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Blauthota wishes you to reaffirm your desire to join the Marauders' Guild.

Quest description

Way of the Marauder Way of the Marauder is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • Blauthota bids you speak with Axemaster Wyrnzoen, whose approval you must obtain if you wish to join the guild.
  • Though somewhat grim of word and demeanor, Axemaster Wyrnzoen nevertheless welcomes you to the Marauders' Guild. Equip the weathered war axe that symbolizes your initiation and speak with the stern Roegadyn once more.

If the player starts as a Marauder, the journal instead records the following:

  • Blauthota bids you speak with Axemaster Wyrnzoen, whose approval you must obtain if you wish to join the guild.
  • Though somewhat grim of word and demeanor, Axemaster Wyrnzoen nevertheless welcomes you to the Marauders' Guild. As a new student of the axe, you are bid by the hulking Roegadyn to waste no time in testing the edge of your chosen weapon in combat. Head to the outskirts of Limsa Lominsa and slay three lost lambs, three wharf rats, and three little ladybugs.
  • You have slain the specified creatures. Return to the Marauders' Guild and report to Axemaster Wyrnzoen.
  • You return to the guild with a greater awareness of your weapon's brutal potential. To fully realize that potential, however, Wyrnzoen encourages you to hone your skill and strength with relentless determination.

    ※The next marauder quest will be available from Wyrnzoen upon reaching level 5.


  • Speak with Axemaster Wyrnzoen.

If starting as a Marauder, the following objectives are added.

  • Slay wharf rats. 0/2
  • Slay lost lambs. 0/2
  • Slay little ladybugs.
  • Report to Axemaster Wyrnzoen at the Marauders' Guild.


If the player starts as a Marauder, this quest will instead reward them with 5 Marmot Steak Marmot Steaks. Furthermore, the quest My First Axe will be skipped.


Way of the Marauder Way of the Marauder script
Blauthota Ye've decided, then? Yer ready to join the Marauders' Guild?
Blauthota It's best ye realize that now, rather than in the midst of battle where a half swing of yer axe might get ye killed. Ye must needs commit to the blow.
Blauthota Alright, then. All that needs doin' now is to speak with the axemaster himself. Sounds simple? I've seen folk slink out the door rather than put 'emselves in the path o' that unnervin' glare.
Blauthota That's the bloke right there in the middle o' the room. Wyrnzoen's his name. Put some steel in yer spine an' look him straight in the eye when ye talk to him, lass/lad. Good fortune to ye.
Wyrnzoen Yes. I am Wyrnzoen. “Axemaster” they call me. Not the most imaginative of titles, I agree, but one should not underestimate the value of directness. I welcome your interest in our guild.
Wyrnzoen The art of the marauder is used to rend, to cleave, and to destroy. It is not our way to simply outfight our adversaries; we seek to overwhelm them.
Wyrnzoen A marauder must be the most powerful and enduring presence on the battlefield; we must account for the most enemies defeated. Our role in combat is that of a steel whirlwind, dealing death and destruction without equal.
Wyrnzoen No doubt the question has already been put to you by Blauthota, but once more shall I challenge your commitment: are you prepared for the bloody carnage that awaits an initiate of the Marauders' Guild?
Wyrnzoen You recoil at the thought of shattered bone and hewn flesh? Then it is well you choose to turn away from this path. There is no dishonor in knowing your own strengths...or weaknesses.
Wyrnzoen Very well. Your name? Attend me well, then, [Player Name]. Hold fast to this moment of dedication. The path of the marauder is a jagged and perilous one─the blood that spills at your feet will ofttimes be your own.
Wyrnzoen I present to you this axe as a symbol of your commitment. Your first lesson shall be how to hold it. Now grip the haft with both hands and set yourself in a solid stance...
Quest complete.