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Unit type(s)

Light Knight Unit





Liege (Japanese: ロード Lord) is a class that appears in TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles, TearRing Saga Series: Berwick Saga, and Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions. In the former game, it is a promoted class exclusive to Runan. In the latter two, it is a base class exclusive to Reese in Berwick and Zade in Vestaria, and can be promoted to Archliege.


Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles 23 8 4 8 8 0 7 -- 6 -- 5

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles 60 23 19 23 23 30 22 -- 12 -- 20
TearRing Saga Series: Berwick Saga 40 18 8 18 18 ? 15 8 7 -- ?
Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions 40 18 8 18 18 30 15 8 7 -- 30

Promotion gains

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Defense Resistance Movement Weapon level
TearRing Saga Series: Berwick Saga 3 2 0 0 2 2 -- 0 M Shield + (level × 0.47)
Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions 3 2 2 3 3 2 4 2 5

Class skills

Game Skill Learning conditions
TearRing Saga Series: Berwick Saga, Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions Commander Innate.

Class change

TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles

Base class Promotion method Promoted class
Bs trs01 runan knight lord iron sword.png
Knight Lord
Automatically at the end of Map 26. Bs trs01 runan lord iron sword.png

Playable Lieges

Playable units
Name Game
Reese TearRing Saga Series: Berwick Saga
Zade Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions
Playable Liege units in the Fire Emblem series.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes




Great Lord

Used in Aethin's version of the TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles fan translation.




Classes in TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles
Base classes Armor KnightAxe FighterAxe KnightBow FighterBow HeroFighterHorsemanKnight LordLady KnightMagePrincessPegasus KnightRook KnightSpear KnightSwordfighter
Advanced classes Arrow KnightBlack KnightBow MasterCommando KnightDragon KnightGeneralGold KnightHeroHide HunterIron KnightLordMamlukPaladinSageSergeantSwordmasterWarrior
Special classes BishopChiefDark KnightKing's KnightLeda PrincessPiratePriestPrinceSaintSisterThiefTroubadourWood ShooterWitch
Other classes Axe RiderArcherArch OpsBanditBarbarianBow KnightBow RiderDark BishopDark DragonDark MageDark SoldierDiabolistDragon ZombieDukeEvil DragonFire DragonGargoyleGolemHarpyHunterGoddessMercenaryMist DragonMounted BanditMummyOpsShamanSky Dragon ��� SniperSoldierSorcererSpear RiderStone GolemZombie


Classes in Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions
Basic classes Axe FighterEagle RiderGoliathGuardianHunterKnightLance KnightLiegeMeledian PrincessNevestaPriestessRangerServantSestraSphirian MageStarlingSteppe RunnerSwordfighterThaumaturgeThiefVestal Mage
Advanced classes ArchliegeArchmageAxe LionAxe MasterDeadshotDragon KnightDragonmasterEagle KnightGladiatorGrand GuardGreat LancerHigh PriestHigh PriestessKnight MasterLion KnightPaladinRaptor KnightSilken KnightSword DancerSwordmasterTarkhanThief HunterTrue Archer
Other classes Almighty SageApostleBlack KnightChief ThiefDiabolistDukeFrallian DuchessGeneralKnight DukeMercenary