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Lyon/Quotes (Heroes)

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

Lyon: Shadow Prince

At the castle

It is good to meet you. I am Lyon, prince of Grado. I hope that we can become friends.
— When summoned.
Ephraim is strong, and he cuts a dashing figure. When it comes to his studies, though... Of course, he did rely on my help for that. I was very glad to aid him.
— At the castle.
My kingdom, Grado, can be a harsh and inhospitable place. Still, I do love my homeland.
— At the castle.
You work so hard, but I want you to know that—if you need to—it's OK to cry. Nobody here knows what you've been through but you.
— At the castle.
I am useless with a sword. Eirika disarms me so quickly... It's really an embarrassment.
— At the castle.
I tripped just a moment ago. My leg still hurts, but it hasn't ruined my mood in the slightest. It's strange. Being alive is wonderful, isn't it?
— At the castle.
I am Lyon. I am glad to meet you, <player>. May my visit sustain your friendship with <friend>.
— Delivering greetings from a friend.

On the character status screen

Death was coming for us all. I just wanted to save everyone.
— On the character status screen.
Do not attempt to startle me.
— On the character status screen.
Ephraim is strong. I have always admired him...
— On the character status screen.
Eirika is so kind. Even to someone like me...
— On the character status screen.
The weight of the immense.
— On the character status screen.
Where... Where did I go wrong?
— On the character status screen.
I have no right to be alive... But I shall remain here for as long as you wish.
— On the character status screen.

Level 40 quote

To tell the truth...some of my memories from before I came to this world...are lost. It's all so indistinct, as though a fog has been cast on them. And other things, I can't remember at all... I feel like I may have done some things that would make the people dear to me so very sad. Oh, <player>... You are far too kind. Please don't look at me so. I want to see you smile. Always. I had friends back home who worried about me just as you do... Dear friends. Ephraim, Eirika... I hope that someday, we can gather together for a good, long chat.
— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity.

Map quotes

— When selected on the map screen.
What's next?
— When selected on the map screen.
You lead, I follow.
— When selected on the map screen.

Level-up quotes

I cannot remain despondent... I will redeem myself.
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up.
I think I've progressed a little. Yes, I'm certain of it.
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up.
Something rises from deep within me. With this, I can be of aid...
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up.
No books have taught me of power like this. I'm glad of this strength, but...a little scared.
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity.

Special skill quotes

I am the Demon King.
— When using a special skill.
No one will stand in my way.
— When using a special skill.
Well, come then.
— When using a special skill.
My caring heart has died.
— When using a special skill.

Defeat quote

Ephraim... Eirika...
— When defeated.

Lyon: Demon King

At the castle

I am the Demon King... I know nothing of human frailty. I am supreme...
— When summoned.
When I sacrifice this flesh and return to my body of old...this world will be the domain of Demon King Fomortiis!
— At the castle.
Is the Demon King controlling me? Or has he simply clawed his way into the dark corners of my mind?
— At the castle.
The human heart is an abyss... Deep, dark, and full of hidden pockets in which jealousy can fester unabated...
— At the castle.
I will grant all your dark wishes, Lyon. To crush claim Eirika... Need I go on?
— At the castle.
Ephraim, Eirika... Leave me! If you do not, I... No! I can't let it happen...
— At the castle.
Rejoice. Embrace the darkness...
— Delivering greetings from a friend.

On the character status screen

Lyon, o prince of misery... This body is lost to you. It is mine to compel...
— On the character status screen.
Hmph! Keep your wretched hands off me, human, or you may well lose them.
— On the character status screen.
I've had my fun pretending to be human, but the need for charades has passed.
— On the character status screen.
Do you really not know me? How poorly educated you are!
— On the character status screen.
I am the Demon King... I know nothing of human frailty. I am supreme.
— On the character status screen.
I will now grant you all of your darkest wishes!
— On the character status screen.
...Hmph. Looks like I was wrong to disregard the value of human emotions.
— On the character status screen.

Level 40 quote

I know not by what power you managed to summon me here...but whatever your aim, it is too late. This frail flesh is Lyon's no longer. That weakling's very soul has been all but consumed. I see the remains of the foolish hope in your eyes. Such a spark should be easy enough to extinguish. But perhaps a bit of fun first... This contract of yours binds me to battle your enemies, does it not? Very well... But when the end comes, Askr and the rest of this wretched world will cower before me! Gehaha!
— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity.

Map quotes

Tear them to shreds.
— When selected on the map screen.
— When selected on the map screen.
Keep up.
— When selected on the map screen.

Level-up quotes

How disappointing... To think this frail form cannot manage so simple a task...
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up.
The resurrection of the Demon King is close at hand...
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up.
My plans draw ever closer to bearing fruit... Yes, it will not be long now...
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up.
You would grant me...even further power?
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity.

Special skill quotes

Do you challenge me?
— When using a special skill.
— When using a special skill.
The time has come...
— When using a special skill.
Too brittle, too weak!
— When using a special skill.

Defeat quote

I wanted to be you, Ephraim...
— When defeated.

Lyon: Grado's Gaze

At the castle

I am Lyon of Grado. I am new to this place, so I hope we can be friends.
— When summoned.
I hope Father is well...
— At the castle.
Grado is a large country, but it is not great in wealth. Earthquakes cause trouble frequently as well...
— At the castle.
I don't care for places that bustle with people...
— At the castle.
I'm not built to wield a sword, spear, or axe—or even a bow. That is why I pour my effort into studying magic.
— At the castle.
Hhnngg! Ahh... General Duessel often tells me to stand up straight, stretch my back, and breathe deeply.
— At the castle.
My name is Lyon. I was told to give you this by <friend>.
— Delivering greetings from a friend.

On the character status screen

I'm... Lyon. Oh, yes... I'm the prince of the Grado Empire. Right.
— On the character status screen.
Aaagh! Oh...It's you. You scared me.
— On the character status screen.
I always wanted friends the same age as me...
— On the character status screen.
As emperor, I hope I can match up to my father.
— On the character status screen.
It would make me happy if we could get along with people in other countries.
— On the character status screen.
If I can just get stronger, then... I...
— On the character status screen.
You want to be friends? That's great.
— On the character status screen.

Level 40 quote

My father is Vigarde, the emperor of Grado. He is a great man who thinks only of his people. I hear he is called the Silent Emperor by some, and is not taken seriously... But he is truly strong—unlike me. Grado has General Duessel too, so our military is strong. That is why I will support Grado with my studies. Speaking of which, my father often journeys beyond Grado in search of those who might be of service. I'd like to introduce you to Father if I get the chance. I think he would appreciate meeting you!
— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity.

Map quotes

Uh, yes...
— When selected on the map screen.
Which way?
— When selected on the map screen.
I'll go and see.
— When selected on the map screen.

Level-up quotes

I will not be ashamed, nor will I shout in anger... I am the prince of Grado.
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up.
You would not retreat, so what choice did I have!
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up.
Can I grow even more powerful still? If so, I aim to, for father's sake—and for the sake of Grado!
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up.
This is a strange feeling... What are your expectations with regard to my growth, <player>?
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity.

Special skill quotes

I can do this!
— When using a s.special skill.
I am a prince!
— When using a special skill.
I must find the strength.
— When using a special skill.

Defeat quote

Of course I failed...
— When defeated.

Lyon: Sunlit Prince

At the castle

I am Lyon, prince of Grado. I am not accustomed to having fun on the beach, but I will do my best.
— When summoned.
I wonder what kind of country lies beyond this sea... I would love to see it with my own eyes someday.
— At the castle.
I am not particularly good with lively places... I'd rather sit at the cove and listen to the sound of the waves.
— At the castle.
This is just between you and me, but I couldn't even look at Eirika in her swimsuit. She was just too radiant...
— At the castle.
I once read in a book that the ocean is the origin of all life. This place is certainly teeming with it.
— At the castle.
I walked out on the beach for only a short while, but...apparently, I burn quite easily.
— At the castle.
I am Lyon, prince of Grado. I've been entrusted with delivering a tropical gift by <friend>.
— Delivering greetings from a friend.

On the character status screen

Good to meet you—I'm Lyon. Is the ocean view always so breathtaking here?
— On the character status screen.
Oh! That looks refreshing. Some kind of warm-weather treat, I take it?
— On the character status screen.
I only now saw Eirika. She was running full speed toward the ocean with a huge smile on her face.
— On the character status screen.
Ephraim outpaces me in swimming as easily as he does in sparring.
— On the character status screen.
What a strange little sea creature. It's rather cute, if prickly. Wouldn't you say?
— On the character status screen.
Watching everyone enjoying themselves by the seaside, I feel as though I've strayed into a dream...
— On the character status screen.
What do you say to a stroll along the beach at sunset? I think it would be lovely.
— On the character status screen.

Level 40 quote

I spend most of my time in my room reading books, so I was nervous about coming to a tropical island. But even here, there has been so much to learn—why, just look at all these unusual fruits and colorful fish. I have discovered so much here, under this boundless blue sky. I will need to express my gratitude to Eirika for inviting me. And of course to you, <player>. No matter what fate awaits me, I will never forget this summer. These days, glittering like jewels... I am certain they will always shine within my heart.
— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity.

Map quotes

A scorching day.
— When selected on the map screen.
Over there?
— When selected on the map screen.
The sea calls.
— When selected on the map screen.

Level-up quotes

I... I think I had a little too much sun... Please forgive me...
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up.
I wasn't sure I'd be able to handle it, but it seems I've gotten used to the heat. Thank goodness.
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up.
Ephraim, Eirika... It looks like even I know how to enjoy the summer.
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up.
Thank you, this is perfect for passing the time on a tropical island. I will treasure it.
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity.

Special skill quotes

Wonderful weather.
— When using a special skill.
Swimming is not for me.
— When using a special skill.
Look—a fish!
— When using a special skill.
Ephraim, you'll be proud!
— When using a special skill.

Defeat quote

I need...a break...
— When defeated.

Lyon: Esteemed Royals

At the castle

Thank you for inviting us to the festival. Eirika and I are looking for a gift to give Ephraim.
— When summoned
Having Eirika at my side, today of all days, makes me nervous... I need to concentrate!
— Lyon, at the castle
I'm ready, Lyon. Let's go deliver the gift of our love to everyone!
— Eirika, at the castle
Uh! O-oh... You mean these flowers?
— Lyon, at the castle
Lyon and I wanted to take this opportunity to get Ephraim a gift of some kind...
— Eirika, at the castle
Ephraim surely won't turn down a festival gift. Hopefully no one takes advantage of that fact...
— Lyon, at the castle
They say this festival is a chance to express your true feelings... A-are all attendees...expected to participate?
— Delivering greetings from a friend

On the character status screen

Lyon: I have doubts...
Eirika: It's all right. Be brave!

— On the character status screen

Duo conversation

Eirika: Hm... What should I do?
Lyon: Is something troubling you?
Eirika: I'm not sure what to give Ephraim for the Day of Devotion...
Lyon: He would surely be happy with any gift from you...wouldn't he?
Eirika: That's kind of you, Lyon. I've given him a gift every year on his birthday, and he's not shown even a hint of joy...
Lyon: Oh, really? Well that's rather rude of him...
Eirika: Nothing seems to hold his attention except battle. I gave him a beautiful brooch, and he never wore it. I got him a book he'd find of use. He never read it.
Lyon: Heh... Well, that does sound like Ephraim... But I'm sure he appreciated those gifts in his own way.
Eirika: I suppose he has told me that he's afraid of damaging them or getting them dirty...
Lyon: See? He just feels awkward expressing his gratitude. It isn't that he dislikes your gifts.
Eirika: Is that so? You seem to understand my brother better than I do, Lyon.
Lyon: We've been friends a long time. I know him well. And I know that if I received a gift from you, I would...
Eirika: You would what?
Lyon: I-I just mean that I would surely be happy...with any gift from you.
Eirika: Well, I'm happy to hear it, because I have a Day of Devotion gift for you too!

— Duo conversation

Level 40 quote

Eirika: I'm not sure about the name, but the idea of the Day of Devotion is wonderful, I think. I wish I could share it with everyone back home—Seth and the knights, Tana, and everyone from the castle!
Lyon: Hm... I don't actually have anyone like that at home in Grado.
Eirika: But still you helped me find a gift for Ephraim, and so we got to spend time together. I'm grateful for that. And I'm grateful that, in you, I know Ephraim and I have a true friend.
Lyon: Oh, uh... Yes. I, um... Actually, I am also grateful. For—er, to you! So... I-got-you-this-I-hope-you-like-it. ...

— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity

Map quotes

Let us see...
— Eirika, when selected on the map screen
I will do my best.
— Lyon, when selected on the map screen
I can hardly wait!
— Eirika, when selected on the map screen

Level-up quotes

Here is a small token of how much I care. I hope you like it.
— Eirika, when gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up
Don't shove now! There is enough for everyone!
— Lyon, when gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up
Eirika is always surrounded by people showering her with gifts. It's like she draws them in with her light...
— Lyon, when gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up
This is for us? Oh, thank you, <player>!
— Lyon, when learning a new skill or increasing rarity

Duo support quotes

I have faith.
— Eirika, when entering battle
You can do it!
— Eirika, when entering battle
Lyon: Eirika...
Eirika: Yes?

— Lyon and Eirika, when activating duo skill
Eirika: Love...
Lyon: And gratitude.

— Lyon and Eirika, when activating duo skill

Special skill quotes

Thank you for everything!
— Lyon and Eirika, when using a special skill
May love... Find you!
— Lyon and Eirika, when using a special skill
My heart to yours!
— Lyon, when using a special skill
Just look at the flowers!
— Eirika, when using a special skill

Defeat quote

Did I overdo it?
— Lyon, when defeated