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Tea Leaves

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Tea Leaves

Is ns01 gift.png
Icon of Tea Leaves from Three Houses.

Aromatic tea leaves suited for a noble's refined taste. Appreciated by tea aficionados.



First game

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Tea Leaves (Japanese: 紅茶の茶葉 Black tea leaves) is a ★★★ ranked monastery item that appears in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It is a gift particularly appreciated by people who particularly enjoys drinking tea. Offering this item to Ferdinand, Lorenz, Hanneman or Constance during a Free Day in the Monastery will give twice the amount of support points with the character than normal and if the unit is already recruited, it will also give twice the amount of motivation than normal.


In the main Fire Emblem series

Game Icon Uses Worth Effects and notes
Three Houses Is ns01 gift.png 1 500 Permanently increases support by 2 points if given to Ferdinand, Lorenz, Hanneman, or Constance.
Increases support by 1 point when given to anyone else.

In other Fire Emblem series titles

Game Icon Uses Worth Effects and notes
Warriors: Three Hopes Is fewa2 gift.png 1 1,500 Permanently increases support by 2 points if given to Ferdinand, Lorenz, or Constance.
Increases support by 1 point when given to anyone else.


Three Houses

This list may be incomplete.
Market Place Eastern Merchant (×1 per month)

Warriors: Three Hopes

This list may be incomplete.
Item Shopkeeper Available for purchase upon obtaining the Greatly Expand Merchant Network upgrade (Limit: 5 per chapter)

Flavor text

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Game Text
Three Houses
Aromatic tea leaves suited for a noble's refined taste.
Appreciated by tea aficionados.
Warriors: Three Hopes
Aromatic tea leaves suited for a noble's refined
taste. Appreciated by tea aficionados.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Tea Leaves




Black tea leaves


Hojas de té

Tea leaves


Feuilles de thé

Tea leaves



Tea Leaves


Foglie di tè

Tea leaves


홍차 찻잎

Black tea leaves

Simplified Chinese


Black tea leaves

Traditional Chinese


Black tea leaves

Monastery Items in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Gifts Ancient CoinAnemoneArithmetic TextbookArmored Bear StuffyBaby's BreathBlue CheeseBoard GameBook of Crest DesignsBook of Sheet MusicCarnationCeremonial SwordCoffee BeansDaffodilDapper HandkerchiefExotic SpicesFishing FloatFloral AdornmentForget-me-notsGemstone BeadsGoddess StatuetteHunting DaggerLandscape PaintingLavenderLegends of ChivalryLilyLily of the ValleyMonarch Studies BookOwl FeatherPitcher PlantRiding BootsRoseSmoked MeatStylish Hair ClipSunflowerTasty Baked TreatTea LeavesThe History of FódlanTraining WeightVioletWatering CanWhetstone
Produces Ailell GrassAlbinean BerriesAngelicaBoa FruitCabbageCarrotChickpeasDried VegetablesMagdred KirschNoa FruitNordsalatOnionPeach CurrantTomatoTurnipVeronaWeedsZanado FruitZanado Treasure Fruit
Baits BlowflyEarthwormFlayn's BaitHerring BaitInsect LarvaPond SnailTournament Bait
Fishes Airmid GobyAirmid PikeAlbinean HerringBullheadCaledonian CrayfishCaledonian GarCarassiusFódlandyGoddess MessengerGolden FishPlatinum FishQueen LoachSilverfishTeutates LoachTeutates PikeWhite Trout
Meats Albinean MooseDuscur BearOghma WolverinePoultryWild Game
Seeds Albinean Seeds FruitAngelica SeedsBlue Flower SeedsBoa-Fruit SeedsDedue's SeedsEastern Fódlan SeedsGreen Flower SeedsMixed Fruit SeedsMixed Herb SeedsMorfis SeedsMorfis-Plum SeedsNordsalat SeedsNorthern Fódlan SeedsPale-Blue Flower SeedsPurple Flower SeedsRed Flower SeedsRoot Vegetable SeedsSouthern Fódlan SeedsVegetable SeedsWestern Fódlan SeedsWhite Flower SeedsYellow Flower Seeds
Tea Albinean Berry BlendAlmond BlendAlmyran Pine NeedlesAngelica TeaBergamotChamomileCinnamon BlendCrescent-Moon TeaDagda Fruit BlendFour-Spice BlendGinger TeaHoneyed-Fruit BlendHresvelg BlendLavender BlendLeicester CortaniaMint LeavesRose Petal BlendSeiros TeaSouthern Fruit BlendSweet-Apple Blend
Ores AgarthiumArcane CrystalBlack-Sand SteelMythrilSmithing StoneUmbral SteelVenomstoneWootz Steel
Camp Items in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Gifts Ancient CoinAnemoneArithmetic TextbookArmored Bear StuffyBaby's BreathBlue CheeseBoard GameBook of Crest DesignsBook of Sheet MusicCarnationCeremonial SwordCoffee BeansDaffodilDapper HandkerchiefExotic SpicesFishing FloatFloral AdornmentForget-me-notsGemstone BeadsGoddess StatuetteHunting DaggerLandscape PaintingLavenderLegends of ChivalryLilyLily of the ValleyMerc WhistleMonarch Studies BookOwl FeatherPitcher PlantRiding BootsRoseSmoked MeatStylish Hair ClipSunflowerTasty Baked TreatTea LeavesThe History of FódlanTraining WeightVioletWatering CanWhetstone
Recipes Bourgeois PikeCabbage and Herring StewCheesy Verona StewCountry-Style Red Turnip PlateDaphnel StewDerdriu-Style Fried PheasantFish and Bean SoupFish SandwichFisherman's BountyFried CrayfishFruit and Herring TartGarreg Mach Meat PieGautier Cheese GratinGrilled Beast MeatGrilled HerringGronder Meat SkewersOnion Gratin SoupPeach SorbetPickled Rabbit SkewersPickled Seafood and VegetablesRoast Pheasant with Berry SauceSaghert and CreamSautéed JerkySautéed Pheasant and EggsSmall Fish SkewersSpicy Fish and Turnip StewSuper-Spicy Fish MeatballsSweet and Salty Whitefish SautéSweet Bun TrioTwo-Fish SautéVegetable Pasta SaladVegetable Stir-Fry
Fishes Airmid GobyAirmid PikeAlbinean HerringCaledonian CrayfishCaledonian GarTeutates LoachWhite Trout
Meats PoultryWild Game
Produces Albinean BerriesCabbageCarrotChickpeasNoa FruitOnionPeach CurrantTomatoTurnipVerona
Materials Advanced Combat ManualApprentice Smithing SetArtisan Smithing SetBasic Building MaterialBasic FurnishingsBeginner Combat ManualCrude Building MaterialElite Training GearHero's InsigniaHumble FurnishingsKnight's InsigniaLavish Building MaterialLuxurious FurnishingsMaster Smithing SetMerchant's LicensePurveyor's LicenseQuality Building MaterialRecruit Training GearSquire's InsigniaStandard Combat ManualStorage BagStorage ChestStorage CompartmentSutler's LicenseVeteran Training Gear
Ores AgarthiumArcane CrystalBlack-Sand SteelMythrilSmithing StoneUmbral SteelVenomstoneWootz Steel
Other Vanguard Whistle