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Alter Egos is a one-round tournament adventure module set in the Living City organized play program. It was published in 1998, and intended for adventurers of all levels.

Four former members of the enemy army have infiltrated the city. Still bitter from their defeat, they have decided to gain the riches originally promised them by simply taking it from the citizens of Ravens Bluff. At the same time they can get revenge by discrediting those most responsible for their loss, the city's adventurers.


The Merchant District of Ravens Bluff became a hotbed of thievery and illegal protection racket in 1371 DR. Surprisingly, several well-known heroes of the Living City were the culprits. One group of heroes that were fingered for the crimes was away on a diplomatic mission to Kurth. The Merchant Watch's believed that the heroes magically transported themselves to and from the Living City to use their mission to Kurth as an alibi. However, Judge Elias "Deathstroke" Mulgany knew better and intercepted the heroes as they returned to Ravens Bluff. He tasked them with investigation and clearing their name but warned them that the Merchant Watch would not be as kind if the adventurers were to be arrested. The group interrogated store owners who claimed that they were the racketeers. Bouquet Boutique, Ephram's Antiquities, Madame LaTachia's, Malishar's Magicks, The Baker Boys, and Wycke's were the names of the shops. Eventually, the adventurers followed the evidence to a group of scoundrels who were part of Myrkyssa Jelan's army during the war. They used a wand of alter self to extort, steal, and collect payments from across the district. After a confrontation, it was believed that the criminals were apprehended by the same adventurers they impersonated. However, some accords claimed that the criminals escaped justice in a commotion of a collapsing ruined temple of Cyric.


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Billy the MiteCulwen FurryfeetElias "Deathstroke" MulganyElizzaEphramGehorg DiamondforgeJames JacynthJinjerLaTachiaMalisharMarellaMariAnnMoamarRojak HammersmithRundellSamman (criminal)SergeWilliam Wycke
Referenced only
Amber Lynn ThodenAnna Kara Des SolaraElminsterLorien Keltree DarkarrowVoltroy Starson




Bouquet BoutiqueCity Hall (Ravens Bluff)Diviner's DriveEphram's AntiquitiesMadame LaTachia'sMalishar's MagicksMerchant DistrictMerchant's WayRavens BluffTemple of Cyric (Ravens Bluff)The Baker BoysWycke's
Referenced only
Kara-TurKurth (town)Seven Tigers InnTemple of Mystra (Ravens Bluff)ThayTrende Cafe


City Watch (Ravens Bluff)Merchant WatchMerchant's CourtRight Hand of Tyr
Referenced only
HarpersKnights of the DoveWizards Guild


cause fearclairaudiencecolor spraycommandcswcure light woundsdarknessdemi-shadow monsterdetect magicdispel magicfind trapshammer of justicehold personinvisibilityknocklevitatelightlightning boltmagic missileMelf's minute meteorsneutralize poisonlesser globe of invulnerabilityprotection from fireremove curseshadow doorshadow monstersshield (spell)silencesleepslowspider climbspookstinking cloudstoneskinstrengthtrue seeingwall of fogwall of icewebwyvern watch
bracers of defensecrystal ballhat of disguisemirror of oppositionring of holinessring of protectionwand of alter selfwand of illusion
Referenced only
Flame Quencherflying carpetIcicle (long sword)Starshine (short sword)Stone Splitterwand of elemental transmogrification




adamantinecandlediamondmahoganymain gaucheperfumerubysilkstar sapphireThe Medallion of DiscretionWrit of Passage


In his review of Alter Egos, RPGA designer Gregory A. Dreher referred to the adventure as a "standard linear-investigative module with the potential for a combat which you may have seen before and probably didn't like then, either". He noted a lack of potential for roleplaying and a dearth of useful rewards, rating it a 2 on a scale from 1–5.[1]



  1. Gregory A. Dreher. Greg Dreher's Living City module reviews. Archived from the original on 2004-07-07. Retrieved on 2023-09-05.