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Eye of Justice is the third novel in the Shadowbane series by Erik Scott de Bie, which follows the adventures of Kalen Dren and Myrin Darkdance.

The tale of a never-say-die hero struggling against the forces of evil in a world full of peril. Kalen Dren, the vigilante paladin who calls himself Shadowbane, has turned his back on a life of crime and selfishness to chart a new course with the aid of the sword Vindicator, once wielded by the vanished God of Guardians himself. He will face legions of enemies and ultimately struggle with his own dualistic nature: the bright, goodly paladin and the dark, pragmatic assassin.


In Hammer of 1470 DR, Levia Shadewalker stands before the council of the Eye of Justice and proposes a search for the sword Vindicator, lost to the council since its founder Gedrin Shadowbane abondoned their order. As she is denied, the council is interrupted by a fifteen years old Kalen Dren, who returns to Levia news of Gedrin’s death, as well as his ring, and offers to recover the sword. Once out of earshot of the council, he produces the sword for Levia by magical means.

In Flamerule of 1480 DR, after restoring the broken Vindicator, Kalen heads to Westgate in search of Rhett Hawkwinter, only to find another, darker Shadowbane wielding the blade of the Threefold God. Initially presuming Rhett dead, and the new Shadowbane an imposter, he soon learns that not one, but two Shadowbanes are roaming the city.

While in Westgate, Myrin discovers her ancestral home, Darkdance Manor, and meets Ilira Nathalan, who had been a student of her father's. Myrin follows Ilira around Westgate and investigates the Lair of the Night Masters. She soon breaks with Kalen in protest against his unwillingness to accept her wishes to continue this path, relying instead, going forward, on the support of Ilira.[2]

Fayne is intent on avenging her mother Cythara, who was killed by Ilira, and they fight intensely, until Fayne, ready to strike a killing blow, is tricked by an illusion of Ilira’s and defeated.

Myrin is ambushed by the Sharran monk Hessar, trapped in a sphere of antimagic, but in a moment of desperation channels the raw magic of her Spellscar and rids him of his darkness.

Kalen confronts the other two Shadowbanes, and guesses correctly that the one brandishing Tyr’s mark, called Mercy, is Rhett. Chastised and challenged by Mercy, they both refuse to kill each other, although their gods demand it. Mercy flees with Sithe’s black axe, Kalens’ only other weapon after losing the fight for control of Vindicator. The dark Shadowbane, called Vengeance, is revealed to be his old apprentice Vaelis.

Losing Vindicator and an arm in the confrontation, Vaelis slinks away in the dark and is found, bleeding out at shrine to the Reaver in the entrace to Kirenkirsalai’s lair, by the now free Hessar. However, as Hessar turns away from Vaelis, he is paralyzed by Kirenkirsalai and offered as a first meal to Kire’s “new son”, watching from paralysis as Vaelis is bitten and turned into a vampire spawn.

Fayne attempts to steal an item from Lord Darkwell, but her illusions do not hold up, and she is magically compelled to slit her own throat, dying in front of her father as a punishment for her betrayals. However she is then immediately revived again by Lord Darkwell, as he explains that he is not done with her yet.

As Myrin reunites with Ilira over the body of Brace, Ilira performs a dark ritual that absorbs Brace’s body into her, and she, black-eyed, vows to kill Kalen Dren.

Meanwhile, as the sun starts to rise over Westgate, Levia comes upon the limp and lifeless body of Kalen, and after many attemps at waking him, he admits to her, with tears in his eyes, that he was always wrong.

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Aurora • Brace • CellicaFox-at-Twilight • Haran of Elversult • Hessar • Jhorak • Kalen DrenKirenkirsalaiLevia Shadewalker • Lilten • Myrin DarkdanceRhetegast Hawkwinter • Rsalya of Selgaunt • Lord Sephalus • Uthias Darkwell • Vaelis • Vharan
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AliasFacelessGedrin ThalavarSitheSzass TamUmbra


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Bodies of Water
River ThunnSea of Fallen Stars
Castle Thalavar
Darkdance Manor
Timeless Blade
Aurora's EmporiumSilks at Dawn
Taverns & Inns
Blue BannerLurking WyrmPurple LadyRoaring DragonRosebudRotten Root Tavern
House of Winds
Eastgate StreetSilverpiece Way
Referenced only
AmnAthalantarCalimshanCastle WaterdeepChultan PeninsulaCormanthyrCormyrDalelandsDamaraDragon CoastDownshadowFeywildHordelandsKara-TurLuskanLuskan/SewersMany-ArrowsMazticaMyth DrannorMyth NantarNathalan's MenagerieNetherilNine HellsOld Beard TavernRashemenSavage FrontierSembiaSiluvanedeSuzailThayVar the DrownedWaterdeepWestern Heartlands


Eye of JusticeFire KnivesHouse BlethNight MasksNine Golden Swords
Referenced only
City Guard (Waterdeep)City Watch (Waterdeep)Dead RatsZhentarim


GruumshHanali CelanilLeiraMystraTalos


Armor & Clothing
bodicebracerbreechesbrigandineplate mailstudded leathertabardtunic
Elminster's Ecologies
Broken MirrorsDeadly HomecomingsDestroyer's RageShifting Alliances
Food & Drinks
aleapplebreadcheesedumplingegggravyleekmeadpotatorice winewine
star sapphire
braziercoroniireverburning torchhookahlanceboardparasolquiversatyr pipestorch
Abyssal languageDethekEspruarHigh Drow
cherry treedarkwoodgrassmoldrose
carvestarcrossbowrapiersaiscimitarspiked chain
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  1. Erik Scott de Bie (September 2012). Eye of Justice. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 1. ISBN 978-0-7869-6135-1.
  2. Erik Scott de Bie (September 2012). Eye of Justice. (Wizards of the Coast). ISBN 978-0-7869-6135-1.