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YHWC Estoc.png
Artwork of an Estoc from TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles.

Effective against armored units. ★Armor.



First game

TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles

(Japanese: エストック Estoc) is a uncommon sword that started appearing in TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles. In Yutona, the weapon acted as a weaker but more accurate variant of the Armor Killer, dealing bonus damage to armored units like Armor Knights. In TearRing Saga Series: Berwick Saga, it acted as a brave weapon nullifying the foe's shield bonuses. In Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions, it grants to its user 3 additional points of defense as well as Ambush, giving to the user a chance to strike first even if the enemy initiated the attack.


Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles Is ps1 estoc.png Swords 5 4 2 90 7 1 22 1,320 -- Deals bonus damage to armored units.
TearRing Saga Series: Berwick Saga Is ps2 estoc.png Swords 10 3 2 80 0 0 B 5,000 -- Strikes twice consecutively.
Nullifies the foe's shield bonuses.
Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions Is vs1 estoc.png Swords 5 3 2 100 15 1 20 1,200 -- Grants +3 Defense and Ambush when equipped.


TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles

Inventory KateMahterMelSharon

TearRing Saga Series: Berwick Saga

Dropped by Chapter 3-2, enemy SeamusChapter 5-2, enemy FellsChapter 7-2, enemy Imperial KnightChapter 15, enemy Dark Knight, enemy PadrofChapter X-1, enemy Weiss
Shops Available at the Sword and Shield Shop during Chapters 4, 8, and 12 (Limit: 1 per chapter)

Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions

Inventory RastelleRubina

Flavor text

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Game Text
TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles
Effective against armored units.
TearRing Saga Series: Berwick Saga
Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Used in the various versions of the TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles fan translation.





See also


Swords appearing in TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles
Basic swords Iron SwordIron Great SwordKill BladeScimitarShortswordShamshirSilver SwordSteel Great SwordSteel Sword
Swords with secondary effects Armor KillerEstocHoly SwordLuna SwordMain-GaucheMaster SwordShield SwordSol SwordStella SwordSword BreakerThief Sword
Magic-based swords Thunder Sword
Personal and swords DullahanHoly Sword CanaanHoly Sword LedaHoly Sword ReeveHoly Sword SaliaMainstarRapierRukuudShramm
Swords appearing in TearRing Saga: Berwick Saga
Basic swords BroadswordGrimhildHigh Metal SwordKill BladeLongswordOver ScimitarSaberScimitarSensualShortsword
Swords with secondary effects Avalanche SwordChalice SwordDemon Sword AlbatrossDivine SwordEstocFire SwordHarperiaIgnite SwordKnight SwordRapierThunder Sword
Personal and swords CutlassGramHoly Sword VajraHoly Sword VritraNothungOver CutlassRaze Étoile
Swords appearing in Vestaria Saga: War of the Scions
Basic swords Alloy SwordAltium SwordBastard SwordBroadswordDreadbladeGoetiaImperial BrandImperial SwordLongswordMerc SwordRusted SwordSavagerScimitarService SwordShortsword
Swords with secondary effects Adept SwordBaleful GoetiaButterflyCutlassEstocImperial GlaiveKnight's BrandMasudian BrandNightmareRapier
Magic-based swords Astral SwordBlighted SwordDivine SwordThunderlight SwordZephyr Sword
Personal and swords ArgulaamBuried BladeCorpse SlasherCorpse SwordEdelsternEmmungHarperiaLianka's ClawPolarisSilvanister