The Coeurl and the Colossus script
...Ah, adventurer. You come at an opportune moment. It would seem we have a visitor.
I was pacing about, thinking of Roundrox, when something in the shadows drew my eye.
I caught only a brief glimpse, but it bore an uncanny resemblance to Quickthinx's constant companion─Shanoa, was it? If the coeurl's here, there's a good chance her Illuminati keepers are close by. We'd best track her down, and quickly. Follow me!
Just as I thought─it is Shanoa!
...Or is it? One coeurl kitten looks much the same as another, and she doesn't seem to have brought any of her friends.
Over there!
Uplanders! What are all these snapcrashings and─ PSSSHKOH!
...An Illuminati spy. Sent by Quickthinx to observe our movements, like as not. Given the sizable disadvantage at which we find ourselves, we thought it best to relieve him of duty.
He spent his final moments babbling about all of the Illuminati's deranged schemes. Claimed that once the final core was activated, and Alexander fully operational, the fortress would gain the power to travel through time─taking them along with it!
He seemed quite convinced that Quickthinx was a prophet of sorts─a traveler from the future come to the present to return history to its proper state.
Aye, and that's not the half of it. According to him, the battle for history has already been won─and not by us. For the future is writ in the Enigma Codex, and we but play out our roles in it.
Quickthinx, a traveler from the future? That would certainly explain how he was able to anticipate our every move, but...could it be that he has already conquered the world of tomorrow? Have all our efforts been in vain?
Bah! Tongueflaps of crazed Illuminati make braincase hurt. Backrix would speak of different subject. What brings uplanders back to Shortstop?
Having settled upon a plan of action, Cid and I were in the process of making our final preparations with Master Matoya when this kitten scampered in, mewing as if to beckon us. We duly followed her, and she led us here...much to the dismay of the fellow at our feet.
I'm not one to look a gift coeurl in the mouth, but something about all of this doesn't sit right with me. She has been at Quickthinx's side─make that on his bloody head─every step of the way, and now she decides to betray her keepers? If the cat could speak our tongue, I would have a question or two for her─mayhap even three.
...Ugh. I can't believe I'm even considering this, but then it wouldn't be the strangest thing I've heard today.
You there! Cat! You're Shanoa, Quickthinx's little familiar, aren't you? Two mews for “yea,” one for “nay.”
Mew! Meeeeeew!
Did she truly...?
Do you want to go...home?
Seven hells! I think the bloody furball might actually understand us. But that doesn't mean we can trust her. For all we know, she could be here to do her master's dirty work.
...A moment, uplanders! Tongueflaps of Roundrox come to Backrix's braincase. Three years ago, when Roundrox found codex splinterstone, Roundrox says black coeurlchild is there, onlooking. Backrix thinks nothing of this then, but now...
You mean to imply that Shanoa here was present when we attempted the summoning? I very much doubt that. If she were a kitten three years ago, she would be a fully grown coeurl by now.
...Unless, that is, she took a shortcut through time. An implausible theory, I grant you, but one we cannot well dismiss in light of recent events. If true, it would raise a still more troubling possibility: that Roundrox's discovery of the codex was no mere coincidence, but an event orchestrated by Quickthinx to further his own ends.
Oh, this just gets better and better... Look, whatever is going on here, we're not like to find out by standing around talking. We need to delve deeper into that fortress.
And as luck would have it, Wedge claims his latest invention will allow us to do just that. I've sent him and Biggs on ahead to the Makers' Quarter to perform their final tests. Meet them there when you are ready. I'll join you as soon as my own preparations are complete.
To travel back in time, and set past wrongs aright... Who could resist such temptation? And how grievous the consequences of surrendering to it...?
For in allowing the past to consume us─and making our every choice, our every action the correct one─would we not cease to live in the present, and in turn lose sight of the future? 'Tis a path not to redemption but to madness.
If Quickthinx truly has seen the future, we may very well be walking straight into a trap. And yet, what other choice do we have?
I must apologize once again for my negligence last time, [Player Name]. Rest assured, I have done my utmost to make it up to you with my latest invention. Why, it may very well be my best yet! Yes, I have a good feeling about this mission. This time, we'll show that power-mad gobbie what for!
Ah, [Player Name]! All fired up and ready to go, are we? Then I'd best hurry up and brief you on the task at hand!
In a nutshell, we'll be attacking the primal on two fronts. As we speak, Y'shtola's leading an attempt to cut off the primal's source of aether.
Our job, meanwhile, will be to head into the belly of the beast and rescue young Roundrox. Without her to view the Enigma Codex for 'em, the Illuminati won't be able to turn back time anymore─giving us a fighting chance of beating the bastards.
The chief reckons that the shortest path is through the giant's great fat noggin, the only problem being that it's inside the barrier. Not to worry, though! Wedge's latest wonder will take care of that. He's dubbed it the BBG-II, which he tells me is short for “Barrier-Be-Gone.”
'Course, the barrier doesn't just serve to keep folk out, it also keeps the primal in─that being why Mide and her mates raised the bleedin' thing in the first place. So the moment it goes down, there'll be nothing to stop the colossus from running rampant, if it has a mind to.
Which means we're going to need to move fast. The chief'll take the Excelsior in as close as he can to Alexander's head, where you'll jump off and secure us a way inside. Wasting no time, you'll then climb back aboard, and Wedge'll reengage the barrier─all before our metal friend even knows what's happening. Got it? Good, 'cause we've got our work cut out for us! Let's get going!
We're ready when you are, [Player Name]. Just say the word!
All right! Time to deactivate the barrier!
The smoke is too thick! Can't see a damn thing! You'll have to press on alone!
Fine work, old friend! Thanks to you, we have our way in. Stay where you are─we're coming.
But first─now that you're clear─we had best get that barrier back up before the big fellow gets restless. Wedge, ready the BBG-II and reactivate the barrier on my mark...mark!
Excellent timing, Y'shtola! [Player Name] has done it─we have a clear path into the heart of the beast!
Good. 'Tis a relief to hear that at least one side of the operation proceeded according to plan.
The same may not be said of the other. Our efforts to cut off the primal's source of aether proved wholly ineffective. Quite why, I cannot say─though I am hopeful that one among us can.
What, Mide? On the basis that she summoned the damn thing, you mean? I think you'd better explain.
Like all primals, Alexander constantly draws aether from its surroundings both to sustain itself and to gain in strength. Master Matoya and I believed we could disrupt or at the very least inhibit this process by means of arcanima.
By creating a vast impassible aetheric membrane between the primal and the land from which it drinks, aye. Which is why the old witch had me place those infernal devices of hers in every nook and cranny of this place. Are you telling me they don't work?
Yes and no. As far as we can tell, the arcanima are functioning precisely as intended. And yet─for reasons we have been unable to ascertain─they have had no measurable effect on the primal.
All right, out with it, Mide. If there is anything you haven't told us, we need to hear it now. We are running out of options.
I fear it will not avail us, but...very well. It all began with a curious encounter in my younger days. I was out playing on my own one day when a stranger appeared before me. He told me anything my heart wished for could be mine if I but heeded his words.
In my youth, I did not fully comprehend what the man was proposing at the time. Nevertheless, his words seemed to burn themselves into my very soul. “Reunite the scattered shards of the Enigma Codex,” he said, “and perform the sacred rite before the ruins that yet stand strong against the river's flow. Then, and only then, shall your hopes and dreams become reality.”
With that, he handed me a relic─a horn, with a tip of metal─which seemed so foreign as to hail from another world. It would serve as a catalyst for the “summoning,” he explained. “A gift from your friend Travanchet.” And then he was gone.
Travanchet? I know the man. Our paths crossed during my time in Limsa, in the days before the Calamity. I might have guessed that the Ascians had a hand in this.
The horn of which you speak was once rumored to reside on Seal Rock. It is a lost relic of the ancients with the power to manipulate the aetheric energy in the very air around us. The Scions have long pursued the horn, fearing the devastation that might ensue were an artifact of such power to fall into the wrong hands.
Finally, I do begin to see...
If I have the right of it, Alexander's third core is using the horn to draw aether from far and wide. 'Tis little wonder our plan failed. Even without moving an ilm, the primal possesses the means to drain not just this land of aether, but our very star.
Then our course is clear. If the old witch's magicks won't avail us, we shall just have to get inside and dismantle the core the old-fashioned way!
Indeed. And yet we must be wary. We have seen the course of time reversed once before─we may well see it again. Even should we succeed in destroying our target, there is naught to prevent the Illuminati from simply returning the stricken core to its previous state.
Aye. They are free to turn back the clock again and again, the primal growing stronger all the while...
S-So what do we do then!? We can't just give up!
No. We press on. Lest we forget, controlling Alexander requires the codex, and the codex is but a useless piece of stone without the mind of the gobbie girl. If we can rescue Roundrox, Quickthinx will have no way to flip the hourglass.
The Circle of Knowing once tasked me with recovering the horn, and 'twas through mine own negligence that Travanchet acquired it. That it now endangers our world is my responsibility. Even were I not a Scion, I should do all in my power to make amends. Whatever assistance I can offer, it is yours.
...Then it begins! I'll send word to our friends in Idyllshire. Biggs, Wedge, ready the Excelsior! [Player Name], prepare for departure. Let Operation Rescue Roundrox commence!
Even if we succeed in freeing Roundrox, what will remain of the girl we once knew? To the Illuminati, she's little more than a cog in their divine machine. They need her alive, aye, but no more than that. And they will not have scrupled to use any means necessary to force her compliance...
Backrix said he saw Shanoa standing on top of the colossus, at Quickthinx's side just as you'd expect her to be. Do you think Backrix's new pet is just a long-lost littermate? The resemblance is truly uncanny!
Seven hells! It wasn't enough that those Illuminati lunatics had a bleedin' time machine, was it? No, it had to be a time machine with the power to destroy the whole bleedin' world!
I mean, I'm used to the future of Eorzea being at stake, but this is the future, past, and present all rolled into one! We have to get Roundrox out of there before those gobbies can put any more of their crazy schemes in motion!
Speaking of gobbies, have you talked to old Backrix lately? Turns out the kitten you met wasn't Shanoa after all─just a doppelganger. He's already taken the little furball back to the Shortstop and given it a name: “Shrew-dinger,” or however you pronounce it. Anyway, I'd best be heading back that way meself. See you there, [Player Name]!
Quest complete.