed Cleric Creature Human Elf Cleric White Uncommon Marta Nael
027 Nadaar, Selfless Paladin Legendary Creature Dragon Knight White Rare Aaron Miller
028 Oswald Fiddlebender Creature Gnome Artificer White Rare Steven Belledin
029 Paladin Class Enchantment Class White Rare Campbell White
030 Paladin's Shield Artifact Equipment White Common Alayna Danner
031 Planar Ally Creature Angel White Common Marta Nael
032 Plate Armor Artifact Equipment White Uncommon Martina Pilcerova
033 Portable Hole Artifact White Uncommon John Stanko
034 Potion of Healing Artifact White Common Pauline Voss
035 Priest of Ancient Lore Creature Dwarf Cleric White Common Jarel Threat
036 Rally Maneuver Instant White Uncommon Vincent Proce
037 Ranger's Hawk Creature Bird White Common Robin Olausson
038 Steadfast Paladin Creature Dwarf Knight White Common Chris Rallis
039 Teleportation Circle Enchantment White Rare Chris Cold
040 Veteran Dungeoneer Creature Human Warrior White Common Sebastian Giacobino
041 White Dragon Creature Dragon White Uncommon Billy Christian
042 You Hear Something on Watch Instant White Common Zezhou Chen
043 You're Ambushed on the Road Instant White Common Eric Deschamps
044 Aberrant Mind Sorcerer Creature Human Elf Shaman Blue Uncommon Lius Lasahido
045 Air-Cult Elemental Creature Elemental Blue Common Kari Christensen
046 Arcane Investigator Creature Elf Wizard Blue Common Bram Sels
047 Bar the Gate Instant Blue Common Johannes Voss
048 The Blackstaff of Waterdeep Legendary Artifact Blue Rare Anna Steinbauer
049 Blue Dragon Creature Dragon Blue Uncommon Svetlin Velinov
050 Charmed Sleep Enchantment Aura Blue Common Zoltan Boros
051 Clever Conjurer Creature Gnome wizard Blue Common Zoltan Boros
052 Contact Other Plane Instant Blue Common Alix Branwyn
053 Demilich Creature Skeleton wizard Blue Mythic Daniel Zrom
054 Displacer Beast Creature Cat beast Blue Uncommon Artist
055 Djinni Windseer Creature Djinn Blue Common Livia Prima
056 Dragon Turtle Creature Dragon Turtle Blue Rare Dan Scott
057 Eccentric Apprentice Creature Tiefling Wizard Blue Uncommon Campbell White
058 Feywild Trickster Creature Gnome Warlock Blue Uncommon Iris Compiet
059 Fly Enchantment Aura Blue Uncommon Lie Setiawan
060 Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar Legendary creature Horror Blue Rare Alexander Mokhov
061 Guild Thief Creature Orc Rogue Blue Uncommon Mike Jordana
062 Iymrith, Desert Doom Legendary Creature Dragon Blue Mythic Wisnu Tan
063 Mind Flayer Creature Horror Blue Rare Daarken
064 Mordenkainen Legendary Planeswalker Mordenkainen Blue Mythic Ryan Pancoast
065 Mordenkainen's Polymorph Instant Blue Common Oriana Menendez
066 Pixie Guide Creature Faerie Blue Common Fariba Khamseh
067 Power of Persuasion Sorcery Blue Common Brian Valeza
068 Ray of Frost Enchantment Aura Blue Uncommon Kim Sokol
069 Rimeshield Frost Giant Creature Giant Warrior Blue Common Matt Stewart
070 Scion of Stygia Creature Tiefling Shaman Blue Common Cristi Balanescu
071 Secret Door Artifact Creature Wall Blue Common Francisco Miyara
072 Shocking Grasp Instant Blue Common Jason Felix
073 Shortcut Seeker Creature Human Rogue Blue Common Artur Treffner
074 Silver Raven Artifact Creature Bird Blue Common Joe Slucher
075 Soulknife Spy Creature Elf Rogue Blue Common Miguel Mercado
076 Split the Party Sorcery Blue Uncommon Zoltan Boros
077 Sudden Insight Instant Blue Uncommon Dan Scott
078 Tasha's Hideous Laughter Sorcery Blue Rare Ilse Gort
079 Trickster's Talisman Artifact Equipment Blue Uncommon Sam White
080 True Polymorph Instant Blue Rare Steve Prescott
081 Wizard Class Enchantment Class Blue Uncommon Marta Nael
082 Wizard's Spellbook Artifact Blue Rare Iris Compiet
083 You Come to a River Instant Blue Rare Viko Menezes
084 You Find the Villains' Lair Instant Blue Common Gabor Szikszai
085 You See a Guard Approach Instant Blue Common Mila Pesic
086 Yuan-Ti Malison Creature Snake Rogue Blue Rare Oriana Menendez
087 Acererak the Archlich Legendary Creature Zombie Wizard Black Mythic Andrey Kuzinskiy
088 Asmodeus the Archfiend Legendary Creature Devil God Black Rare Aleksi Briclot
089 Baleful Beholder Creature Beholder Black Common Lars Grant-West
090 Black Dragon Creature Dragon Black Uncommon Mark Zug
091 The Book of Vile Darkness Legendary Artifact Black Mythic Daniel Ljunggren
092 Check for Traps Sorcery Black Uncommon Zoltan Boros
093 Clattering Skeletons Creature Skeleton Black Common Aleksi Briclot
094 Deadly Dispute Instant Black Common Irina Nordsol
095 Death-Priest of Myrkul Creature Tiefling Cleric Black Uncommon Lius Lasahido
096 Demogorgon's Clutches Sorcery Black Uncommon Alexander Mokhov
097 Devour Intellect Sorcery Black Common Steven Russell Black
098 Drider Creature Elf Spider Black Uncommon Jodie Muir
099 Dungeon Crawler Creature Zombie Black Uncommon Svetlin Velinov
100 Ebondeath, Dracolich Legendary Creature Zombie Dragon Black Mythic Lars Grant-West
101 Eyes of the Beholder Instant Black Common Kari Christensen
102 Fates' Reversal Sorcery Black Common Alix Branwyn
103 Feign Death Instant Black Common Maria Zolotukhina
104 Forsworn Paladin Creature Human Knight Black Rate Lorenzo Mastroianni
105 Gelatinous Cube Creature Ooze Black Rare Olivier Bernard
106 Grim Bounty Sorcery Black Common Justine Cruz
107 Grim Wanderer Creature Goblin Warlock Black Uncommon Jason A. Engle
108 Herald of Hadar Creature Human Warlock Black Common Valera Lutfullina
109 Hired Hexblade Creature Elf Warlock Black Common Irina Nordsol
110 Hoard Robber Creature Tiefling Rogue Black Common Anna Pavleeva
111 Lightfoot Rogue Creature Halfling Rogue Black Uncommon Michele Parisi
112 Lolth, Spider Queen Legendary Planeswalker Lolth Black Mythic Tyler Jacobson
113 Manticore Creature Manticore Black Common Billy Christian
114 Power Word Kill Instant Black Uncommon Izzy
115 Precipitous Drop Enchantment Aura Black Rarity Gabor Szikszai
116 Ray of Enfeeblement Instant Black Uncommon Campbell White
117 Reaper's Talisman Artifact Equipment Black Uncommon Olena Richards
118 Sepulcher Ghoul Creature Zombie Black Common Jason A. Engle
119 Shambling Ghast Creature Zombie Black Common Dave Kendall
120 Skullport Merchant Creature Dwarf Citizen Black Uncommon Aaron Miller
121 Sphere of Annihilation Artifact Black Rare Jason Felix
122 Thieves' Tools Artifact Equipment Black Common Deruchenko Alexander
123 Vampire Spawn Creature Vampire Black Common Alex Brock
124 Vorpal Sword Artifact Equipment Black Rare Caio Montiero
125 Warlock Class Enchantment Class Black Uncommon Kieran Yanner
126 Westgate Regent Creature Vampire Black Rare Mike Jordana
127 Wight Creature Zombie Soldier Black Rare Slawomir Maniak
128 Yuan-Ti Fang Blade Creature Snake Rogue Black Common Simon Dominic
129 Zombie Ogre Creature Zombie Ogre Black Common Nicholas Gregory
130 Armory Veteran Creature Orc Veteran Red Common Caio Monteiro
131 Barbarian Class Enchantment Class Red Uncommon Campbell White
132 Battle Cry Goblin Creature Goblin Red Uncommon April Prime
133 Boots of Speed Artifact Equipment Red Common Chris Rallis
134 Brazen Dwarf Creature Dwarf Shaman Red Common Gabor Szikszai
135 Burning Hands Instant Red Uncommon Olena Richards
136 Chaos Channeler Creature Human Shaman Red Uncommon David Palumbo
137 Critical Hit Instant Red Uncommon Francisco Miyara
138 Delina, Wild Mage Legendary Creature Elf Shaman Red Rare Wisnu Tan
139 Dragon's Fire Instant Red Common Campbell White
140 Dueling Rapier Artifact Equipment Red Common Anna Podedworna
141 Earth-Cult Elemental Creature Elemental Red Common Aaron Miller
142 Farideh's Fireball Instant Red Common Josu Hernaiz
143 Flameskull Creature Skeleton Red Mythic Xavier Ribeiro
144 Goblin Javelineer Creature Goblin Warrior Red Common Mike Jordana
145 Goblin Morningstar Artifact Equipment Red Uncommon Kari Christensen
146 Hoarding Ogre Creature Ogre Red Common Tuan Duong Chu
147 Hobgoblin Bandit Lord Creature Goblin Rogue Red Rare Mark Zug
148 Hobgoblin Captain Creature Goblin Barbarian Red Common Karl Kopinski
149 Hulking Bugbear Creature Goblin Red Uncommon Filip Burburan
150 Improvised Weaponry Sorcery Red Common Alix Branwyn
151 Inferno of the Star Mounts Legendary Creature Dragon Red Mythic Jesper Ejsing
152 Jaded Sell-Sword Creature Dragon Warrior Red Common Randy Vargas
153 Kick in the Door Sorcery Red Common Justine Cruz
154 Magic Missile Sorcery Red Uncommon Pindurski
155 Meteor Swarm Sorcery Red Rare Olivier Bernard
156 Minion of the Mighty Creature Kobold Red Rare Oriana Menendez
157 Orb of Dragonkind Artifact Red Rare Brian Valeza
158 Plundering Barbarian Creature Dwarf Barbarian Red Common Andrew Mar
159 Price of Loyalty Sorcery Red Common Oriana Menendez
160 Red Dragon Creature Dragon Red Uncommon Andrey Kuzinskiy
161 Rust Monster Creature Beast Red Uncommon Simon Dominic
162 Swarming Goblins Creature Goblin Red Common Andrew Mar
163 Tiger-Tribe Hunter Creature Human Barbarian Red Uncommon Grzegorz Rutkowski
164 Unexpected Windfall Instant Red Common Alayna Danner
165 Valor Singer Creature Tiefling Bard Red Common Justyna Gil
166 Wish Sorcery Red Rare Ekaterina Burmak
167 Xorn Creature Elemental Red Rare Yigit Koroglu
168 You Come to the Gnoll Camp Instant Red Common Billy Christian
169 You Find Some Prisoners Instant Red Uncommon Lie Setiawan
170 You See a Pair of Goblins Instant Red Uncommon Aaron Miller
171 Zalto, Fire Giant Duke Legendary Creature Giant Barbarian Red Rare Zezhou Chen
172 Zariel, Archduke of Avernus Legendary Planeswalker Zariel Red Mythic Heonhwa Choe
173 Bulette Creature Beast Green Common Jason Kang
174 Bull's Strength Instant Green Common Gabor Szikszai
175 Choose Your Weapon Instant Green Uncommon Olivier Bernard
176 Circle of Dreams Druid Creature Elf Druid Green Rare Sam Guay
177 Circle of the Moon Druid Creature Human Elf Druid Green Common Nicholas Elias
178 Compelled Duel Sorcery Green Common Zezhou Chen
179 Dire Wolf Prowler Creature Wolf Green Common Alessandra Pisano
180 Druid Class Enchantment Class Green Uncommon Svetlin Velinov
181 Ellywick Tumblestrum Legendary Planeswalker Ellywick Green Mythic Anna Steinbauer
182 Elturgard Ranger Creature Human Elf Ranger Green Common Francisco Miyara
183 Find the Path Enchantment Aura Green Common Lindsey Look
184 Froghemoth Creature Frog Horror Green Rare Brent Hollowell
185 Gnoll Hunter Creature Gnoll Green Common Jesper Ejsing
186 Green Dragon Creature Dragon Green Uncommon Ilse Gort
187 Hill Giant Herdgorger Creature Giant Green Common Chris Rahn
188 Hunter's Mark Instant Green Uncommon Izzy
189 Inspiring Bard Creature Elf Bard Green Common Eelis Kyttanen
190 Instrument of the Bards Legendary Artifact Green Rare Randy Gallegos
191 Intrepid Outlander Creature Orc Ranger Green Uncommon Andrey Kuzinskiy
192 Loathsome Troll Creature Troll Green Uncommon Svetlin Velinov
193 Long Rest Sorcery Green Rare Chris Seaman
194 Lurking Roper Creature Horror Green Uncommon Andrew Mar
195 Neverwinter Dryad Creature Dryad Green Common Donato Giancola
196 Ochre Jelly Creature Ooze Green Rare Daarken
197 Old Gnawbone Legendary Creature Dragon Green Mythic Filip Burburan
198 Owlbear Creature Bird Bear Green Common Ilse Gort
199 Plummet Instant Green Common Alix Branwyn
200 Prosperous Innkeeper Creature Halfling Citizen Green Uncommon Eric Deschamps
201 Purple Worm Creature Worm Green Uncommon Olivier Bernard
202 Ranger Class Enchantment Class Green Rare Suzanne Helmigh
203 Ranger's Longbow Artifact Equipment Green Common Marcela Medeiros
204 Scaled Herbalist Creature Lizard Druid Green Common April Prime
205 Spoils of the Hunt Instant Green Common Justine Cruz
206 Sylvan Shepherd Creature Human Druid Green Common Darrell Riche
207 The Tarrasque Legendary Creature Dinosaur Green Mythic Filip Burburan
208 Underdark Basilisk Creature Basilisk Green Common Brent Hollowell
209 Varis, Silverymoon Ranger Legendary Creature Human Elf Ranger Green Rare Jesper Ejsing
210 Wandering Troubadour Creature Dragon Bard Green Uncommon Rudy Siswanto
211 Werewolf Pack Leader Creature Human Werewolf Green Rare Miranda Meeks
212 Wild Shape Instant Green Uncommon Sam Guay
213 You Find a Cursed Idol Sorcery Green Common Sidharth Chaturvedi
214 You Happen On a Glade Instant Green Uncommon Anna Fehr
215 You Meet in a Tavern Sorcery Subtype Green Uncommon Zoltan Boros
216 Adult Gold Dragon Creature Dragon Multi Rare Chris Rahn
217 Bard Class Enchantment Class Multi Rare Andrew Mar
218 Barrowin of Clan Undurr Legendary Creature Dwarf Cleric Multi Uncommon Manuel Castañón
219 Bruenor Battlehammer Legendary Creature Dwarf Warrior Multi Rarity Wayne Reynolds
220 Drizzt Do'Urden Legendary Creature Elf Ranger Multi Rare Tyler Jacobson
221 Farideh, Devil's Chosen Legendary Creature Tiefling Warlock Multi Uncommon Magali Villeneuve
222 Fighter Class Enchantment Class Multi Rare Volkan Baǵa
223 Gretchen Titchwillow Legendary Creature Halfling Druid Multi Uncommon Mila Pesic
224 Hama Pashar, Ruin Seeker Legendary Creature Human Wizard Multi Uncommon Eric Deschamps
225 Kalain, Reclusive Painter Legendary Creature Human Elf Bard Multi Uncommon Justine Cruz
226 Krydle of Baldur's Gate Legendary Creature Human Elf Rogue Multi Uncommon Bryan Sola
227 Minsc, Beloved Ranger Legendary Creature Human Ranger Multi Mythic Howard Lyon
228 Monk Class Enchantment Class Multi Rare Randy Vargas
229 Orcus, Prince of Undeath Legendary Creature Demon Multi Rare Andrew Mar
230 Rogue Class Enchantment Class Multi Rare Véronique Meignaud
231 Shessra, Death's Whisper Legendary Creature Human Elf Warlock Multi Uncommon Marie Magny
232 Skeletal Swarming Enchantment Multi Rare Svetlin Velinov
233 Sorcerer Class Enchantment Class Multi Rare Alexander Mokhov
234 Targ Nar, Demon-Fang Gnoll Legendary Creature Gnoll Multi Uncommon Tyler Jacobson
235 Tiamat Legendary Creature Dragon God Multi Mythic Chris Rahn
236 Trelasarra, Moon Dancer Legendary Creature Elf Cleric Multi Uncommon Kieran Yanner
237 Triumphant Adventurer Creature Human Knight Color Rare Alexander Mokhov
238 Volo, Guide to Monsters Legendary Creature Human Wizard Multi Rare Zoltan Boros
239 Xanathar, Guild Kingpin Legendary Creature Beholder Multi Mythic Kieran Yanner
240 Bag of Holding Artifact Colorless Uncommon Evyn Fong
241 Deck of Many Things Legendary Artifact Colorless Mythic Volkan Baǵa
242 Dungeon Map Artifact Colorless Uncommon Aaron Miller
243 Eye of Vecna Legendary Artifact Colorless Rare Irina Nordsol
244 Fifty Feet of Rope Artifact Colorless Uncommon Andrew Mar
245 Greataxe Artifact Equipment Colorless Common Kari Christiansen
246 Hand of Vecna Legendary Artifact Equipment Colorlless Rare Irina Nordsol
247 Iron Golem Artifact Creature Golem Colorless Uncommon Nicholas Gregory
248 Leather Armor Artifact Equipment Colorless Common Martina Pilcerova
249 Mimic Artifact Treasure Colorless Common Scott Murphy
250 Spare Dagger Artifact Equipment Colorless Common Khurlum
251 Spiked Pit Trap Artifact Colorless Common Deruchenko Alexander
252 Treasure Chest Artifact Colorless Rarity Dan Scott
253 Cave of the Frost Dragon Land White Rare Johannes Voss
254 Den of the Bugbear Land Red Rare Johannes Voss
255 Dungeon Descent Land White Rare Kasia 'Kafis' Zielińska
256 Evolving Wilds Land White Rare Muhammad Firdaus
257 Hall of Storm Giants Land Blue Rare Johannes Voss
258 Hive of the Eye Tyrant Land Black Rare Johannes Voss
259 Lair of the Hydra Land Green Rare Johannes Voss
260 Temple of the Dragon Queen Land Colorless Rare Cliff Childs
261 Treasure Vault Artifact Land Colorless Rare Johannes Voss
262 Plains Basic Land White Common Piotr Dura
263 Plains Basic Land White Common Sarah Finnigan
264 Plains Basic Land White Common Titus Lunter
265 Plains Basic Land White Common Adam Paquette
266 Island Basic Land Blue Common Piotr Dura
267 Island Basic Land Blue Common Sarah Finnigan
268 Island Basic Land Blue Common Titus Lunter
269 Island Basic Land Blue Common Adam Paquette
270 Swamp Basic Land Black Common Piotr Dura
271 Swamp Basic Land Black Common Sarah Finnigan
272 Swamp Basic Land Black Common Titus Lunter
273 Swamp Basic Land Black Common Adam Paquette
274 Mountain Basic Land Red Common Piotr Dura
275 Mountain Basic Land Red Common Sarah Finnigan
276 Mountain Basic Land Red Common Titus Lunter
277 Mountain Basic Land Red Common Adam Paquette
278 Forest Basic Land Green Common Piotr Dura
279 Forest Basic Land Green Common Sarah Finnigan
280 Forest Basic Land Green Common Titus Lunter
281 Forest Basic Land Green Common Adam Paquette



Further Reading[]

External Links[]

