The Naming of Vath script
<click> <click> Great hunter, we are honored that you have returned to our humble hive. There is something which weighs heavy on our mind. Very heavy.
We have a newcomer to Loth ast Vath. He has not yet proved himself useful, and so he has no name.
So determined is he to find his place, that he left the sanctuary to forage in the forests of the east. He has not returned.
It has been difficult as of late, very difficult. We have grown hungry, and food remains scarce─the Onemind has seen to that.
This nameless one means well, but he is highly curious with his newfound senses. This makes him vulnerable. The forest is the domain of the hunters, and his intentions may be misunderstood, for men have not the means to tell Vath from Gnath at a glance.
Will you not lend us your assistance in finding him? Will you travel to the hunters of the east and ask if they have seen him?
<click> <click> Kind hunter, generous hunter, you have our gratitude. Please make haste, so that the weight on our mind can be lifted.
If you find the nameless one, tell him you were sent by us. He will know you came from Loth ast Vath.
I was hoping for a fine bird, and lo and behold, I capture a bloody Gnath instead.
<click> <click> Yes, we are the nameless one. Have you been sent by the storyteller?
Tell your hunter friend to release me at once. We are not of the Onemind. We are Vath!
I don't care if he's a two-headed bandersnatch, he isn't going anywhere. I'm detaining him for stealing our resources.
Normally, I'd say we're more lenient than the Gnath in terms of territory, so long as they don't hunt in excess or attack us.
But then this overgrown vilekin comes and gobbles up all the gysahl greens we laid in our traps. Enough bait to keep a drove of chocobos sated for days, gone! With nothing to show for it!
So hungry, we were! We could not help ourselves. Unable to hunt, unable to forage... We are no different from a parasite. <click> <click> If only we could find a way to release ourselves. From this pitiful way of life.
Well, if you insist...
You misunderstand! Spare us our life! It is all we have!
...Aye, spare it he will. Stop tormentin' the poor creature, Grimold. He doesn't know any better.
We ain't savages, but we ain't charitable neither. You'll have to pay us back for the greens you ate. An' seeing as you don't have anythin' on you of value, it looks like you'll have to work off your debt.
Hmmm... Last I checked, we're runnin' a mite low on arrow shafts. Harvest me some melia branches an' we'll call it square, eh?
<click> <click> Very well. Release us, and we shall do as you say.
'Course I ain't fool enough to let him go off alone. I'd ask that you see to it that the beastman don't flee from his debt. An' if he does, I'll have every hunter from here to the Hundred Throes after him for thievery. Understand?
Ah, we are free! Much appreciated, hunter. Now then, to the Smoldering Wastes.
Gnath, Vath, what difference does it make? Pests, all of 'em.
Our hunters have more important things to do than gather branches in the wilderness. If the beastman fulfills his end of the bargain, I'll consider his debt repaid.
Well then. The storyteller must be waiting for us. We make for Loth ast Vath.
<click> <click> ...Yes, we know. If we flee, we will never again be able to move freely. To the Nonmind, independence is all.
If we take too long, the hunters will surely come after us. Kind hunter, will you help us?
We will not ask you to bear the entire burden. One sapling should be enough. We will gather the rest on our own.
We shall search on our own. We are not a parasite.
<click> <click> Have you the branch?
Many thanks for this. Now let us return to the hunters' camp and be done with it.
Well, call me a chocobo's uncle, I'm impressed. You've given me more than your debt called for! These branches'll make for fine arrows.
We've usually got to send a whole party of hunters to gather this much, what with the meliae's thrashin' about and the Gnath lurkin' in the brush. Heh, even with those scrawny arms an' legs, you proved more useful than I thought.
<click> <click> We were...useful?
Aye, I would say so. To be honest, I didn't expect you to come back with so much. Or to come back at all, for that matter.
We too will be honest. We thought to flee, but this hunter persuaded us to stay. But we...we were useful?
Hahaha! I said you were, didn't I? In fact, I tell you what. Since you brought me more than a fortnight's worth, I'll even throw in a small reward: a sack of gysahl greens to take home to your kin.
<click> <click> A reward!? You mean, more of those tasty greens? For being useful?
We tried to find a way to be useful at Loth ast Vath. We tried, but we could not find our purpose.
Well, we hunters ain't like to turn away an extra pair of hands, beastman or not. An' we offer fair pay to adventurers willin' to take on the more dangerous tasks. Ain't that right, [Player Name]?
“Adventure-er”? There are those who travel to the wilds of their own accord? Risk life and limb all for the sake of these...“rewards”?
Such excitement, such fortune! We want to become an adventurer!
Can't say I've come across an adventurer who requested gysahl greens as a reward, but we'd be willin' to compensate for honest work. If it's food you're after, I'm sure we could arrange for some spare cuts of meat, too.
<click> <click> More crunchy greens and juicy flesh! Enough to feed our colony! We will relay this to the storyteller at once!
Enthusiastic little bugger, ain't he? Come to think of it, we've only traded with the Vath sporadically, but they don't seem like such a bad lot. Maybe this'll work in both our favors.
Thank you hunter, for bringing our nameless brother back. We hope he was not a burden on you.
She/He is no hunter, Storyteller. She/He is an adventurer! And we are a burden no more! Look at what we have brought you.
<crunch> What strange-looking plants...yet they have such a delightfully bitter taste.
We have other good news. We have found our purpose. We will become an adventurer, too. If we work hard, the hunters promised to reward us with food. Food for the colony!
You mean the hunters of the east? We thought it safer to limit contact with them. But they gave you such delicious rewards...hmmm.
<click> <click> You have done well, nameless one. With your newfound purpose, we are sure you will ease the hunger of your brothers and sisters.
But trading with the hunters will not solve all of our woes. Much more is required for our survival. Yes, much more.
Our colony is falling into disrepair. We need metals for our defenses. We need clay for our walls. The Onemind knows this. They seek to impoverish us.
A few of our Nonmind brothers tried to steal such things from Loth ast Gnath. They never returned. The Overmind rages at what he sees as boldness. Even though we are mere leeches, partaking of tiny drops of their blood. Tiny drops.
<click> <click> Even leeches do not loathe their own host as much as we. It is shameful that we must still rely on the Onemind to survive.
You can rely on us, Storyteller! We shall travel the realm and offer our services in exchange for resources. We will bring back precious rewards from beyond.
Travel the realm? You mean to cross the hunters' borders to lands beyond? Nameless one, it is too dangerous.
<click> <click> Fear not. It is what adventurers do! To explore unknown lands, meet their peoples, obtain greater rewards. Strengthen the colony!
<click> <click> ...You speak strongly of your purpose. Very well. Should you succeed, we can sever ourselves from the Onemind completely. We can truly become our own masters.
<click> <click> But do not become a pest, seeking work where there is none. The hunters may take offense at your eagerness to obtain rewards. How will you know when your services are required?
An Adventurers' Guild? A place to exchange information and gather requests from others?
Nameless one, no such place exists here. If this is your solution, you must start your own. But I am certain you will not be alone; some of your brothers and sisters still want for purpose. Seek them out.
<click> <click> An Adventurers' Guild! There is much to do. But first, we will introduce you to our brothers. Come, come!
That nameless one has changed much from when he first came here. He was so timid and he hardly spoke. For every Vath that finds his purpose, our sanctuary comes closer to weaning itself from the Onemind.
<click> <click> We wonder... Will the Adventurers' Guild mean we welcome outsiders? What a strange concept. We thought a colony is built to protect us from the outside.
<click> <click> We tried to peddle like the vendor once. He mocked our wares, calling them no better than stones and sticks. So we took that name. We do not know if our wares are as useful as his. We only know that we enjoy peddling.
<click> <click> This is the stickpeddler. He peddles sticks. He lost his connection with the Overmind near the same time as we did. There was one other, but we do not see him.
You mean the keeneye? He saw shadows fly across the colony. He was hungry, and said he would hunt the shadows east toward the river.
He could not have gone far, for he fears the water. Fears it much. He would not cross the river unless it was near the bridge.
Wise Vath know to avoid the bridge, for ferocious dragons often lurk near it. Could it be they were the shadows that the keeneye saw?
Brave adventurer, could you check the bridge while we search the area for the keeneye? He could be in trouble!
But do not slay dragons if you see them. Dead dragons will invite reprisals. We will lend you one of our kongamato. We have fitted it with a contraption which sprays a putrid smoke which irritates, but does not wound. Yes, irritates. We got too close to it once. Most irritating.
The kongamato are unaccustomed to fleshling riders. If you fall off, talk to the stickpeddler. He will help you get back on. Now let us find the keeneye!
Be careful. The kongamato may throw you if startled.
<cough> <cough> Gah, it burns! I don't like this game anymore!
<sputter> Ahhh, why do you do this?
I move for no man!
None shall pass! None shall pass!
The kongamato must wear masks for protection from the putrid smoke. It is a shame, for their faces are quite endearing. Yes, quite endearing!
<click> <click> We thought we were finished. We could not hope to slip past one dragon, let alone two.
<click> <click> He is the keeneye. So he named himself, for he never tires of discovery. He returned to the hive soon after you departed to search the bridge.
<click> <click> We are grateful to you for your assistance. We enjoy exploring the lands near the colony, but we were careless in our search for curious things.
Our nameless brother tells us he will open an Adventurers' Guild in Loth ast Vath. It was not long ago that we too yearned for purpose, and we will gladly join him in his mission.
Then it is decided. The keeneye will help us find many opportunities for adventure. Many opportunities!
But our guild is not yet complete. We are unsure of the actual trade of adventuring. How to find things, how to fight things... We cannot do it without an experienced teacher. Kind adventurer, will you teach us your ways?
<click> <click> Wonderful, wonderful! From now on, we shall call on you as a master of the craft...Master!
Leave the construction of the guild to us. The keeneye will be on the lookout for our hunter friends and any requests they may have.
But there are very few adventurers to carry out the tasks now. Very few. In fact, only you. We were hoping you could show us how it is done.
The storyteller told me he is most pleased with your deeds to our colony. Consider us friends! And from now on, let us work together. For the guild!
<click> <click> And now that we have found purpose, be nameless no longer! As I long to have so deft an arm in adventuring, I shall call myself...Deftarm!
<click> <click> ...We understand. Perhaps we should find a new purpose. Forgive us.
Quest complete.