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Bhirdraeg's La Noscean oranges are ripe and ready for picking.

Quest description

The Time Is Ripe The Time Is Ripe is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • Bhirdraeg has asked you to pick his ripe La Noscean oranges. The irascible pirates under him would rather pick fights than fruits, leaving the labor to you.
  • You have picked an adequate number of oranges. Bring them back to Bhirdraeg.
  • The pirates' antics have sown seeds of discontent among the local growers, and the Admiral appears to be entangled in the weeds.


  • Harvest the La Noscean oranges.
  • Deliver the oranges to Bhirdraeg.


The Time Is Ripe The Time Is Ripe script
Bhirdraeg Bah, I can't even rely on those rotten pirates to pick these ripe oranges.
Bhirdraeg Yet if I leave them a day longer, they're like to fall from the boughs.
Bhirdraeg Mayhap you can grab a few for me. You're not afraid of a pesky hornet or two, are you?
Bhirdraeg Look at those luscious oranges brimming with nectar! They could drop any second!
Bhirdraeg Ah, ripe to perfection! How sweet it is!
Bhirdraeg If that lackadaisical lot of retired pirates comes down with scurvy, it'd serve them right!
Bhirdraeg It just goes to show you can't teach an old sea dog new tricks. You'd think the Admiral would know that!
Quest complete.