Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its species. I wanted to open the dump valves on oil tankers and smother all those French beaches I'd never see. I wanted to breathe smoke.

Narrator of Fight Club

Ello moogles!Bow to me!!!

Name Moogle_Kupo
A.K.A Mog or Kupo,or whatever.
Job Class Dark knight[Be a moogle and a dark knight]
Hometown Prattville
Date of Birth 9/07/08
Favorite Quote Its all about the motion in the ocean
School Prattville High School.
Race White
Weapon Fists
Favorite movie Fight Club
Friends Chief Kakashi,Maverick King,Seifer Gunblade
Favorite FF FF 4,5,7,8,9,10.

Awesome pics no matter what you say[]

FF6 shadow Vivi Sephiroth BalambGarden Fight


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Games i beated =[]

  • Guitar hero 2 on easy
  • Halo 1 on easy
  • Halo 3 on easy and normal
  • Dragon warrior 1
  • Final fantasy 7
  • KOTOR 1
  • Saint's row
  • Super Smash Bros.
  • Pokemon red
  • Pokemon Gold and Silver
  • Pokemon FireRed

Favorites ands Worst =[]

Category Best Second Best Third Best Worst
Game Final Fantasy 7 Final Fantasy 4 Final Fantasy 9 Final Fantasy 2
Story Final Fantasy 7 Final Fantasy 9 Final Fantasy 4 Final Fantasy 5
Graphical Style FF 10 FF9 FF7 FF 1
Soundtrack FF 7 FF 8 FF 4 FF 5
Cast FF 7 FF 4 FF 10 FF 8
World FF 7 FF 6 FF 9 FFT
Villan Sephiroth Garland Seifer Kefka
Character Cloud Cecil Kain Vann


User boxes[]

TsThis user is an A.S.S (Absolutely Sexy Sexiest).
SeeD Logo 2 This user is an elite SeeD operative.
Balthier RW CGThis user loves and follows ChiefKakashi, and is thus part of The Council.
Moogle1138 This user is Kupo for Kupo Nuts!
FFVI Locke Cole Sprite iOS This user is a Thief, but prefers the term Treasure Hunter.
Seifermenu This is the scene where you swear your undying hatred for this user!
Wardmenu This user is a world-renowned janitor.
Zellmenu D-do you have any hot dogs left for this user?
FFVI Kefka Laugh iOS This user is a son of a submariner.
FFI PSP Garland Map This user shall knock you all down!
SeifermenuThis user likes Seifer Gunblade.
[[File: |50px]]This user thinks Moogle Kupo is awesome.
Ehrgeiz-TifaFinal Fantasy has tested this user and he/she is worthy to be called sexy.
Ultros-field-ffvi-ios Uwee hee! Come to the Colosseum and vote on this week's fight:

Asshole tax[]

Asshole Tax

I will delcare you a asshole if you tick me,pis me off, or whatever.I will give you a asshole tax,therefore,you must pay by giving me a image of a kupo nut.You will have a week and if you do not pay,i will call you a asshole forever no matter what you are.This tax was made by Moogle_Kupo