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Annie Would I Lie to You is a one-round adventure set in the Living City organized play program. It was released in 1998 and is intended for adventurers of all levels. The adventure also included an issue of the Ravens Bluff Trumpeter.



Alain Hierith • Annie • Bizelbiz • Cassie • Chantreé • Chantress • Dirk Ithbreeiur • E.G. • Elizabeth • Erica (Ravens Bluff) • Garith • Gravamaris • Isabella • Jalinda • James (Ravens Bluff) • Jarred Innsbruck • Julio • Kaeli • Kerrita • Kersey • Leylon • Llyod • Lord Masterson • Mayumi • Melinda (Ravens Bluff) • Melissa Innsbruck • Mina • Mindara • Mirn • Mungo • Numbo • Porter • Puzzlesmith • Riana • Serena • Simon (Ravens Bluff) • Taerin • Tanner (paladin) • Terrina • Travis • Yaelin
Referenced only
Alexander Innsbruck • Alicia Stronghome • Arturos Hamnar III • Elizabeth Licholai • Graeme Longshadow • Jacinth Moonspring • Jessica Innsbruck • Maura Windhill • Myrkyssa Jela


elf • gnome • half-elf • human • neo-otyugh • otyugh • spectre
Referenced only
armored landshark • baatezu • banelich • chicken • death knight • dragon • dwarf • giant • halfling • horse • ogre • tanar'ri • undead • unicorn


Buildings & Landmarks
Red Oak Coopers • sewers of Ravens Bluff • Temple of Lliira (Ravens Bluff) • Temple of Sune (Ravens Bluff)
Referenced only
Gamelan Inn • Ill-Water Prison • Nevin Street Compter • Sasati's • Temple of Lathander (Ravens Bluff) • Temple of Tempus (Ravens Bluff)
Districts & Neighborhoods
Merchant District • Port District (Ravens Bluff) • Temple District • Warehouse District
Referenced only
Crow's End • Wharf District
Referenced only
Aber's Way
Ravens Bluff
Referenced only
Mermaid's Kiss


amethyst of abjuration • amulet of enhanced turning • bracelets of beauty's defense • bracers of defense • cane of the upperclass • cloak of protection • cone of communication • cube of liquid enhancement • emerald of enchantment • girdle of storm giant strength • Ines' Travel Bag • mask of combat • ring of apprentice wizardry • ring of protection • scarab of protection • Terrin Thule's thieves' tools • Wendraz's wondrous weapon • yo-yo of fate
Referenced only
bag of holding • ring of wizardry
potion of chance • potion of potent healing • potion of resilience
Referenced only
potion of longevity
Aganazzar's scorcher • aid • armor • armor of darkness • avoidance • Bigby's interposing hand • blade barrier • bless • blindness • burning hands • call lightning • call woodland beings • cantrip • chant • chaos • charm person or mammal • charm plants • color spray • command • comprehend languages • cone of cold • continual darkness • continual light • create water • creature of darkness • cure disease • cure light wounds • cure serious wounds • darkbolt • darkness • death fog • detect invisibility • detect magic • disbelief • disintegrate • emotion control • endure cold • enlarge • entangle • eyebite • feeblemind • fire shield • flame arrows • flame blade • flame strike • fly • Forest's fiery constrictor • forget • free action • fumble • giant insect • glitterdust • glyph of warding • grease • greater malison • haste • heal • heat metal • hold person • improved invisibility • ironguard • levitate • lightning bolt • magic missile • mass suggestion • meld into stone • Melf's acid arrow • memory wrack • mental domination • minor globe of invulnerability • nightmare • non-detection • polymorph other • power word, stun • prayer • protection from fire • protection from good • protection from lightning • ray of enfeeblement • read magic • repeated action • reverse time • scare • shadow door • silence, 15' radius • slay living • sleep • slow • slow poison • speak with animals • sticks to snakes • stoneskin • suggestion • Tasha's uncontrollable hideous laughter • taunt • teleport • teleport without error • thunderlance • transmute rock to mud • true seeing • unholy word • veil • wall of force • wall of ice • whip of Shar • wood sword • write
Referenced only
ESP • knock


City Watch (Ravens Bluff)
Referenced only
Ministry of Art • Winter Sun Traders • Wizards Guild


Ao • Church of Helm • Church of Lathander • Church of Lliira • Church of Mielikki • Church of Shar • Church of Sharess • Church of Sune • Church of Torm
Referenced only
Bast • Church of Cyric • Church of Loviatar • Church of Malar • Church of Mask • Church of Selûne • Church of Tempus • Church of Tyr


Armor & Clothing
ball gown • chainmail • cloak • full plate • glove • jewelry • mask • plate armor • robe • splint mail
Art & Literature
The Big Book of Undead • Trumpeter
Classes & Kits
bard • cleric (specialty priest) • fighter (swashbuckler) • druid • mage (Enchanter • Transmuter) • paladin • thief
Referenced only
illusionist • locksmith • troubleshooter
Referenced only
War with Myrkyssa Jelan
Food & Drinks
cookie • milk • wine
Referenced only
champagne • mutton
amethyst • diamond • emerald • ruby • sapphire • star sapphire
Referenced only
lapis lazuli • moonstone
barrel • book • chain • chamberpot • globe • holy symbol • key • lock • mug • pouch • quill • shield • tent • thieves' tools • yo-yo
Referenced only
harp • manacles • mortar and pestle • tureen
Referenced only
Common • Elven language • Halfling language
brass • bronze • clay • cotton • dung • gem • gold • iron • mahogany • oak • oil • parchment • pine • platinum • sandalwood • sharkskin • silver • steel • teak
Referenced only
cold iron
Referenced only
knight • prostitution
Referenced only
arunas • grass • oats
dagger • dart • long sword • mace • short sword • sword cane
Referenced only



In reviewing his own module, Gregory A. Dreher noted that the adventure presented ample opportunity for resolving things through roleplaying. He warned that resolving the plot would lead to "some rather deadly combats […] tiered towards powerful PCs" but also pointed out that resolving the adventure would yield "above average" rewards. He rated his own work a 4 on a scale from 1–5.[1]



  1. Gregory A. Dreher. Greg Dreher's Living City module reviews. Archived from the original on 2004-07-07. Retrieved on 2023-09-05.