Final Fantasy Wiki
"Welcome, time-spanned soul. your destiny."
Dissidia Zidane

You don't need a reason to help people.

Raziel Zero[]

Hello You and welcome to my page!

I'm a 25 year old guy from Budapest, Hungary. I majored in Japanese studies and went on to completing a Japanese-English-Hungarian translator course, and I'm currently working at a translation agency as a QA specialist/translator.
I really like video games, but, believe it or not, I'm not an addict, I can throw it away anytime if life requires me to do so. I also love anime quite a lot, more than watching movies or any TV series, so I'm pretty much a Japan enthusiast (not a weaboo or anything like that).
I enjoy reading, though I don't read too often.
That's about it for the general info.

Me and Final Fantasy[]

When I was 8 years old (2001) I got some PC games for my birthday, and among them was Final Fantasy VIII. I really liked it, and played a lot with it. However there was a point when the game froze, it always happened there, so I wasn't able to finish it.
Some years later I got a SNES emulator and Final Fantasy VI, another game I really liked.
Since then I got and finished most of the games.

Trivia about me[]


Ophan Dark FFXIII "We are the abandoned one. Born, but now to--" *dies*
This special gold eyesore is to certify that RazielZero is the first player to complete Jeppo's Challenge #10!

So how does it feel, slaying orphans in under five minutes, eh? How does it feel!?


"Bliss is so fleeting..."
This cluttered eyesore is to certify that RazielZero has completed Jeppo's Challenge #11 with Zidane Tribal!

Despite head-butting one of the Italian players in the 2006 World Cup Final, Zidane now enjoys a peaceful retirement in the-- oh hold on, wrong person. Rewind!

After sticking his dagger into Kuja-- oh hold on, that might be misunderstood. Ah, forget it. Zidane is the master of everything. That's all that needs to be said.


Vivi Ornitier from Final Fantasy IX render "Yeeeeow! Look at all the Abilities!"
This cluttered eyesore is to certify that RazielZero has completed Jeppo's Challenge #11 with Vivi Orunitia!

As the most powerful, all-knowing mage around, every child around kept pestering their parents for a Black Mage doll, especially the ones that said "KILL!" after poking its belly. As a result, half the world's population went in flames. Oh, well. At least Vivi knows the Water spell to douse the blaze.


FFIX CG Render Garnet "Someday I will be Queen, but I will always have my abilities!"
This special gold eyesore is to certify that RazielZero is the first user to complete Jeppo's Challenge #11 with Garnet til Alexandros XVII!

Of course, where would we be without stereotypical princesses who can heal characters, summon large creatures and pick the fancy of the protagonist? We certainly wouldn't have any Final Fantasies, would we?


FFIX CG Render Eiko This cluttered eyesore is to certify that RazielZero has completed Jeppo's Challenge #11 with Eiko Carol!

Now you are probably wondering why there isn't the usual quote from Eiko at the top of this eyesore, slightly changed to reference that she knows all abilities that she is possibly learnt. This is because this is meant to award the user, and adding a word that was uttered from that six-year-old brat would be more of a punishment.

And it is definitely not because Jeppo can't think of a good quote to add for this! Nope. Absolutely not. Negative. Nosiree!


Sceada: I feel I have to thank you my friend...
This crystal shard has been given to RazielZero by MirrorshardSceada as a thank you for taking him to the third place in the Contest of Peons by voting for him 3 times. Thank you very much for this!
If you ever are in need of MSS' help, you are more than welcome to ask him.

FEC Shiny-Glowy Award
This is to certify that RazielZero has voted in at
least 40 fights in the Flan's Elbow Colosseum
Best-of Stellar Arena sigicon
Best-of Stellar Arena sigicon

Thank you from Best-of Stellar Arena!

This shining platinum text is to reward RazielZero for voting all three allowed times in all four of the fights of my first tournament!
Thank you, RazielZero! Your efforts are appreciated! Take my first ever platinum award!
Best-of Stellar Arena sigicon
Best-of Stellar Arena sigicon
Best-of Stellar Arena sigicon
Best-of Stellar Arena sigicon

Thank you from Best-of Stellar Arena!

This shining steel blue text is to reward RazielZero for voting both allowed times in both of the fights of my first tournament's second round!
Thank you, RazielZero! Take my blue steel award!
Best-of Stellar Arena sigicon
Best-of Stellar Arena sigicon
Best-of Stellar Arena sigicon
Best-of Stellar Arena sigicon

Thank you from Best-of Stellar Arena!

This shining navy text is to reward RazielZero for voting the maximum number of times in every last fight of my first tournament!
I don't know how to thank you! Take my stardust award!
Best-of Stellar Arena sigicon
Best-of Stellar Arena sigicon
Gold VIP Membership Card
This Membership card has been awarded to
for being a loyal customer that participated in 25 or more travels held by the
Lindblum Tourism Office.


Category Best Second Best Third Best Worst
Overall Game Final Fantasy IX Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy XII
Story Final Fantasy IX Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy VIII
Soundtrack Final Fantasy IX Final Fantasy VII/VIII Final Fantasy VI I pretty much love all FF music
Cast Final Fantasy IX Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VI/XIII Final Fantasy X
Battle and Skill System Final Fantasy IX Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy VIII

Category Best Second Best Third Best Worst
Main Character Zidane Zack Fair Terra Tidus/Vaan
Supporting Character Garnet Eiko Genesis Quina/Cait Sith
Male Character Zidane Zack Kuja Tidus/Vaan
Female Character Garnet Eiko Terra/Aerith Paine
Villain Kuja Kefka Sephiroth Seymour
VI Character Terra Kefka Shadow Gau
VII Character Zack Genesis Vincent/Sephiroth Cait Sith
VIII Character Squall Rinoa Selphie Seifer
IX Character Zidane Garnet Eiko Amarant/Quina
X Character Auron Rikku Yuna Tidus
XIII Character Vanille/Lightning Fang Snow Hope
Summon Alexander (FFIX) Bahamut Odin Atomos



Userb male This user is a male.
esol This user is NOT a native speaker of English, using English as a Second Language.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
StraightsymbolThis user identifies as heterosexual.
Userbox 360 This user owns a 360.

User atheist
This user identifies as atheist.
? This user doesn't care what console a game is for as long as it's fun.
Wikipedia logo This user is also a member of Wikipedia, under the name RazielZero.

Knight-ff1-psp This user is a WikiKnight.
FF4PSP Ogre This user is a WikiOgre.
Ffxiirw gnoam This user is a WikiGnome.
Figaro front This user loves to
Welcome Newbies.
Userb enon This user believes that an edit count doesn't necessarily reflect on the value of their contributions.
45?cb=20230128045402 This user has their own channel on YouTube.
2 This user has completed 2 out of 11 Jeppo's Challenges.

Final Fantasy[]

FFIXThis user is a fan of Final Fantasy IX.
FFVIIThis user is a fan of Final Fantasy VII.
VIICCThis user is a fan of Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-.
FFVIThis user is a fan of Final Fantasy VI.
DFF2008This user is a fan of Dissidia Final Fantasy.
AC This user is a fan of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
Likes FF way too much This user most definitely likes
Final Fantasy WAY too much
Aeris Portrait This user identifies as being at
Gainsborough Level 2

Other Games[]


Zidane menu This user's not alone.
KujaBox This user is the dark messenger.
Sephiroth icon This user is a one-winged angel.
Kefka Palazzo menu This user is dancing mad.
Terra Branford menu This user is a wanderer of time.
Bizz-Sephbox This user has witnessed the birth of a god.
Ffxiii This user has been
Blinded by Light.
Final Fantasy VII World In-Game Map This user has played a rather familiar tune on Tifa's piano.
FFX-2YunaLenne This user has 1000 Words that have never been spoken.


Garnet menu No matter what this user becomes, he/she will always be themselves.
UserboxKujaFFIX If this user dies, we all die!
Vivi menu Does this user exist? Maybe s/he doesn't exist...
Freya menu This user believes that to be forgotten is worse than death.
Userbox CCzack This user is SOLDIER 2nd Class!
Usebox-Sephiroth This user will... never be a memory.
Userbox ff7ac-vincent Where can this user buy a phone?
AerisACPortrait Why is everyone calling this user their Mother lately?
CissneiUserbox This user believes wings symbolize freedom for those who have none.
FFVI Terra Branford - Esper Sprite This user is proof that two races can co-exist...
Kefkapoints Life...dreams...hope...these things, this user is going to DESTROY!
Oerba-dia-vanille This user more or less slept through history.
Orphan Profile This user overreaches you.