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From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.




Intended use: to make sure that Japanese and Chinese characters will display correctly. Due to the so-called Han unification, several Japanese and Chinese characters that look slightly different from one another but convey the same meaning are assigned the same point in Unicode, and so HTML language attributes must be used to ensure that they display correctly.

"language" should be replaced with ja for Japanese, zh-Hans for Simplified Chinese, and zh-Hant for Traditional Chinese. See w3schools' article for a basic overview of language codes for other languages, or IANA's subtag registry for a more detailed list.

Language attributes are already used by default in the {{Names}}, {{DescriptionCell}}, and {{Ruby}} templates and so this template does not need to be used there. In tables, if an entire cell uses a specific language, apply lang="xx" (replacing xx with the appropriate code) to the cell directly without using the template.


  • {{lang|ja|刃}} becomes .
  • {{lang|zh-Hans|刃}} becomes .
  • {{lang|zh-Hant|刃}} becomes .
  • {{lang|ja|令}} becomes .
  • {{lang|zh-Hans|令}} becomes .
  • {{lang|zh-Hant|令}} becomes .

To use with {{hover}}, use the {{hoverlang}} template.

This template should also be used for all non-English text, but this is not required.

Optional parameter: dir; set to rtl for right to left languages like Hebrew and Arabic.